Ok, ok. I know I've not been updating in a while, so please don't flame me. I'm busy working on other fanfics too. Anyway, here's chapter 4...Yes, I know it's getting boring, so I'll spice it up here, ok? And in this chapter, I'm focusing on NatsuMikan. Yep. It's gonna be an official pairing. Rated T, just in case. If you think I've over rated the fanfic, please tell me! Thanks.

(1 year later, a week before graduation)

"RING!!" Everyone dashed out of class to the cafeteria. It was finally lunch time. Everyone got their food quickly and pigged in immediately. However, Mikan was an exception. She stared at the blank wall in front of her, her fork endlessly turning in her plate of special-star-spaghetti. (Mikan had worked hard this past year, and she had worked very hard and had become the second special star in the elementary division.)

"What now, baka? Sick or something?" Hotaru tried to sound sarcastic, but failed misarably.

"It's nothing, Hotaru-chan..."Mikan's mind went back to one day ago...


Natsume was at the infamous sakura tree, on one of the lower branches. Mikan came by, and turned to Natsume.

"Hey, polka." Natsume called Mikan.


"Whatever. Ichigo-kara."

"HEY! I'M HERE BECAUSE I WANT TO PASS YOU THIS!" She pulled out an envelope and held it out to Natsume.

"Whateve-WAIT! Pass it to me." Natsume's eyes widened at the sight of it. It was Persona's usual mission-to-do-notice envelope.

"If you want it, come down here and get it." Mikan yelled in protest.

"Get up here! Polka, Ichigo-kara, Baka, Aho..." Natsume begun saying every last insult he could think of to Mikan. (A/N:Who wants to go down a tree and then up again, just for an envelope?)

"URUSAI! FINE! I'LL GO UP!" Mikan tried to climb up the tree. When she finally did, she passed Natsume the envelope. Natsume opened it and as he was reading it, Mikan, being the clumsy Mikan, lost her grip on the tree and of course, she slipped and fell. Natsume, being extremely fast, managed to grab her hand and hauled her back up.

"Now you owe me one."

"Fine, jerk!" Natsume smirked.

"While I remember it, while WE remember it, You'll do me a favour." Natsume grinned.

"It's not that I like this, but fine." Natsume's grin grew wider.

"Come here." Mikan did as he asked her to, and sat beside him.(A/N: Where else? They're in a tree!)

Natsume, for some odd reason, felt extremely bold on that day. He placed a finger on Mikan's chin. He forced her chin to turn towards him, thus forcing her to look at him.

"What do you want, Natsume?" Mikan asked, rolling her eyes. Natsume, who was smiling, did not answer her. Instead, in one swift movement, he leaned forward, just until his lips were only an inch away from hers.

"W-What do you want, Natsume?" Natsume kept his smile.

"You." Before Mikan could digest what he just said, her lips were crushed by his. At first Mikan tried to pull away, but it was in vain. Mikan stopped resisting, and she felt herself instinctively respond. It was at that very moment she realized what she really felt about him. She didn't hate Natsume. She wouldn't consider him as her best friend either. She finally understood herself.

She loved him.

They broke the kiss after a minute or so, both gasping for air.

Natsume smirked again. "Admit it, polka. You like me."

Mikan bent forward. "I don't like you."

Natsume frowned.

"I love you!" Mikan flung herself forward, hugging Natsume.

"I've waited a year to hear those words."

"That means I've kept you waiting."

"You have grown, Mikan."

"What do you expect? I've an IQ of 288!"

"I wasn't talking about that."

"So, what now? You asking me on a date?"Mikan smiled.

"Good idea." Natsume muttered.

"Oh please. You're not serious, are you?" Mikan rolled her eyes again.

"Oh yes I am." With that, Natsume leaped off the branch and landed swiftly, and extremely quietly, on the ground. He went back to the dorms. To prepare himself for the mission.

(End of flashback)

"HEY! BAKA!" Hotaru's yelled brought Mikan back to reality.

"Huh?" Mikan looked at her best friend, confused.

"You haven't eaten yet, aho. Or should I say," She leaned forward with a smirk on her face, and whispered into Mikan's ear, "Natsume' girlfriend."

