In Konoha, there are several prominent clans. Yes, the Uchiha are included, even though they were massacred. And even though Sasuke left. But that's beside the point. He's back now. But anyway, these prominent clans have, as you can probably imagine, several rules, laws, and customs that must be so, or the offender is held in contempt of clan. Yes, it's a new rule, that all of the clans voted on. Unanimously, for once.

These rules, in effect and only really concerning, of the clans are as such like, it is against Akimichi law to not eat all of the food set down in front of them. If this law is violated, then the offender will not eat for the next three days. No exceptions.

For the Nara, it is against Nara law to be afraid of the dark, as that would mean that a Nara is then afraid of their own power and family. Violators of this law are disowned, and forever looked down upon by members of the Nara clan. You can imagine what it's like concerning teasing by people outside the clan. The only exceptions to this rule are the very young, as the Nara have a heart, albeit shrouded in darkness, (An: he he, just had to put that there: 3), but a heart nonetheless, so the very young who can not help themselves are excused. Although, they are taught to toughen up early in life.

For the Yamanaka, they are expected to know what all types of flower are. For, yes, they run a flower shop. They think it's cool. Another, secret, law of the Yamanaka is that when in absolute control of an opponent, then they must learn all about the hosts mind that they can. Why this is the secret law, and not the first, is known only to the Yamanaka.

For the Inuzuka, it is against their clan law to be referred to as 'acting like a cat', or have anything to do with cats. Don't ask; their just serious dog fanatics.

For the Aburame, it is against clan law to not name each and every one of their insects. Because they're already in love with their insects, they already name their bugs, so this is a little known law. Go figure. It is also part of Aburame law to model sunglasses. Also, go figure.

For the Uchiha, it is against Uchiha law to be called 'emo.' This is why they get upset with people when they are called emo, and thus why they are anti-social. This helps further the belief that they are emo, but the Uchiha don't know this, or they don't care, so nothing is done to stop this. It is also against Uchiha law to be 'nice' to a Hyuuga, or to be called a 'Hyuuga lover'. This is achieved when an Uchiha is on 'friendly ground' with any member of the Hyuuga clan, including the Hyuuga's part-time maid service. So the Uchiha either use their own maid service, or clean themselves. This leads to the Uchiha taunting the Hyuuga about how the Hyuuga can't do anything for themselves.

Now, the Hyuuga are extra serious about their rules and laws. For instance, every side-branch member is to be obsessed by fate, destiny, and caged birds (yes, there is a reason why Neji's like that.), and every main-branch member is to act like they are inner-party members in a 1984 world, where the side branch is the proles. If anyone's read this book, then they will know what I'm talking about. However, there is an even more obscure law of the Hyuuga, which is probably the most important…

Hyuuga Hinata was walking down the street with her teammates, when they happened to run into cell seven, minus Kakashi, along with the other cells, minus their senseis. Being somewhat naturally friendly, the cell went to chat with their friends and crushes (coughNarutocough).

"Hey, Kiba, Hinata-chan, Shino, what's up?" Naruto shouted at the team. Shino winced slightly, while Hinata blushed and hid a little behind her two teammates, as Kiba waved and walked over to where a general conversation was taking place. Shino and Hinata walked over as well.

"So, what are you all talking about?" Kiba asked.

"We were just talking about how Sakura's family has some really weird rules." Tenten said.

"I bet their not as weird as MY family's!" Kiba shouted. For some reason which no one's figured out yet, despite several on-going investigations, Kiba, Naruto, Lee, and Ino all liked to shout loudly. Sakura sometimes as well, though they considered this unfair, since her team had two loud people, and everyone else's had only one. For some reason, this really bothered Shino. Not that he'd say or do anything about it.

"Oh yeah? Billboard brow was just saying that her family-" Ino started, but was interrupted.

