Disclaimer: After reading a hundred of these things they get old very quickly.


xX Start Xx

Sasuke did not respect Orochimaru, not for his power, not for his cunning, not for his knowledge. He resented him, hated him, and despised him. The disrespect he showed Orochimaru angered him, and Sasuke knew it.

It was for that exact reason he never used -sama.

When Sasuke agreed to come to Sound he did not say he would join their cause; he did not ask Orochimaru to be his teacher, or his leader. The sannin had offered him power; that was the only reason he left them behind.

Angering the Snake gave Sasuke some comfort.

It reminded him of his plan; reminded him that the scum's days were numbered as his days were numbered; reminded him that someday he would be dead… And he would have his revenge; revenge for the curse seal and promises of power, and the new crossroad which had been carved into his path.

Because, if he had never met Orochimaru, never gotten the curse seal, never given in under the pressure, never been shown up by Naruto, never beaten that Sound ninja… he would've still been there. He would still be fighting with Naruto, as a rival and a friend, refusing dates with Sakura, even though she smiled so naively up at him, and glaring at Kakashi, for being late or confusing or wise or, occasionally, all three at once.

He would still be training continuously to kill Itachi, oblivious to the chance for power which had passed him by.

But Orochimaru had come and had given Sasuke a choice. And for that Sasuke would kill him, he would bear a grudge against him for all eternity, for his forced enlightenment which made him reconsider the methods he used to gain his true vengeance.

When people are presented with options they are liable to make the wrong choice… But Sasuke was sure he had made the right decision… And for that he would always hate Orochimaru.

Xx End xX

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this oneshot. I hope you enjoyed it. If you want to, drop me review; because, in all honesty, it will take you less than two minutes to write one and it will fill up your 'Good Things I Did Today' quota. : )

So... I'm back. I wrote this after remembering how rude Sasuke was to Orochimaru when he was walking along that corridor with him and Kabuto after arriving from Konoha. He was totally blunt and didn't use -sama, which by the way, is a honorific suffix attached to someone's name (Basicly Orochimaru-sama equals Lord Orochimaru). Sasuke never said he liked Orochimaru or his goals, and I truly believe that Sasuke loathed Orochimaru just as much as anyone in Konoha, maybe even more because he got to see first hand just how horrible Orochimaru was. To Sasuke, Orochimaru was a means to an end, nothing more. I think also that some small part of Sasuke resents Orochimaru for showing him door number two, giving him a choice to get stronger without team 7.

Until Next Time - Kuroi Fushichou