Title: Untitled. Again. (No idea what to call it…)

Author: SevenTreasures

Pairing: WoW. NightElfxBloodElf. RoguexWarlock

Rating: NC-17

Warning: Yaoi. Anal. Hand-job. Bond. PWP. Mild N/C? And… fluff?! My stupid, insulting way of writing screwed up pairings…. Plz Enjoy~

Summary: It's been a while, but at long last, your once helpless Sin'dorei warlock is back, and he meets an 'old friend' he chanced upon a long time ago… And they do a bit of catching up.

A/N: Okay, I'm not sure if this is a TBC from my LAST rogue/lock fic…. Or if it's a different story all-together. Either way, I've worked out a few kinks in my writing ability, hopefully…it's… um improved. Lol… Btw, in this fic, I'm pretty sure year two fav elves are at lvl 70, complete with their respected 70 armor. Which I have no idea about aside from looks, cuz I don't have any 70s so I don't go shopping for armor yet lol, (I'm excluding the lock helm for now….sry). AND I'll also think of a damn title! I suck at titles so bear with me.

Untitled As Of Yet

There was a gruff shout from inside the World's End Tavern, located in the more poor region of the mighty capital, Shattrath City. An irritated reply followed by a clang as a metal coddle was thrown.

Moments later, a man stumbled out of the open doors, and shouted something crude in Thalassian at the offending bartender shouting equally nasty insults at the Blood Elf warlock, waving around a broom with an angry sour look on his old, wrinkled face, having looked like he hadn't shaved for a few days.

Once the warlock separated himself from the old man, he sighed heavily, looking back at the Tavern and hoped the man didn't recognize him, since he'd swear they had the best beer in all of Outlands. Of course, he couldn't really stay firm to that, he just wanted something to drink, and the Tavern was the only place around with good prices.

Walking down the large, wide steps, heading towards the Scryer's Inn, hoping to return to Azeroth for a short while, the warlock adjusted his armor out of habit. The heavier armor was more debilitating, but extremely useful, compared to what he use to have a few months ago. The dark, blood red shoulders and wrist guards went very well with the black and blue colors of his robes. He'd gotten these new pieces a few weeks ago, and was still getting use to their abnormal girth and weight.

There were a lot of battlegrounds on his list from now on; he'd paid a hefty amount of his honor and battleground points to get these from the nice chap at the Scryer's Library. Nonetheless, money well spent.

The warlock, hopped down the rest of the stairs and landed soundly on the unevenly cut grass, thinking since he was already this close to the Battlemasters… He'd head over, get a few points and then get some sleep before taking a portal back to Azeroth.

And meanwhile…

Not that far away, just arriving at the Aldor Inn, a tall regal-looking Kal'dorei rogue dissolved into sight as he was teleported to the Inn from his Hearthstone.

From the many, many months he'd spent in Azeroth training, he also had gained much experience from it, earning enough points to acquire his own top-level gear. Brandishing new swords, new armor, and a lot more battle potential, it was all-around a nice day to begin with.

A smile spread his lips as he walked out of the Inn, and quickly summoned his mount, a black wolf with sharp red armor, and started riding away, towards the World's End Tavern, looking for a good drink before he would look for something more fun to do…

After a tenuous fifteen minute wait to be relocated into Eye of the Storm, the warlock thought this particular battleground was a good place to start for points, at least in his opinion. They were doing quite well, extraordinarily well. They nearly had a cap on everything, so instead of going out and fighting, risking injury or death, it was a swell idea to hang out and guard the post closest to their base. Also his favourite, because it looked so much like the architecture of Silvermoon and all the Blood Elf cities.

So, sitting on the broken, dirty stairs, holding his head up with his palm, he sighed heavily, the large Tauren Warrior looking as disconnected and lazy as he did right now. Nothing had happened for a good five minutes now, maybe the Alliance have given up on this place. Only if they knew there were only two people guarding it…

A few rogues, some druids and one priest were all that had tried taking their flag from it's stand, but had failed in the most humiliating way possible. As told before, the warlock had exponential growth, so taking on a mob of people was still difficult it wasn't impossible.

The skittery, excited Felhunter was now curled up at the bottom of the warlock's feet, threatening to fall asleep from the energy put into guarding and then the quick and sudden downfall of action. It's long black striped tentacles laying across it's back to it's long crocodile tail were twitching gently at the distant noise of swords and cries.