"What, has to have un-natural hair colors?" Neji asked. Tenten and Lee have been trying to make him have a sense of humor, but so far their efforts have only made Neji more insulting. Though no body really noticed.

"NO!! And I don't have an unnatural hair color. It's pink naturally, so therefore, it IS natural." Sakura said defensively. Everyone rolled their eyes at this. She had been trying to pass it off as natural for years, but nobody was fooled. That is, until Ino revealed that in fact, Sakura did not dye it. So the mystery continues.

"Okay. If it isn't about your hair, then what is your clan law?" asked Shikamaru, finding the whole not-getting-to-the-point thing rather troublesome.

"My family is supposed to have an 'inner self.' That's my clan's thing." Sakura said simply. Everyone just stared at Sakura without saying anything for a while. Finally, Naruto broke the silence.

"Wow. That's lame. Sure glad my family's not like that, eh, Hinata-chan?"

"A-ano?" Hinata stuttered. Because, come on, Naruto spoke to her. And thus acknowledged her existence. This is more than her family did. Well, except for Hanabi and Neji. And her father on occasions, whenever he wanted his tea. And dango; the man had a tea-and-dango fetish.

"What did you say about my family, you little-!" Inner Sakura shouted at Naruto, scaring not only him, but also Sasuke, who was standing next to her, and didn't know she could do such a thing, and everyone else, who didn't know she would act violent.

Naruto was scared so severely, that he quickly latched onto the thing that was closest at the time, which happened to be a very scared, shocked, and now thoroughly embarrassed Hinata.

When this happened, several other things also occurred, almost simultaneously. First, Hinata got over her shock at Sakura, and turned her head to look at Naruto. Next, Shino and Kiba noticed Naruto's close proximity to Hinata, and started to get defensive, and overprotective. Neji stared at Naruto in disgust, hatred, and slight horror. Then Hinata started screaming.

"Nooooo! N-n-naruto-kun, please, get off! Right now!" Hinata said while freaking out. Hinata freaking out diverted everyone else's attention away from Sakura, who was still steaming.

"Huh? What's wrong, Hinata-chan?" Naruto asked, not really getting what was wrong.

"You idiot, look where you are! Get off of her, right now!" Kiba shouted, with Akamaru barking as well.

"Naruto Uzumaki. You have three seconds to get off of Hinata, before my insects turn you into their next meal." Shino said in a soft, threatening voice.

Naruto finally noticed what had happened, and got down. With his eyes closed and one hand behind his head, he tried to apologize. The authoress says 'tried', because before he got a chance to say anything, Neji gentle-fisted him in the gut.

"You idiot, you (excuse Neji's French) bastard, do you have any idea what you have done?!" Neji asked, livid.

Everyone else was slowly backing away from the small group that consisted of a still trembling Hinata, a furious Neji, who was standing over a bent over Naruto. Nobody really knew what was happening, that maybe this was another extreme case of Over-Protective Older Cousin Syndrome, which Neji seemed to pick up after he nearly killed Hinata. They didn't understand it, either.

"Wh-what do you mean? I just hugged her, what's the big deal?" said Naruto, not really understanding what was happening. Sakura was about to take the blame, since she did scare Naruto, when Hinata stopped trembling, and started screaming.

"NO! NOW I CAN NEVER GET MARRIED!!" After screaming this at the top of her lungs, Hinata then ran off in the direction of the Hyuuga compound. Everyone stared in bafflement after her, and then turned to Neji, with a collective, huuunh??

Neji sighed, and turned to Naruto. "This is your entire fault, you know." Neji started to walk after her, when Kiba grabbed his sleeve before he could leave.

"What the hell was that back there? What's with Hinata, and why'd she suddenly shout that she couldn't get married?" Kiba asked him. Everyone else gathered around Neji as well, blocking his way.

"I think you owe us an answer, for why young Hinata was acting most un-youthful just now!" Lee shouted exuberantly.

