Ok so here is the last chappie!
WARNING: You might cry.
As Shadow travels through trees, hills, and rocky terrain, he finds the top-secret hideout of G.U.N headquarters. No one but the agents knew about the location, but Rouge told Shadow because she trusted him. Shadow is now very grateful that she told him, because now he can open a fresh can of whoop ass and destroy G.U.N into oblivion. All the files and information that G.U.N has ever collected is stored in that gigantic building, and Shadow plans on destroying it all. Once he does, G.U.N would be reduced to nothing.
Shadow stops at the edge of a cliff. He scans below and spots the well-camouflaged HQ. Before jumping off the cliff and landing hard on the ground, Shadow loads only one bullet into his gun and then cocks it. Shadow is the ultimate-life form so he could easily recover from a twenty-one foot fall. Shadow looked at the sky. Dawn was nearing so Shadow had to be quick or else people would be starting to come in for their jobs. Without any stealth whatsoever, Shadow sprinted up and through the glass doors and started his rampage.
Shadow knocked things over and used Chaos energy to incinerate any remains. Files destroyed, desks and any other objects broken, and walls beaten in from Shadow's punches and kicks. Before entering, he knew he should have disabled the cameras but didn't care. After this he knew what he was going to do…
After entering and destroying every single nook and cranny of the building, Shadow entered the boiling room.
"Now to blow this place to hell." Shadow muttered as he started to flicker red. As his red flicker began turning solid red, he remembered the conversation he had with Rouge the afternoon of the other day.
Shadow entered Rouge's room without knocking and caught her writing in a book.
"Oh Sh-Shadow! I thought I told you to knock before you enter!"
Rouge shut her book and placed her hand over it so it would be impossible for Shadow to just pick it up.
"Rouge, what were you doing?" Shadow asked in a low tone and walked towards Rouge while eyeing her black and purple book.
"That's none of your concern!" Rouge snapped. Then she realized what she did and buried her face in her hands and sighed. "I'm sorry Shad, it's just that I've been having such a stressful time with the interrogation and questioning that I really am losing my mind."
Shadow felt sorry for her but didn't show it.
"They're going to kill me soon, I know it." Rouge stood up from her seat and faced Shadow. "I don't know what to do."
Rouge's ears folded back in sadness and looked down at the floor. Shadow put his hand on Rouge's shoulder. This shocked rouge and her ears perked up in surprise while her eyes widened. In a soft but rough voice Shadow said, "Nothing is going to happen to you. You don't have to worry about them because I promise to protect you. Understand?" He said the same thing to Maria but this time he meant to keep it.
Amazed by Shadow's words, Rouge slightly nodded. Shadow walked out of the room but he stopped at the doorway and said, "I'm going out again to… think."
With that, Shadow left Rouge in her room still in the same position he left her. But alas, that was the last time he saw Rouge before all the tragedy happened.
--End Flashback--
With more guilt building up inside him, he finally had enough power to use his,
The boiler room exploded and so did the entire headquarters. Debris flew everywhere and there was a tiny mushroom cloud too. Surprisingly enough, Shadow survived the explosion but yet he was terribly wounded. Just then, a mafia of G.U.N trucks and cars appeared that was all too familiar to Shadow. As he stumbled out of the wreckage and onto the cement, agents and soldiers come out of their vehicles and take aim at Shadow. The same Commander took out the same megaphone and to Shadow he could have sworn this was Déjà vu.
"Shadow the Hedgehog, you are surrounded. Surrender yourself or else! What is your choice?"
With blurry vision, Shadow looked up into the sky and then back at the Commander. Suddenly he smiled and took his gun out of belt and put it to the side of his head.
Shadow pulled the trigger. Gasps were heard and all grew silent. Shadow the Hedgehog committed suicide. Many wondered why he did it. Some thought he went insane. Some thought he had nothing else to lose. And some thought that he rather die than rot in jail. Well it was all those things but most importantly, he did it to be with Rouge and Maria.
When Shadow died he was in a black world with no light but suddenly a white figure approached him. He was nearly blinded by the brightness but as the silhouette neared, he recognized for what and who it was. It was Rouge holding her hand out for Shadow's. His ruby eyes shined from the magnificent glow emitting from Rouge. In a clear and cheery voice Rouge said, "Let's go home." Shadow looked at her with confusion.
"But I broke my promise to you and Maria. I also killed myself. So don't I go to hell?"
Rouge giggled and grabbed Shadow's hand.
"Shadow, it doesn't matter if you couldn't keep you're promise. At least you tried is what mattered. And you had a reason for your actions. You didn't do it because of your selfishness. You did it for the ones you loved and you wanted freedom."
Rouge then tugged Shadow's hand for him to follow.
"C'mon. Maria is waiting and we have a eternity to be with each other."
Rouge winked at Shadow, and for once in his life, he blushed and smiled at her comment.
"I'll be looking forward to it."
The end. I'm sorry if you didn't like the conclusion of the story but I thought it was heart tugging and that is what I was going for. Please tell me how you liked it and what you didn't like about it. Arrigato!