Hello! Miyuki here, with a non-shounenai story. Was listening to Ashita no kioku when it gave me this idea ! (this is not a one-shot so its going to be spanning over a few chapters before completion) all my inspirations come from songs... -.-


(i am re-editing because i just noticed that its pretty hard for readers to figure out who is speaking at which point) (to speadee, thanks for pointing it out (: )

It was a normal Tennis practice day, with all the tennis members running their laps as usual.

When Tezuka and Inui called the regulars for a SHORT meeting ...

"Erm... that is how it is." Inui closed his notebook, facing his team mates who were having this 'omg' face.

"WHAT?! WE HAVE TO GO HOLD A CONCERT TO RAISE FUNDS FOR THE SCHOOL?!" The regulars, except Fuji and Tezuka, screamed at Inui.

"Technically... yes." Inui moved up his glasses.

"WTH?!" the regulars screamed except for Fuji and Tezuka.

"The other clubs have to do so too... but in a different way. For us, according to my, the fastest way to raise funds it by holding a concert." Inui pushed his glasses up, which had a professor effect.

"It is a good idea…" Fuji smiled, showing the regulars 'don't-do-and-you-die' smile.


"FINE WE ARE UP FOR IT." Momoshiro and Kaidoh said at the same time.

"Heh... mamushi... we are at an unusual agreement for once..." Momoshiro put on a fake and forced smile.

"Fshuu... You wanna go at it huh..." Kaidoh said which his most threatening voice while glaring at Momoshiro.

"Fine with me." Momoshiro push backed the sleeves of his jacket and went into his 'battle mode'.

"You two, stop it already." Oishi said, trying to stop the two of them in his 'motherly mode'.

"That's enough, the two of you stop the quarrel. Run 20 rounds around the court!" Tezuka glared at them.

"Okay…" Both of them went running their laps.

"... If we are going to have a concert, then who will pay the rent of the venue?" Echizen asked while drinking his ponta. (his ponta appeared out of nowhere XD)

"... I never thought of that..." Inui looked down in his notebook.

"Then?!" The other regulars, except Fuji and Tezuka, started throwing tennis balls at him.

"We can always ask Atobe." Fuji suggested, showing his ever-so innocent smile.

"It is not very possible that he will sponsor us." Inui analysed.

"We can always blackmail him." Fuji held up several pictures of Atobe, while showing his ever-so innocent smile.

"Heh…Fuji! Since when did you have this type of photos?!" Kikumaru looked through the photos of Atobe Fuji had.

"Eh?! This ... this..." Kawamura exclaimed, looking at one of the photos.

Oishi looked at it and quickly covered Echizen's eyes.

"What are you doing, senpai?" Echizen asked, being annoyed since his senior is blocking his view of the 'most likely interesting' Atobe photos.

"This is not suitable for the young." Oishi said, still covering Echizen's eyes.

"What...?" Echizen asked, while being confused by what his senior said.

"Fuji, 50 laps for taking this... type of pictures." Tezuka said, while being shocked at the pictures Fuji took of Atobe.

"Okay…" Fuji went to run his laps, joining both Momoshiro and Kaidoh.

"Ahem... Since Fuji has taken these... photos of Atobe, we can have Atobe to sponsor us." Inui scribbled into his notebook.

"What about the instruments?" Oishi asked, looking at their Data man.

"Atobe." Inui answered.

"Conductor?" - Oishi


"Food?" - Momoshiro

"Atobe. Wait, why would we need food for a concert?" Inui asked, while staring at Momoshiro.

"because... because we will go hungry?" Momoshiro replied.

"Songs?" Oishi asked, ignoring the question Momoshiro raised up earlier.

"Me, Fuji and Tezuka will take care of it." Inui replied while scribbling it into his notebook.

"Rehearsals?" Oishi asked worriedly.

"During Tennis practice." Both Tezuka and Inui replied at the same time.

"What about tennis practice?" Echizen asked.

"..." was the reply that came.

Omake: Oishi's worry (Oishi's POV from the beginning of chapter)

"Eh why did Inui call us for a meeting? Is there something serious that is going to happen? If it's something that serious I should be informed too since Tezuka knows it too. Then why is it Inui and Tezuka but not me and Tezuka? Has Tezuka abandoned me as a vice captain due to my incapability and my constant-worrying and chosen Inui to be the vice-captain? No that cannot be, since Tezuka wouldn't do such a thing. However, what if my assumption is true? What should I do then? Oh… it's just about raising funds for the school…I worried over it too much… Haha… sometimes this habit of mine really scares me…Kaidoh and Momoshiro has started fighting again… Why do they fight this much? Peace and harmony are very important, don't they know? And the rest are just standing there like nothing is happening. Sigh… I better go stop them before it gets even more serious. And Fuji is very scary! How did he get all those pictures! It's not good for Echizen! No, not only Echizen, us too! It's not suitable for minors! I can't tell what Fuji is thinking about, taking such pictures and showing them to his team mates when they are mostly younger than him. No wait, if he has shown it to his team mates, has he shown it to his classmates too? No that's not good, we are all still minors too… Calm down Oishi, calm down. Even Fuji will know it is not okay to show it to them so don't worry so much… But what if…"

The omake will stop here due to Oishi's worry taking up too much space and words as well as time. (his worries are never ending !)

Hello ! I haven't update for a long time ! D:

So I am back with newly edited chapters which is better (I hope) than the first version !

And equipped with omake (bonus XD) ! ;D

Hope you will like it ;D