It suddenly let out spike of energy, and quickly jumped to it's feet, growling and hissing angrily, sensing a presence with it's amplified detection of invisibles. The warlock took quick note, and got to his feet, turning around in case it was a rogue. The warrior had gotten up and heaved his large axe up, ready to fight.

You could barely count to five before you'd see the two Horde members were utterly cornered and surrounded. Word must have gotten out that the post was heavily unguarded, seeing how there were at least four rogues and a druid, no doubt more were on their way.

So the battle begun once more, the warlock started his strategy, letting out a large Howl of Terror, sending the Felhunter on the druid and cursing everyone possible. The warrior standing behind him was taking on a rogue, and once the others came out of their flee they'd surely join in slaughtering them both.

The druid made quick work on his Felhunter, binding it to the ground with thick roots, and transformed into a beautiful woman Night Elf, but no one could think of that right now since she was running towards him, her long silver hair flying and her eyes narrowed in concentration and adrenaline.

It might have lasted about… forty seconds, then the warlock and the warrior were transported to the Graveyard when they were killed, no sweat. The Tauren was mumbling and cursing, but assured the warlock it wasn't their fault that the Alliance have taken their post, saying this group of Horde were very unorganized. Taking one large group and attacking an Alliance base, leaving only two or less to guard a base.

And seven minutes later, the game was done. Alliance won, all to nothing. The Horde's 'strategy' had failed, obviously, and everyone was teleported out back to their respected places, sullen and angry. The warlock, for one, should have been use to it by now, but no one truly does even after an uncountable amount of losing. Horde had a hard time keeping it all together and organized in battlegrounds.

The Night Elf was happily drinking away, getting up to his third heavy drink, getting a bit cock-eyed and dizzy. But that's what people came here for, right? Have a good time, get laid, waste all your gold on alcohol, and then go back out into the world to fight a pitiful war. Sounds like a plan.

He'd been flirting with the little Sin'dorei bartender, she was pretty cute, as were all the Blood Elves he supposed. She was rightly rejecting him, ignoring his flirtatious gestures and looks, instead cleaning glasses with a cloth, and speaking with her co-worker.

He snickered at her, and turned around on his stool, leaning on the counter, giving up on her. For something else that walked into the bar…

By the looks, another elf, a warlock. The gothic, spiky armor and the unmistakable aura spoke the truth, it was indeed a warlock, of high level. He leaned his head and smirked at the Blood Elf warlock, blinking in confusion as to why this particular one seemed a tad familiar.

Maybe he'd been hanging out with the Sin'dorei too much lately. Although the elf's face was shrouded in long amber tresses and a messy ponytail at the back, his face was striking somehow. It might as well be the alcohol, but it could also be that he'd met this Blood Elf warlock a long time ago, in the deserted sandy lands of Tanaris.

And he slowly started to remember him, never caught a name, but there was a language barrier between them since neither could speak the opposite faction's languages. The Night Elf rogue would always remember the small elf's face, gasping and moaning, twisted in pain and pleasure. His lips spread in a wicked smirk.

The warlock walked over to a table and sat down tiredly, leaning back in the wooden chair and rubbing the bridge of his nose, probably getting a headache, evading the wrath of the angry old man from earlier. And from his tattered armor and appearance, he came from a battle, and by the way he was massaging his temples he probably lost.

The Blood Elf ordered himself something to drink, and moments later he was greeted with a flagon of alcohol. He picked it up and started drinking, rubbing his forehead and closed his eyes,

Looks like someone needed a little boost in their day. Luckily the rogue was good at making people day, weather they liked it or not. So, with a screech of the chair against the stone floor, the rogue stood up and stalked over towards the warlock. Perhaps he's play with him for a bit.

So while the rogue sneaked up behind the warlock, the Sin'dorei was trying to drown his mind out with the delightful, bitter sweetness of the mug of foamy alcoholic beverage. It was going pretty swell, that is, until he felt a presence behind him, so he spun his head around. His eyes saw nothing. But he'd dealt with his share of rogues, so he didn't take the lack of solid form as being nothing.

He hated rogues. Always being so sneaky, and high-strung. Thought they were the best, backstabbing people like it was nothing personal.

