Title: Love is Dead Within Me.
Rating: T (to be safe)
Summary: Crazy Steve decides to hurt Josh in a way that he knows cannot be healed. Character death.
Author's Note: I hope you enjoy this. I randomly thought this up without trying, and I got some good feedback from a friend of mine. :o)

I watched the bullet explode from the barrel of its matte black captor.

It flew and caused rifts in the air; caused rifts in my soul.

My heart opened up and sang, "Love is dead within me!", as it was completely, painfully, undeniably aware of the fact that I could do nothing to stop this tragedy from occurring.

And a scream escaped my throat as the bullet hit; killed.

And a scream ripped through my throat as Drake fell against the carpet.

And a tear fell from his eyes as he pleaded, "Save me, Josh." Protect me, Josh.

And a numbness enveloped my brain as the gunman whispered; screamed; cried, "You ate my enchilada."

My anguish left me and swept through the Premier, and a woman begged her god to have mercy.

AN2: So yeah, remember the Really Big Shrimp episode when Steve was all cheesed off because Josh ate his enchilada? Well, this was his payback. It's supposed to be all abstracty and slightly confusing, so it's not just you.
