Disclaimer: I don't own D!3

The events of this story are set between the Manga/Anime series. I'll try to make everyone in character and I'll try to make this story short. This chapter focuses on Ruu's point of view as a baby so I wasn't being descriptive on everything that people do or things look around him. Enjoy. XD

Chapter One: I wish I coud Talk

"You forgot to wake me up again!"

"Hey I told you not to stay up all night watching those stupid shows!"

"And I told you I dont want to miss any of those shows and you promised that you would wake me up!"

"What are you talking about, I didn't PROMISED you nothing. I stuck out my toungue at you, remember?"

"One of these days, I really hope you'd bite that thing off!"

"You know, all of this talking you could just use it to get ready for school quicker because you are getting us late."

Here we go again. It's another Monday morning in the Saionji Temple. Mama and Papa are fighting yet again. For quite sometime that me and my sitter pet Wanya stayed here, I still grow weary of my "parents" arguing all the time. Wanya keeps telling me that Papas and Mamas do argue sometimes but my "parents" keep going at it most of the time. Wanya says its how my Mama and Papa show that they care for each other but sometimes I wonder if they really do. Maybe I should cry again to get them stop biting each others head off.


"Oh no, master Ruu… please don't cry."

"Oh now you done it, dummy-head."

"Hey don't call me dummy-head, you dummy-head"

"Listen Ruu, you really should stop crying all the time. You're the man of the house next to me and real men don't cry, alright?"


"I'm sorry Ruu. Your Papa is just being mean again to Mama. We'll bring you something good after school alright. Here is your bottle. I was still able to make you one with that box of milk I found on the counter. It's probably one of those milk brands that Wanya ordered from Universal Delivery"


"You hear that, master Ruu? Miss Miyu and Sir Kanata are just going through their morning routine."

"Hey Blondie! Get your behind in the gear or I'll leave you behind!"

"Alright already!"

I saw mama and papa went through the door and onto the long stairs down. I float over there to see them off. Wanya followed closely.

Mama always says to me that Papa is a meany. It means that Papa is doing and saying bad things to Mama that makes her feel sad. Why is Papa being a meany, I always wanted to ask Mama that.

Mama is very pretty and she has very long yellow hair. She is really nice an I like her smile. Everytime she comes home, she always carries me and hugs me. She is really soft and I like that too. Mama smells really nice. Mama always plays with me. Wanya says that Mama is a caring person.

Papa is… well Papa is… uhh… papa has short brown hair. He doesn't smile often and he looks gruff. Everytime he comes home, he just holds my hand or just pats me on my head. He does try to hold me but only when I float over to him or when he feels like it. Papa doesn't like it when I cry. Papa is not glowy like Mama. Wanya says that Papa is not really bad because Papa makes all the big decisions and he takes good care of us.

Papa can be really scary. There was one time when Mama broke one of his "toys" and Papa got really mad at Mama. I was even afraid to come near him because I can feel his anger. I don't want Papa to be scary so I tried to fix his "toy" and showed it to him. Papa just smiled and pat my head. Mama soon came over and said sorry. Papa smiled a little and things were okay again.

I see Papa likes to make fun at Mama. I hear Papa calls Mama some names. Wanya sometimes makes up for Papa being mean and scary. Wanya says that even though Papa acts mean and scary to Mama, Papa does care for Mama in his own way. I just don't see "it"… you know… Papa's own way.

"Kanata wait up! These stairs are a little slippery than usual!"

"Shut up and be careful then!"

Papa is strong and tough. Wanya says that Papas have to be very strong and tough because a Papa is the head of a family must always care and protect it. I know Papa is strong and tough but I still don't like it that Papa likes to make Mama sad. Wanya is not even sure anymore if Papa does it for fun or on purpose but Wanya insists that Papa is just being Papa.



I looked over to the stairs and I see Mama slipped up on the stairs on her way down. Papa is right in front her. Papa sees her fall down and Papa reaches for her hand and grabs Mama into Papa's body closely . There are still a lot of steps before they land on the ground. Papa and Mama could get hurt.

I rushed in and used my powers to make them float a little. I was able to make Papa's feet land gently at the bottom of the stairs. Papa is carrying mama, one arm around Mama's legs and one arm around her body. Mama's arms are around Papa's neck.

"You alright, Miyu?"

"That was really frightening, but I guess Im okay."

"I really thought we were done for but we lamded safely on the ground."

"It must have been Ruu then."

I rushed into them to see them if they really are fine. Papa and Mama are so close that it made me smile big. Maybe I should make them fall from the stairs more often.

"Miss Miyu! Sir Kanata! Are you two alright?"

"Were fine Wanya, thanks. I was able to caught Miyu mid-air but my mind went blank on what to do next."

"Thank goodness Ruu saw us off and used his powers to hover us safely here."


Papa is still not putting down Mama. I don't want to be the one to remind him. I like what I see. Its rare for me to see Papa on his good side. Papa did caught Mama. Papa protected Mama from falling. If Papa could fly like those people from Mama's shows, Papa is a hero. Mama's hero.

Papa looks at Mama with glee. I can see that Papa is relieved that Mama is safe on his arms. Mama looks at Papa with a smile. I can see that Mama is happy that Papa caught her on his arms. Papa and Mama are so red right now.

I really wish that Mama and Papa are like this everytime. I don't want to resort to forcing Mama and Papa to like each other again just like the time I did when Mama and Papa took me to the mall by sticking Mama and Papa's faces together.

Wait a minute. Where did Mama's smile go?"

"Kanata! Why are you grabbing my breast?"

"What breast? Your body composition is just like mine so don't flatter your self."

"Oh yeah? Then let me go already, you jer…"

Did Papa just dropped Mama on the solid ground? Noooo… Papa…poor Mama…

"Owww! You should have just let me fall off those stairs if you're just gonna do that to me, you jerk!"

"Yeah yeah yeah, quit blabbering and we're already late for first period."

Before I knew it, Mama and Papa are gone. I can still hear Mama shouting at Papa from a distance. My "parents" are odd. I wish there was a way for me to give them a piece of my mind, other than crying and pouting.

"Atleast we were able to see quite an interesting show, right Master Ruu? Let's go back.'


Wanya walked forward and began to go up those stairs while I float behind.

"You really shouldn't worry yourself. Miss Miyu and Sir Kanata may have their short comings but do believe me that they do care for each other.


"Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention to them that I received this "All Grown Up" formula from Universal Delivery by mistake.

"What does it do?"

"Well if I translated this box's descriptions right, if you happen to drink this then you will grow up, have a body and have the cognitive mindset of an earthling teenager."

"Wow, the stuff they make these days. Wanya, can you get me some new clothes?"

"Sure Master Ruu. Why? You made a no-no or something?… Wait"

Wanya stopped right in front of me. Wanya is still facing against me and still has no clue…

"Who am I talking to anyw…AAAYYYYYYYY!! MASTER RUU..."

I waved at Wanya to say hello. There I was, standing in my own two bare feet with straps of m yformer baby clothes still clinging on to me. Oh, im still in my diapers and I'm having a hard time keeping them on. Well you know, because I'm…


"Yeah I know, Hi. About those new clothes? It's a little chilly out here."

Author's Note:

Sorry for all that. I really wanted all the italics sound like a baby would think and say. I have this plot rambling on my mind for sometime and I just want it to let it out so I can sleep better at night.