Of course it was a rogue, because there was a prick in his side, poking through his robes to taunt his skin. He flinched, and looked to the side to see a particularly startling sight. A Kal'dorei. A very, very familiar Kal'dorei. He'd always remember his face, that seemingly permanent snide on his face, and the handsome features of his body. No doubt it was the rogue from Tanaris…

He was suddenly filled with fear, he'd never ever imagined he'd see the rogue again. But, months and months later, they'd met again. In Shattrath City, at the World's End Tavern. He was hoping maybe the rogue had died in battle, and stayed dead. Obviously not the case.

The Night Elf's face turned soft and he leaned in to whisper something in his ear, sending a quick shiver over his neck and spine at the warm breath. The smooth Darnassian accent still haunted him, but over his time in Shattrath, he's slowly become use to it. Although he still had absolutely no idea what was being said to him.

He brought his gloved hand up to push on the rogue's shoulder, ushering him away, but his wrist was quickly grabbed and pulled close, tugging the warlock against the Kal'dorei. The rogue leaned over him, standing tall and firm again the smaller elf, and his other hand grabbed gently at his jaw. Holding him still, while the rogue leaned in closer and closer, until soon his soft lips touched the warlock's.

The warlock drew in a quick breath at the unexpected kiss, and tensed up as the rogue pushed his warm lips against his own in a surprisingly gentle passionate kiss. He'd expected the rogue to grab him by the scruff of his neck and haul him to some excluded location and have his way with him.

Maybe it was an apology kiss. The warlock sure hoped so, this ass had no idea of what he'd done, the damn sexual deviant.

Albeit, seconds later the rogue pulled away, and put a few inches between them, looking around and saw that no one had just seen that, too occupied with their drinks and harassing the sexy bartenders.

So the rogue stood up straight and tugged the warlock along with him. The smaller man protested by dragging his heels and asking frustrated questions at the Kal'dorei, even though the latter couldn't understand his Thalassian. He was practically dragged towards another section of the Tavern, into another room. Secluded. The warlock mentally sighed at the old situation.

It was a nice room, filled with a small velvet padded chair/bed dyed violet, gold rimmed with intricate swirl designs. An equally purple veil with enough layers to hide anything beyond. Painted walls, tables, chairs, carpet. Average Sin'dorei room, one you might see in Silvermoon. It almost felt welcoming in here if it weren't for the rogue attacking his clothes and armor.

It was baffling at how expertise the rogue was at unbuckling his armor, like he'd done it a million times. Hell, there were probably dozens of other men and women this Kal'dorei's been with, and it was almost disgusting to be one of the many at the hands of him.

His shoulder armor was tossed to the ground with a clang and the Sin'dorei worried for it's salvation before his robes were untied and his collar and chest were exposed. A quick rush of blood to his face and a heavy frown were all that were shown of his discomfort, as of yet. But the look was starting to break and shatter when the rogue slipped his rough hands up his robes to touch his stomach and sides, fondling him shamelessly.

His fingers lined over the stringy muscles of his slim waist up to his chest and around to his back, and the warlock's face tightened as he dare not make a sound to pleasure the rogue.

The rouge buried his face in the Sin'dorei's hair, it smelt clean but darkened from the battle he'd come from, and it only made the rogue more excited, knowing that his little warlock wasn't so helpless anymore. In some areas…

Seeing this was the first time they'd seen each other in a long time, the Kal'dorei might as well try and make it as pleasurable as possible. He wasn't all that bad, after all. There were times where he could be nice to his prey, and he felt like he wanted this elf to enjoy his company more than anyone else's. He was going to claim the Sin'dorei as his, and no one else should have him.

The Kal'dorei sighed into the silky, soft hair, and let go of the warlock. He smirked slyly down at the elf's shocked face, and said something with a chuckle as he whipped a finger over a small scratch on the warlock's face.

Being one to identify a taunt, the warlock slapped his hand away and retorted with an angry tone. Which only caused the Kal'dorei to laugh again, pulling him close into a playful hug and nuzzled his neck ferociously. All that was heard was a surprised squeak when the rogue lifted the Sin'dorei up and easy carried him away towards the padded chair/bed thing.

The warlock grabbed the Kal'dorei's shoulders, and allowed himself to be put down on the chair. Starting to sit up, when then rogue pushed on his chest, not forcefully but firmly, and gently lead his back against the soft fabric, and slithered down the small frame to his feet.

