Title: Once a Brother

Author: Solarbaby

Disclaimer: All I own is the plot.

Words: 271

General Summary: Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero.

Drabble Summary: In the beginning…

Spoilers: None

Notes: Not slash! A Jungle Fury Rewrite. These are essentially going to be sets of drabbles starting from when they were kids following into the Jungle Fury season with a few changes.



A head peaked over the edge of the crib, looking down at the bundle inside. The bundle squirmed a little and let out a strange squeak as it caught sight of the intruder.

"Hi, baby." The boy looking into the crib whispered. He grinned when the baby let out another squeak and a toothless grin. Chubby arms flailed in the air, almost as if he was asking to be picked up. The boy reached down and let his brother grab a hold his hand. He jumped as he heard yelling outside the door.

"I am not having this discussion with you!"

"Yes, we are! This is all I hear from you!"

"From me! That's rich, you freak! And now our oldest son is one too! I am not allowing you to corrupt my baby, as well!"

The baby bunched up his face and the boy panic. "Shh… shh…" He picked up a stuffed shark from the bedside table and held it out to his brother. Arms snatched at it immediately, as the little one was distracted from the yelling.

"Shut up! You're going to wake up Casey!"

The voices drifted away. Tears filled the boy's eyes as he watched his brother play with the shark. His parents were always going at it like that. But at least he wasn't alone anymore. "It's alright, Casey. I'll take care of you. I'm your brother." Casey watched him intensely, as if he understood what his brother was saying.


Robert James Finn turned as he heard his mother's voice calling for him. He smiled back at Casey for a moment before calling, "Coming Mom!"