Me: Attention to all readers. I AM NOT A DORK! MY FRIENDS THINK I'M AWESOME, except for Morgan who's afraid of me, BUT BESIDES THAT!




Me: somebody asked in my reviews if my friends think I'm a dork! AND THEY DO NOT!

Gwen: you know they probably think dork is a compliment.

Me: oh. Well then, thank you.

Beck: Oi vey.


Confession Cam


"You know a lot of people asked me to describe myself for this show. I told them I was your average blonde child prodigy Jewish emo aggressive animal rights activist. That shut them up.


I'm just a happy go with the flow tree hugging hippie recycle yoga loving accident prone oblivious flower child!




"Now next up we have Duncan and Courtney!" Chris announced and the killer bass cheered. Into the Night by Santana came on and the curtain opened. Duncan and Courtney got into position. They began to do a cha-cha like dance and sautéed around the dance floor. Duncan twirled Courtney around and dipped her. She flipped out of the dip and began to do a samba on her own. While she was shaking her hips and tapping her feet. Duncan snuck around the other side of her and grabbed her. He turned her towards him and they began to tango. They went from side to side. Courtney put her leg up on the side of Duncan and threw her head back. The song ended.


Courtney could feel the fear welling up in her stomach. The crowd burst out into tremendous applause.

"We did it Princess!" Duncan said picking her up. She laughed.

"Put me down you idiot." He didn't. She didn't mind.

" Well, let's see what Chef has to say about that!" Chris cried pointing to Chef. Chef looked at Chris. Then the audience. Then the camera.

"I give it a nine foos!" The Killer Bass burst into cheers!

"Good job Duncan!" Geoff said high fiving him.

"Nice on bro." DJ said bumping fists with him.

"Courtney you rule!" Bridgette gave her friend a hug. "So I guess being with Duncan wasn't so bad after all huh?"

"What?! Are you kidding me it was torture. I-I hated it!" Courtney protested in a very unconvincing way. Bridgette raised an eyebrow.

"You know Courtney, Denial isn't just a river in Egypt." Beck said grinning like the Chesire Cat.

"You're wearing a dress." Courtney snapped. Beck glared at her then looked sad.

"Must you rub it in?" DJ looked over at the girls and had over heard the last comment.

"I don't I see what the big deal is. I think you look nice." He said. Beck turned pink.

"Really?" He nodded "Well, I think you look cute in your tux." He turned scarlet.

"See Courtney! Beck can admit her feelings, why can't you?" Bridgette asked secretly walking towards Duncan without Courtney realizing it.

"Because he's so…so…so"

"Unbelievable hot?"

"Yes but wait no I mean DUNCAN?" Duncan was standing beside her grinning.

"Thanks for the compliment Princess."

"I didn't mean that!" She cried.

"I think you did."

"I didn't."

"Ug, they fight like an old married couple." Gwen rolled her eyes. "You'd think they audience would get bored."

"Not really, they more they fight the more the ratings go up. Why do you think I put them together?" Chris said. Trent walked up to him shocked.

"You mean you planned this?"

"Of course I did! I plan half the stuff on this show!" Chris rolled his eyes. "Alright campers, Killer Bass you get to spend the next five hours SHOPPING!" they cheered. "Screaming Gophers, I'll see you at the campfire ceremony tonight."

Confession cam


Heather(wearing the wig)

"this absolutely stinks! We lost another challenge! Plus it is going to take me HOURS to get this die out of my hair! I wanted to go shopping!"



"At least the help get to go shopping to! That means Beck and DJ can hang out." She raised her eyebrows.

(From outside the cabin)

Go to hell!

"Not very nice!"

At the mall

Courtney was spending most of her time at Canadian Eagle and Jollister. Her two favorite stores. She had at least two bags of new shirts and pants when she was grabbed from behind and pulled next to somebody.

"I seem to recall you telling me something about a horrific talent show accident." Courtney groaned.

"Can't I ever get a break from you?" She asked him. Duncan shook his happily. He turned her around and went inside Pencer's.

"Pencer's? This store is for Goths and Delinquents!" Courtney squealed in horror. Beck who was right next to her glared.

"I resent that." She said buying an Avenged Sevenfold shirt.

"Come on Courtney, you should know me we enough by now to know that I'm a delinquent." Duncan said. "What do you think of this shirt?"
"Rock out with your cock out?! That's disgusting!"

"Good, I'll get this and what do you think of this?"
"Bad ass chick? For who?"

"You, duh."

"WHAT?! I am not going to wear that."

"To bad, I'm buying it for you."

"DON'T!" Duncan rolled his eyes and put the shirt back.

"You know, most girls like it when guys get them gifts." Courtney put her hands on her hips.

"Yeah, nice gifts. Flowers, or candy, or I don't know a teddy bear! Not a shirt that says Bad Ass Chick!" Duncan looked thoughtful. "What are you thinking?" She asked nervous.

"What do you mean?" He asked innocently.

" Don't play innocent with me. Your devilish mind is thinking of something." Duncan blinked and stifled a laugh.

"Princess you are THE most paranoid chick I have ever met." Courtney let out a huff and went to shop at Ambercrombie and Mitch.


Beck left Pencer's in a bad mood. Courtney called her goth, Duncan had previously called her creepy and Geoff was just plan scared of her. How could DJ like her if guys like ten times tougher them him didn't! Her love life was a spiral of disappointment.

She heard some scratches. She turned and saw a small animal story. She looked in the window. Bunnies, Guinea pigs, Hamsters, chinchillas and tons more! She went inside to look at some more. But she bumbed into somebody.

"Sorry." She turned, it was DJ. "Hey DJ." She said looking at the ground.

"OH, hey Beck."

"Looking for some stuff for Bunny?" She asked looking at the bunnies that surrounded them.

"Yep, I think he needs a friend." Beck smiled and nodded.

"That one looks nice." She pointed to an all black bunny. DJ nodded.

"I was thinking about that one. But he's cute too." He pointed to a hedgehog in a different cage.

"A hedgehog? Do they get along with bunnies?"

"If they're nice they will." They leaned over the hedgehogs. There weren't many.

"It's kinda sad that hedgehogs get a bad rep because they're covered with needles. Their actually pretty nice." Beck said picking one up. DJ nodded and took her from Beck's hand.

"IF you ignore the prickly outside, you see a very nice and cute pet."

"Yeah." They smiled and looked at each other. DJ leaned in Beck closed her eyes.

"Are you gonna buy that?" a very bored teenager asked. The two jumped apart.

"Um, yeah. I think I will." DJ said. Beck smiled, then high tailed it outta there. Maybe her love life wasn't doomed. She'd have to give him a call after the show.

I'm glad we exchanged numbers; I can call her after the show. DJ thought after he bought his new pet. "I think I'll call you Becca…"


Courtney was looking for Bridgette. They were supposed to meet after the firsst two hours… Suddenly she heard alarms going off.

"What the-Duncan." She muttered. Sure enough our favorite green mohawked boy came running towards her.

"Flowers for you." He said giving her a bouquet.

"What the-"

"You said you wanted flowers, you never said purchased flowers." She rolled her eyes.

"That is so…."






"Then what?"

"Sweet." She said and gave him a kiss.

Me: wow, the end

Gwen: The end?

Bridgette: the end?

Courtney: The end?

Molly: THE END!

Me: Yes. Sadly.

Beck: wow this was your best story.

Me: so far anyway.

Beck: True.

Me: If you reviewed, faved, subscribed or faved me thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you.

Beck: Cheesy way to end.

Me: what you want me get cut off in the middle of my sen-