The Night Elf rogue looked up at the warlock with lusty eyes, and started slowly undressed him. Taking off his muddy shoes, and dropping them to the floor, crawling up his body to take the rest of his belt off. Slipping it from under the elf and tossing it at the small pile of shoes. And then his hands took the straps and ties that held the amazingly designed robes in place along his chest.

The Blood Elf bit his lip and looked helplessly down at the rogue, his glowing eyes showed a hint of worry and uncertainness. But the Kal'dorei leaned up and kissed his cheek lightly, cupping his face lazily, and whispered something gentle into his ear, and started gently sucking and kissing the skin on his neck, to his collarbone and down to his chest, stopping when he got to the clothes still covering the elf.

The warlock's heartbeat sped up, and his brain was trying to decipher why the rogue was being so nice to him. His voice sounded like sweet talk, and it probably was, but in the end the Blood Elf decided it was better than the rough, carelessness of before. It was much easier to relax now, tricking himself into thinking the rogue wouldn't hurt him… as much as last time that is. He'd only met the Night Elf once before, so it's difficult to get a good idea of a person from one short meeting, especially when that person was raping you.

But anyways, that was then and this is now. The Night Elf felt the warlock relax under him, and was generically elated by the seeming acceptance he was greeted with. So seeing that the elf was "more or less" okay with it by now, congratulating himself on stealing over his emotions, the Night Elf untied the rest of the warlock's robes off and peeled them away.

Revealing the pale, soft skin of his torso and stomach, the Night Elf smiled warmly, still remembering the touches he'd given a long time ago. His large hands slid over the warlock's sides, the flesh feeling delicate beneath his fingers, he went up to his ribs down to his pelvis with little resistance. A few scars, colored white, were just as they were the last time he saw them, albeit there were a few more this time. He noticed that the Blood Elf had a few cuts and dark bruises here and there, they were already scabbed over though.

The rogue was starting to get a bit anxious, seeing his little warlock like this, still unable to protect himself from swords and daggers. A sense that the small Blood Elf wouldn't last long in Outlands swam through his brain, and he leaned down to wrap his arms around the smaller elf, taking in a long breath of the dirtied skin on the Sin'dorei's neck. Stealing a few seconds to remember the scent if he didn't see the warlock again.

He'd admit that he was becoming more and more fond of the elf, he was just so adorable and defenceless, and so fun to toy with. He was going to miss him when they parted again.

And the Blood Elf did little to nothing to stop the embrace, feeling somewhat comforted by the contact. Although he didn't return the affection, afraid if he did he too might not want to let go. Sure, the Night Elf was a sadistic, back-stabbing, evil Alliance rogue. But… he was an interesting one. One of the more… um, "friendly" Alliance members he's encountered. The first meeting wasn't that great, this one was going better, he thought.

So, the hug dragged on for a few seconds, before the Night Elf pulled away and kissed him abruptly, pushing against him hard enough that their teeth nearly bashed together. The warlock wasn't expecting it, so he gasped a little before he started slowly adapting to the warm lips on his own. The Night Elf's tongue dragged over his lips, and the warlock moaned softly, opening his mouth to let the rogue slip his tongue in. His clawed hands grabbed the hard leather that protected the rogue's sides, and pulled himself against him, letting the Kal'dorei explore his way around.

It was nice kissing the elf like this again, he'd kind of missed it, since not everyone else he'd been with was as interesting and enjoyable as the Sin'dorei warlock was. His tongue was so wet, and his mouth was so warm and moist, and he was just oh so submissive to the powerful rogue that it excited the Kal'dorei even more.

After they pulled apart to pant for air, the rogue grabbed the warlock's arms and pulled off the gloves and guards on each, leaving bare skin afterwards. Leaving a few succulent kissed on each of his fingers, he took hold of the thin forearms and lifted them above the warlock's head and started licking at the warm skin of his chest and neck. Retracing lines and curves, lifting his head up to rasp his tongue under the Blood Elf's jaw, earning a short gasp of pleasure.

His hands once again started wandering over the warlock's body, going up and down, lifting his legs up and nudging himself against the elf's still clothes backside. They both gave a soft groan at the feeling, warmth spreading through their bodies to huddle at their groins. He could remember it like yesterday, being buried deep inside the Blood Elf, feeling him squeezing around him, the wonderful sounds he made and his delicious expressions.

