The Party is So Not Over

Chapter 18: Best…Birthday…Ever!

Disclaimer: I don't own Gilmore Girls, that honor belongs to Amy Sherman-Palladino. Nor do I own anything else referenced that it clearly Not Mine! If you've heard of it, I unfortunately can't claim it. But what a world we'd live in if I did.

Spoilers: This story is my own ending of episode 5x08 The Party's Over. Anything before is canon, though everything after has been changed.

For those who didn't know, last chapter's title is a song, A Time For Us, and is from Romeo and Juliet as were the bolded quotes between the two. Hopefully you also got the meaning behind his gifts and some of the things in his quotes which were from both his and Rory's past.

Author's Note: Thanks to everyone for taking the time to read. You have no idea how lucky you are that the story was already completed before I started posting. I have, ahem, a problem with updating regularly as I know the readers of my other stories would attest. I actually got this story idea right before I left on vacation, then proceeded to write the entire thing on the long drives, at my families' houses, everywhere and anywhere from WI, to VA, to NY and back. I finished it on the long drive home and unfortunately I had to pack before I could type it up and post. I hope you all enjoyed it and it was worth all the time.

Again, please read and review. I want to hear what you thought! And now for a short and sweet ending to wrap things up.




Later she would only barely be able to recall the rest of her birthday's events. She remembered a lot of knowing looks. Not being able to watch her movie in the park because of his presence beside her and only being able to concentrate on the warm fuzzy feelings she had from feeling her hand perfectly enclosed in his. She also remembered the fireworks she felt that night when he kissed her goodbye, not the literal ones that Kirk accidentally lost. (Though they did turn up later, to be confiscated by Taylor for the next Fourth of July.)

That night, sitting next to her mom on the porch swing, she nearly spilled all.

"So I take it this was a good birthday?" She smiled.

"The best."

"Even better then-"

"My eighth? Yes, I much prefer Tristin to the cops." Mother and daughter sat in silence for a while, Lorelai running her hands through her daughter's hair.



"Are you ever going to tell me what the big deal with Aladdin is? Because kid, it's driving me nuts." And remembering the feeling, the rush of riding the carpet and how it compared with the day's earlier events she relished in the memories once more.

"Someday." A minute later the silence was once again broken.

"Hey Rory?"


"Can someday be now?" Rory's laughter filled the night. And with a silent thank you to Dean and her thoughts on Tristin; she proceeded to torture her mother with her knowledge. The real party had just begun.

Fade to Black

The End