"Sigh, but when I'm done, I really need to go see Hinata-sama before she does something drastic. Actually, I'll tell you on the way there." Neji said as he started off after his cousin.

"Okay. We're following. Now what was that about?" Shikamaru asked.

"Like we were talking about earlier, about clan law. One of the Hyuuga's clan laws is that we can not be touched, or we aren't allowed to marry. And don't try to touch me, Lee. It only applies to the main-branch. That's why the Hyuuga developed the Kaiten, rotation, so that nobody would touch us." Neji stated as they started running to the Hyuuga compound.

"What happens if someone does touch a member of the main branch?" Ino asked.

"Well, if you couldn't figure it out already, they are not allowed to marry. And for Hinata-sama to be touched, as the heir, is cause for disgrace. Since she only just got back into her father's good books with her tea, she probably won't want to do anything to mess that up, and since this is a big disgrace, she might try and- make sure no body finds out." Neji explained.

"So-Hinata-chan might try and off herself?! We got to stop her!" Naruto shouted while rushing on to the lead.

"We wouldn't be in this mess if you hadn't touched her." Sasuke said to Naruto, twisting the knife in his conscience.

"Hey, wait. If nobody's allowed to touch her, then why doesn't she act that way around Shino and Kiba?" Sakura asked. They still haven't made it to the compound yet, because the compound was on the other side of Konoha.

"Because they are her teammates. There are special exemptions for such matters, as the whole touching thing will go away when Hinata-sama does eventually marry. But she can't now, and that is a great blow to her, because she is supposed to be the heir." Neji explained. By now, they could see the walls surrounding the compound.

When they reached the compound, there were a few guards that blocked their access. Naruto tried shouting at them, and they tried out their new gentle-fist techniques on him. Naruto would wake up in the hospital in an hour. Before any more tragedies could befall the group, Neji flashed the guards his Hyuuga member pass and the guards let the group in. Except Naruto. They left him outside.

Neji then used his Byakugan to look around the place for Hinata, and when he found her in a room alone with Hiashi, they decided to burst in to save her before she admitted what she had done, and killed herself.

The sight that lay before the group when they did burst in half an hour later (the house is huge. And even though they had the Byakugan with them it didn't help as much as they thought it would.), was not one that they thought they would see.

Instead of Hinata, sobbing her eyes out for forgiveness, or lying dead on the ground, was standing over Hiashi, holding two notebooks, one black and one purple. Hiashi, on the ground, was quivering in fear.

"-and I will show these ledgers to the council, if you do not get rid of that rule, Father." Hinata said in a calm, collected, but still threatening voice.

Everyone who had gathered there to save Hinata stared blankly at her, trying to figure out what had happened.

"Any-anything! Just don't show those ledgers to the council!" Hiashi told Hinata in a pleading voice. Hinata then lowered the ledgers, and handed them to her father. Hiashi grabbed them, and started acting like Golem with them. Hinata turned to leave, and noticed her cousin and her other friends standing there, looking at her in amazement, and with a slight touch of horror.

"Eh? What is it?" Hinata asked them in her small voice again.

"Hi-Hinata-sama? Did you just threaten your father with his 'hidden' ledgers?"

"Threaten?" Hinata asked in shock. "Of course not, I would never do that! I prefer coercion."

An: well, that's it for chapter one. If you all want me to, I'll do more, I have other ideas. Plus, I really like this side project, and would like to do more ideas. Oh, and if anyone didn't understand, the black and purple ledgers that Hinata showed her father were the ledgers that he uses for-business transactions that aren't exactly 'legal', if you catch my drift. The black ledger is straight out illegal stuff, and the purple is things that they would love to pin on them, but can't. Hinata was threatening to show them to the council, but now that the rule has been reversed, she won't. Well, if you liked the story, please review, and if you didn't like it, review in and tell me what you didn't like, so I can improve. This is only my second story/fic/thing, so I'm still learning. Anyways, please review!