The rogue chuckled, and leaned up to grab his leather belt, quickly undoing it and taking it out of the harnesses of his pants. He grabbed the dazed warlock's wrists and expertly wound the strap around his hands and tied them to the chair's head firmly. This was always fun, it would be a new experience for the Blood Elf also, he couldn't imagine the warlock ever being tied up and pleasured before. And he was honoured to be the first.

The Blood Elf was a bit shocked when he felt the belt wound around his frail wrists and tied above his head. And, yes he hasn't tried bondage before, and it wouldn't have hurt his feelings if he never had to. He bit his teeth together and tested his bonds, the leather firm against his skin and strapped tightly around the swirled gold bars of the chair, stuck in place… No escape now.

He was even more surprised to see the Night Elf smirk before his vision was covered with his own red sash, blinding him as the rogue tied it around his head. He tried rubbing it away on his arm, but he soon found it also wasn't going to budge. He sighed hard, and commenced pouting.

An amused laugh was heard and the warlock told the rogue to be quiet. The Night Elf didn't understand, but the annoyed tone spoke for itself, and the rogue replied his own snappy comment, and kissed the warlock again.

It was so strange and different to not be able to see or move your arms, it gave a sense of helplessness and vulnerability. The rogue could do anything he wanted and the warlock wouldn't even see it coming or do anything about it when it did come. But, that's what the rogue was all about…

The Night Elf played with the light red bangs on the sides of the Blood Elf's head, and reached back to undo the elastic that held his hair up in a ponytail, setting his wild hair free. The small elf flicked his head and blew a few tresses out of his face and said something in an irritated voice again.

But, it was rightfully ignored, instead the Night Elf reached down and started removing the warlock's pants, taking the undergarments with them. He slid them down his hips, past his ass and up his thighs to his feet, tossing them with the rest of the Sin'dorei's armor.

The warlock's face tightened and he frowned as he felt his pants being taken away, he wanted to object, but it was just going to be a waste of breath and another reason why the rogue shouldn't be merciful on him. So he sort of helped by lifting his hips up so the rogue could take off his pants and discard them to the floor. The cool air washed over his skin and he bit his teeth together as a wave of goosebumps spiked his flesh.

The Night Elf touched the skin above the warlock's semi-hard member, earning a gasping moan, before his fingers wrapped around the erection and he started to pleasure the elf, smirking as the Blood Elf started yelping in shocked pleasure. His hips bucked up uncontrollably, and he moaned loudly as shocks of pleasure pulsed through his body. For an aggressive person like the Night Elf he sure was good with his hands. His breath was quickly getting ragged with each pump of the rogue's fist, feeling his rapture start to swell up, pre-cum started to drip from the head of his member to slick up the rogue's hand, making it easier for the rogue to give him a hand job.

All in all, the rogue was satisfied once more at the lustrous sounds that came from the elf below him, off and on twirling his thumb teasingly over the weeping slit, causing loud moans and sobs to drown the sadistic rogue in pleasure as he pumped his hand faster.

It was basically torture for the Blood Elf, forced to sit through this with his hands tied uselessly above him, and nothing to see as the rogue caused searing waves of rapture to engulf his body. The red sash over his eyes both intensified and dulled his pleasure, it was a strange combination but that's the best the elf could explain it. It was a surprise when the rogue touched him in places, but since he couldn't see what was happening he couldn't think of how to react. Very complicated, but it was overall very nice. The damn rouge was a genius.

It was starting to get overwhelming. He was being racked with pleasure, starting to stack up quickly in his groin. His breathing became more heavy and fast, and he couldn't stop the noises that came from him before he yelled his orgasm, arching off the chair and grinding his teeth as his seed spilled out onto the rogue's hand.

The Night Elf congratulated himself on a job well done as the hot seed drooled onto his hand. He let go of the warlock and took a quick taste of his semen, licking his fingers before leaning down and kissing the elf's open panting mouth, swirling his tongue around, letting the warlock taste himself as the rogue kissed him deeply.

The oddly sweet taste in the Blood Elf's mouth was intoxicating, almost acting like an aphrodisiac, setting off a new fire inside him. He lifted his head up against the rogue's when he felt something unusual press against his entrance, tensing up when he realized it was the Night Elf's fingers. They did a small circle, smearing his own thick liquid to lubricate it before the two pressed into him. The warlock yelped into the Kal'dorei's mouth, squirming at the dull sting as the rogue slipped his fingers inside, stretching him forcefully.

