After much searching and exhaustion, the CSIs were able to convict Bethany Snyder and Heather James for the crime against Greg. Grissom and Nick brought Bethany to interrogation where they presented all the evidence they had found against her. Bethany gave them a cold stare as Brass stood behind her and began to cuff her.

"You're under arrest for the attempted murder of Greg Sanders."
She stood up as he led her down the hallway.

Across town, in a hospital Heather James was discharged and followed a uniformed officer to his car.

Nick watched as Bethany walked slowly down the hallway, a triumphant grin etched on his face. Grissom watched briefly before telling Nick he was going to the hospital. Grissom arrived to find that Greg was sound asleep. Deciding that the poor kid had been through enough, he let him sleep. He found a pen and some paper on the end table next to Greg's bed. He wrote on the pad

We got them. Call me if you want more information.

He left the pad on the end table and smiled at the young man in the hospital bed. About an hour later, in his office, Grissom heard his cell ring. He looked at the caller ID to see Greg's name. He opened the phone,

"Grissom." He answered.

"I want to know, everything." He heard Greg say on the other end.

Grissom sighed,

"Ok, I'll be right over." He shut his phone and went back to the hospital. He found Greg's room and opened the door to find Greg curled up on the right side. Grissom grabbed a chair and sat down next to him. He sighed before beginning.

"Ok, here's what happened."

The end, thanks to all who read and reviewed.