Mikan groaned. Word about Natsume and Mikan's relationship was travelled fast. And wide. Now the whole school (Yes, including middle school and high school) were talking about them. It was interesting. The two most intelligent students in elementary school were a couple. Mikan slumped into her chair. She was very sure the teachers were also talking about them. And that included her new ability type teacher. The masked man, Persona.

"Hey. You've only got ten minutes left. Finish your food and let's go!" Hotaru said.

"Okay, okay." Mikan stuffed everything into her mouth. In less than five minutes, she was done. Mikan and Hotaru went back to class together.

(Fuyuno's POV)

I placed my cheek into my hands, elbows resting on the table. Jeez. I'm so BoRED! It'll be so much better if I could bully—er, I mean, disturb—bunny boy again.


I looked up. The door opened slowly. I grimaced at the sound. Man, they should really oil the door. Look at it! It's getting more and more rusty as we speak! Okay, maybe not 'as we speak', but you get the idea, right?

Anyway, Mikan and Hotaru walked into the classroom. Mikan bounded to her seat immediately, which was beside Natsume. Hotaru went to her usual seat and begun working on one of her unfinished inventions. Wow. Probably meant to hit the most gossiped-about-girl in the school. Yep. The Baka Hammer is definitely meant for that job.

Yeah, I know it's wrong to eavesdrop, but hey, I'm really curious.

"Hey Polka." Natsume teased.

"Stop that."



"Maybe I'll get you to date me after graduation." Natsume smirked.

"WHAT? Since when were you ever talking about those stuff?"

"You were the one to suggest it, after all."

And they stopped talking. I took a rubber band out of my pocket and begun fiddling with it.

"RING!" Oh. So lunch break's over. The noisy door creaked opened again. Shino came in and took her place beside Sumire.

As usual, Narumi waltzed into the class. Ew. What is he wearing? Today's a pink fairy dress with the damn wings and the stupid wand INCLUDED!! I could have sworn I felt my stomach cartwheeled. Ugh. Koko chuckled beside me. I glared at him.

I'll appreciate it if you didn't read my thoughts.

"Okay, okay. Sorry." Koko whispered.

"Ah, minna-san. It's only seven more days to your graduation! All of you would be going to Middle School, class 2-A. At your graduation, some of you would be putting up a performance, right? I hope you have practiced and I hope it goes well..."I looked up, my eyes wide. A performance? I COMPLETELY FORGOT! ARGH! I felt my brows twitch as I turned to look at Koko. He looked at me for a moment, and his face turned bone-white. Did I really look that intimidating? I didn't care. I continued to glare him. I felt all my anger build up as I remembered how I got into this mess. Koko read my mind one day and told everyone I knew how to play the bass guitar. He also read Shino's mind and found out that she was a percussionist. And because of that, we had to work with the guy with the piano alice, Sugiho (random name...), the guy who knew how to play an electric guitar, Rutaro (random name again...), and this girl with the singing alice, Kara (another one of my random names...).

"I've got somethings to do now, so please take over, Fukutan~!" And with that, Narumi danced out of the classroom, leaving Fukutan to walk into the mouth of a lion.

In less than five minutes, Fukutan was running out of the classroom in fright and tears.

Knowing what the others would expect, I stood up and made my way to the music room with Shino. And I was right. Sugiho, Rutaro and Kara were there, waiting for us.

"Let's begin!" Kara declared.

And so we went on with practice until it was time for Jinno's maths lesson.

(End of POV)

(Back in class)

Mikan took a book out of her bag and begun reading, trying fervently to distract herself from Natsume. Unfortunately, (or fortunately, in Natsume's dictionary) Natsume had his fingers in her hair, playing with it.

"CAN YOU PLEASE STOP THAT ALREADY?!" Mikan yelled when it passed her tolerance level.

Natsume smirked. "And why should I? Do you have a valid reason?"

"You..." Mikan turned away and tried to focus on her book.

Somewhere else in the class, with Hotaru and Ruka...

"Those two are really interesting..."Hotaru said, taking out her camera.

Snap snap snap

"We're gonna be rich, bunny boy!"

So that concludes this. I think it's pretty serious in this chapter, so I think I'll try to make the next chapter funny.

Constructive criticism, corrections and suggestions are, of course, very welcome. Please R&R!

And by the way, what does AU mean?