The warlock whimpered a moan as the Night Elf's fingers went further, brushing against his soft walls gently and erotically, making him tense up all over again. But the rouge cooed him with soft kisses and soothing words, which did their work when the warlock slowly started relaxing again, trying to cuddle up to the Night Elf desperately. The tight leather bonds were starting to burn his skin, and tightened when he tried pulling on them. But it felt so good, that the pain was easily overlooked.

The Night Elf smiled warmly and closed his eyes, hooking his fingers while he nuzzled his face against the Blood Elf's neck. The warlock's mouth opened in a breathless gasp, his legs opened farther as he arched his back against the large fingers inside him once more, staying stationary for a few moments. He was very relieved that the rogue was being a little more gentle this time, taking consideration to prepare him better than last time.

After a few moments, patiently waiting to feel the Sin'dorei to relax fully around him, before he slowly, slowly started moving his fingers. In and out, slow and steady, making sure to be gentle enough so it didn't hurt as much as it was pleasurable, the slippery cum helping a lot. And he could tell he was doing it right, for the warlock hissed, moaned and gasped when he did so. It was becoming addictive to hear the pleasure in his tone. The Blood Elf's voice was so light and soft, but wonderfully sharp when the rogue touched him.

A particular long, drawn out moan sent a shiver over the rogue's body, making him press himself against the elf more forcefully. He went faster, fucking the elf harder with his fingers, reaching as deep as he could go into the hot tightness, pressing his fingers against the walls.

The Blood Elf jumped off the padded chair, yelping shortly before he let out a long sting of moans as the rogue's fingers abused his prostate. His body was set on fire, warmth searing his skin, concentrating on his lower regions the most. He inhaled sharply when the rouge's tongue slipped over his flesh from his collarbone up his neck, under his jaw, to his ear. He sucked on the soft earlobe before he whispered something in the most sensual voice he could remember hearing. His hot breath tickled his ear and he leaned his head so their cheeks touched momentarily before he replied in a low voice, dripping in pleasure and completely breathless.

A few loving words and a gently kiss later, the rogue dug his fingers deeper inside, and started massaging his fingers in circles on the warlock's most sensitive area inside of him, and was rightly earned a pleasurable yelp. The Blood Elf's hips started uncontrollably moving with each roll of his digits before he was in a state where he was feeling another orgasm creeping up.

The darkness due to his blindfold shrouded and he started seeing sparkles as the blood rushed through his body in wait of his release. But, to his complete dismay the rogue snatched back his fingers, the warlock gasped at the quick movement, and he was left in the wind. He heard the rustling of metal armor and the hiss of leather and cloth, and he guessed that the rogue was undressing the rest of himself.

Abruptly, something much larger than the two fingers was felt at his rear, pushing against the Blood Elf causing him to whine gently. His hair was grabbed roughly and his head was tugged to the side, and hot breath washed over his ear as the rogue growled something in his ear, holding tightly onto his light red hair. The warlock moaned softly as his roots were pulled, growling gently as he turned his head to look at the rogue.

And ever since Tanaris, the warlock couldn't deny he missed those glowing, silver orbs, swirling and mesmerizing. He looked deep into them and saw lust, affection and uncensored ferocity. The Night Elf buried his face into the Blood Elf's neck and stared easing himself inside. The head of his cock pushing past the loosened ring of muscle, making the Sin'dorei squirm and whimper in pain, but he remained still and did his best to not squeeze his muscles.

After only a few moments of gruelling, patient, pushing, the Kal'dorei settled down one he was relatively inside, letting out a slow groan as he found a piece of release. He wanted so much to start moving, to fuck this little warlock senseless. But right now he found a striking emotion that said he didn't want to hurt the smaller elf. So he waited through the rippling muscles around him to relax, holding onto the Blood Elf's hips tightly as he stifled a few struggling noises.

