The day passed without much happening. I had lit first hour followed by math, then Spanish, lunch, biology, and finally gym. Most of my classes were boring but that was probably because I was repeating the year yet again. So far I made a friend, okay more like an acquaintance, I never actually made friends, but having someone near me as a friend drove away the suspicion of me being anything but human. Jessica was her name. We had Spanish together and lunch which was why when lunch rolled around I followed her.
We entered the cafeteria and as soon as we did all eyes were on me. I sighed. This always happened to the new girl. We both got in line and quickly got our food. I didn't really need to eat but not eating would pose a lot of questions I would rather avoid. Jessica took me to her table. I sat next to Jessica and she soon introduced everyone. Angela was sitting to the right of me, she was really nice and I immediately liked her, followed by Mike, Eric, and Jessica. I ate while the rest of them talked.
Out of boredom with the topic the table was discussing, I began to look around the cafeteria. Soon my eyes were drawn to a group of people. They were pale, extremely and if I had to guess I would say that they could be vampires, but the fact that they had gold eyes and not red changed my mind on the whole vampire thing. Even though they were human, there was something off about them. They did not eat, their food was untouched on their table and there was an air of wisdom around them, almost as if they had seen and experienced too much.
I turned to Jessica. "Who are they?" I asked. I was about to point them out but it seemed that she knew who I was talking about for she quickly answered.
"That's the Cullen family. They just moved here last year. The big one is Emmett, the twins Rosalie and Jasper, the pixie Alice, and the one with the Bronze hair is Edward. They were all adopted by Dr. Carlisle, who works at the hospital, and his wife, Mrs. Cullen. They are all extremely gorgeous, but don't push your luck, Edward doesn't date." She finished and soon turned back to the conversation the rest of the table was having.
I continued to stare at them. It was so weird; I got this feeling that they were more than what they claimed to be. The bell rang signaling the end of lunch. I got up threw away my lunch and headed to biology. What happened in that class was something I was not expecting to find.