This is for Kote-of-Myth's 100 Paring Challenge - Next Generation in Harry Potter Fanfiction Challenges forum. Please review and tell me what you think. This will actually have a through storyline.
The characters of the Harry Potter universe belong to Ms. Rowlings, and I'm borrowing them for my own imagination.
June 2007
Nine-year-old Teddy Lupin nervously leaned against the door frame of Harry and Ginny's bedroom. Ginny was sitting up in her bed with a small bundle in her arms and Harry had just lifted James and Albus onto the bed by their mother so see their new sister.
"Baby." Fifteen-month-old Albus said when Ginny had adjusted the bundle enough for them to see.
"She's squishy." Three-year-old James declared wrinkling his nose.
"Well you were squishy, too when you were only a couple hours old." Harry told him.
"Uh uh." James said to shake his head.
"Yuh hu." Harry said nodding.
"Teddy, baby." Al said pointing still awed.
"Come on, Teddy. She won't bite." Harry said as he came to the door. Harry ruffled his godson's turquoise hair then wrapped an arm around his shoulder to draw him further into the room. Harry pushed Teddy down so that he was sitting on the foot of the bed facing Ginny.
"Do you want to hold her, Teddy?" Ginny asked.
"I don't want to drop her." Teddy said.
"You won't. You've never dropped James or Al." Harry reassured as he took the baby girl from her mother's arms and placed her in Teddy's arms. "Remember to brace her head."
Teddy held her careful as Harry had shown him staring down at her. She stared right back up at him. "She has big eyes." Teddy observed.
"Yes. She seems fascinated with you." Harry said.
"What's her name?" Teddy asked.
"Lily Luna Potter." Ginny said with pride as James snuggled into her. Albus had moved next to Teddy so he could continue to watch the baby.
"Hi, Lily Luna. I'm your godbrother. Harry said that means that I'm just as much your brother as James and Al, but I just don't share the same blood as you." Teddy told her as she continued to watch him.
"She hasn't taken her eyes off of you. I think she already loves you." Harry told him.
"I love you, Lily." Teddy said then leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "I love you."