The warlock's heavy laboured breath started easing up, and it was right then that the Night Elf decided he'd start moving. The warlock gasped softly when the Night Elf pulled out all the way, the head still pressed to his hole before the Kal'dorei swiftly thrust back in, racking the Sin'dorei's brain with an explosion of white as the rogue hit his prostate head on with the first try. They both cried out at the release, and the Night Elf grabbed his thighs and pulled them farther apart, the warlock lifted himself up so he could wrap his legs around the Night Elf's waist, desperately grabbing for the metal rim of the chair so he could stabilize himself as the rogue started picking up pace, getting more rough and going in faster and harder, digging his sharp nails into the warlock's skin.

The room was filled with heavy moaning, struggling whimpers and dark growls, a thick aroma making the air humid and hot, the smell of sweat and sex flowing about. The warlock screamed every time the large erection in him hit and brushed some place inside, he sobbed loudly when the Night Elf abused him by raking his nails from his hips down his thighs and then to his mid-rift, tickling the hairs on his stomach before his hands circled around him in another embrace, holding the warlock close, so they felt each other's bare, hot, chests against each other.

This time the warlock returned the affection and held the rogue around the neck, smelling his dark emerald hair as it draped around them, mixing with the fiery color off the warlock's. They rocked together, muffled cries as the rogue sped up even faster, slapping flesh against flesh as the warlock tried spreading his legs farther apart, moving in sync with the rogue, turning his hips so the Kal'dorei hit his prostate over and over in a fast steady pace, making him spasm and his voice become erratic and loud.

It was unbearable. His skin was on fire, and his mind was a blur he couldn't even think about what was happening. All he felt was the stress in his groin and the steady, wonderful pounding in his ass. The Night Elf could stay like this forever, but all good things did have to come to an end, the squeezing and rippling muscles around him were to lusciously tight, and he felt it get tighter as the Blood Elf was nearing his orgasm. And so was the rogue.

He was going so fast the friction was burning, and he had no doubt that the warlock was going to feel this for days on end, luckily the preparation was better than the first time and the Sin'dorei wouldn't suffer for long.

After a few heavy, forceful thrusts the Blood Elf sobbed pleasurably and he finally released himself, his mind going completely numb and useless, his muscles going extremely tight around the Night Elf as he entered his second orgasm. The rogue cried out and bit roughly into the skin on the warlock's shoulder, holding him close and tight, thrusting a few times into the impossibly tight tunnel until he joined his warlock complete rapture, shooting his seed deep inside. The warlock's sticky semen slowly dibbled down his stomach heading towards the seat.

After half a minute of heavy breathing, they finally caught their breath. The Kal'dorei leaned up and kissed the warlock lovingly on the cheek, pulling out of him slowly and climbing down his body to his middle. He started cleaning the Sin'dorei, licking and sucking on the same, sweet but bitter seed he remembered. Licking over his naval do hit abdomen and then slowly trailed his tongue over the muscles on the warlock's stomach. The warlock growled softly and the rogue looked up to see him fiddling with the belt and the sash that he still wore.

The Kal'dorei rogue chuckled and reached up to tug the knotted sash loose and then unwrapped the leather belt. The warlock held his wrists to his chest and hissed at the red welts and cuts, but the rogue gently took the warlock's wrists and kissed them lightly, flicking his tongue over the small rubbed away skin, and kissed the other one. The warlock had a slightly amused look on his face, and tired smile, looking down at the rogue.

But very quickly and abruptly, the rogue was filled with energy and got up and off of the Blood Elf, standing up beside the chair, naked and tall. But it didn't last long because he was dressing. The warlock heaved himself up and sighed, watching the rogue. He was probably going to leave again… Just like last time, and they wouldn't see each other for months, maybe years…

Suddenly the rogue put out his hand and offered to help the warlock up, and he gladly took it, looking for his own clothing that was scattered and mixed with the rogues. It took at least a minute, but they were half-dastardly dressed now, not all the straps and not all the buckles were tied but it would work anyways. With a lop-sided grin the Night Elf grabbed the Blood Elf's arm and lead then away, out of the room through the Tavern, down the steps and they started the slow journey to where ever it was the rogue was leading the warlock.

He was following behind, and spoke up to tell the rogue he didn't feel good with remnants of… 'them', still all over him, hidden by his armor. The Night Elf laughed again, looked behind him and said in a reassuring voice they weren't going far. The Blood Elf frowned and tried to stick close, yet not make it too obvious they were walking together.

Eventually he realized they were headed for the Aldor Rise, he'd never been there often, he didn't like going there. He liked the Scryers more, probably because it was mainly for his kind… He said something in an unsure tone as they went up the elevator and walked off towards the Inn. The Night Elf didn't look at him, busy navigating between the Alliance and the few Horde around, buying a small bar of soap from a vendor while he was there. The Blood Elf followed with a sigh, trying to avoid contact from anyone else as they moved through the crowd, getting self-conscious that he smelt of sex, soon arriving at the entrance to the Inn. Walking inside with a polite nod to the Innkeeper, the rogue headed to his room that he's reserved for himself.

Once they were in, the rogue gestured to a washroom, tossing the warlock the rounded soap bar, which smelt like lavender and summer. The Sin'dorei juggled with it for a few seconds before he grabbed it firmly and turned on his heel to walk toward the restroom with a thank you, hell bent on scrubbing himself clean this time.

It was probably at least half an hour of washing, that the Blood Elf re-emerged from behind the heavy wooden door, damp but smelling fresh. Something the mischievous Kal'dorei took as a wanting challenge to make the warlock dirty all over again. The tall elf sat on a wood framed chair made of what looked like very comfortable material seeing how the rogue sunk into it slightly. With his head tilted, leaning on his knuckles, he grinned at the warlock.

The Sin'dorei cleared his throat and ran a finger through his long red hair, without the ponytail it went down to the small of his back, brushed nicely but still retaining that wildness. His fierce glowing eyes looked at the cocky rogue and he smirked, walking steadily over towards the sitting elf. He neared the rogue, touching the arm of the chair before he crawled onto the rogue, folding his legs to sit on the Night Elf's lap.

Seeing the warlock so open to him now, he returned his smirk and leaned up, pulling the Blood Elf down by his neck to meld their lips together in a harsh kiss. The warlock gladly agreed and returned the affection, wrapping his arms around the rogue's neck, teasingly sitting down comfortably on the taller elf's crotch, the thin fabric of his robes being all that kept them apart.

He hadn't bothered to dress back into his heavy armor, instead just keeping the robes. He could plainly see that the rogue had the same kind of apathy, seeing he only wore the thin protective clothes he wore beneath his leather, keeping the armor from chafing his skin.

The Night Elf licked around his lips, and the warlock opened his mouth gently, the rogue pushing his tongue through, causing a small moan from his warlock. He moved his tongue around, going in and out, fucking the Sin'dorei's mouth. A scorch went down the Blood Elf's body, and he pulled away to gasp.

He pressed his body against the rogue's, and in a gentle voice, thick with passion and want, he asked the rouge to be with him, for a short while at least. He knew they both had to leave each other again, going to do their own individual work around Outlands and Azeroth. But all the warlock wanted was to spend his remaining time in Shattrath City with the rogue, whom he didn't even know his name.

The rogue caught his breath after a moment's time, and slung an arm around the Blood Elf's back, and smiled. He pressed his forehead against the warlock's and promised himself to the Sin'dorei. He wondered when they'd meet again, weather it be in battle, or this very city, and possibly in the next lifetime. Whichever came first, he couldn't wait. His elf was so fragile, so beautiful, and just precious. He wanted to make sure the elf would be safe until their next meeting. Albeit he couldn't do anything about it. They were apart of the opposite faction, enemy races, bound by blood to hate each other…

It didn't change a thing though.

If it came to a point where they might be considered lovers, that would only make things worse for them. Intimate acquaintances perhaps. Like a man might pick his hooker, which is what would be implied to the world around them. But always, the Sin'dorei would mutually belong to the Kal'dorei, secretly or not it did not matter.

And they sealed their promise with a kiss. One that probably lead to another…


Lol whoa. Go me, is this a cont? Who cares, more smut *dances* Okay, no dialogue on this one. But have no fear I'll be sure to make another… different! fan fiction where these blokes can understand each other. But I think it's kinda romantic if they don't understand each other, ya know? Might skip the dirty talk, but w/e ! xDD

I've added this as a chapter for the hell of it. Expect NO other chapter, since I wanted to get this thing finished so I could write… well, more lemony goodness. In fact I might start doing ones with plot, it's so sad to see these two break up after the warlock was like "3" and the rogue was like "d-(^.~)z niiiice" They made up, joy. Kkk I'll see you cats later lol. R&R PLZ! THNXSRYBAI

……….p.s. I shoulda given em names eh? *slaps the table and cries* Next fic I swear!