hello again!

again, i'm sorry for the long wait on updates.
but i was sick today so it may be a good idea to do something.
anyway, this is pretty comforting and fluffy.
i think i'm going to shorten this story substantially, since i don't update it much.
instead of the planned 13-15 chapter story i was planning, it should only be around 9-10.
i also put new stuff on my profile, so be sure to check it out.
thanks, and enjoy!

soundtrack: "red rover" by the scene aesthetic

As Shane gently climbed the stairs leading to Mitchie's bedroom, his mind swirled with a million thoughts. Why did she keep pushing him away? He understood that she was hurt and confused, but what was threatening about him? He was trying to stay patient, but the more Mitchie slipped into a state of uncertainty, the more his heart broke. Shane was unsure of how much abuse the beating organ in his chest could suffer before he completely gave up. He pushed his self-pity aside as he reached Mitchie's shut bedroom door. He could hear her quietly sobbing on the far side of her room, probably knelt at her windowsill.

Hesitantly, Shane reached a hand up and knocked twice on the door. Instantly, the crying stopped. "What's wrong?" he called weakly.

"Go away!"

Shane sighed gently. "Mitchie, please let me in."

"Whenever I let something in, it gets stolen from me."

Her statement puzzled Shane. It took him a moment to realize that she was talking about her memory. She felt betrayed that something as stupid as another person's mistake could cause her whole world to crumble and evidently, fall apart. "Mitchie," Shane pressed an open palm to the cool wood of her door, "are you afraid of me?"

There was a split silence. It almost seemed as if Mitchie had just passed out or something. Shane was about to speak again, but as he parted his lips, the door opened and there stood a shaking teenage girl, with mascara running in black tributaries down her cheeks. "I'm not afraid of you," her voice seemed feeble and worn out, "I'm afraid of forgetting you." With this, her body fell forward onto Shane's as she embraced him in a hug. The fond gesture caught him off guard, but he soon too melted into the warm hug.

Shane followed Mitchie into her room and sat on her bed with her beside him. She was stroking the small gold key around her neck, sniffling quietly. "Do you think you could teach me how to play the guitar?" she asked hopefully, looking up at him. He looked at her with great intensity shining in his eyes and smiled, chuckling softly as well. "You know, when you can. It just stares at me every night and it bothers me that I never play it."

"Sure." Shane grinned. "I'd be happy to teach you any day."

Mitchie smiled with approval. "Could you play me something on it? So I can hear what a song on it sounds like." She stood up and retrieved the beautiful acoustic guitar propped up in the corner beside a cherry red electric one. Carefully, she transported the instrument back to Shane, who gripped it softly in his warm calloused hands. Mitchie nodded tenderly, as if to say, 'go on.' Shane's eyes shone with approval before his fingers clumsily found the first chord in the progression.

Slowly, be began to warm up to playing a song of which he hoped that Mitchie would recognize.

Everytime I think I'm closer to the heart
Of what it means to know just who I am
I think I've finally found a better place to start
That no one ever seems to understand

As the lyrics and music poured out of the guitar and his throat, Shane searched Mitchie's eyes for any sign of recognition. Unfortunately for him, there was nothing but blank amusement. When he finished the song, he set the guitar aside as Mitchie lightly applauded him. He decided not to become disappointed because she didn't recognize such a meaningful song. Modestly, he bowed his head. "You have an amazing voice." she complimented genuinely. "And you and can play the guitar wonderfully."

"So can you." he complimented. Mitchie blushed. Shane glanced at the guitar on the bed beside the two, his eyes gliding over a beautifully bound, ruby-red book. Its pages looked like parchment, although Shane couldn't tell for sure, because it was locked with a small golden padlock.

Mitchie laughed lightly and shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe someday." The two sat in a short, awkward silence before Mitchie broke it once again. "Shane?"


"Do you think there's any hope for me?"

Shane exhaled and shut his tired eyes. "I don't know, Mitch. The doctors say there's almost no chance of you remembering anything. They say I can help by reciting familiar experiences, but I don't know what to tell you. I really wish I could tell you something better than that, but that's what the experts are telling me." he shrugged, trying not to let the real hurt beneath his blasé exterior become evident.

"Yeah, but," – despite Shane's depressing conclusion, Mitchie was smiling – "I asked if you think there's any hope for me."

Shane couldn't help but grin. "Mitchie, you are the very definition of hope."

At 11:22, Shane padded quietly back to his guest bedroom. He turned on the lamp on the side-table next to his bed. Instantly, the room was tinted a few shades lighter. For some reason, he always liked dimly lit rooms more than brightly lit ones. Tiredly, he laid on top of the covers with his clothes from the day on, covering both eyes with his arms. Just as his eyes began to shut, Shane felt the irritating vibration of his cell phone in his front jean pocket begin. Groaning, he sat up and fished the device out, flipping open the top and pulling it to his ear in one swift motion. "Hello?"

"Hey man, how's she doing?"

Shane instantly recognized the voice to be his best friend's – Nate Black. He smiled slightly at the low voice. "Hey, she's alright. A little confused. How is it in California?"

"It misses you." Nate joked. "Does she remember anything at all?"

"Not really." Shane sighed defeated. "Not even her last name."

There was a short silence before Nate's sharp breath could be heard. "Fuck! That's the kind of shit that makes me so angry. Mitchie has to suffer because some idiot was drunk and ran a red light. He should be the one in this position, not Mitchie. For God's sake, she's one of the nicest people I've ever met. It isn't fair. Dude, I don't know how you're taking this but you know I'm usually the calm one and look at me now."

"It's hard on me too." Shane ran a hand through his black hair. "I know you love her, but man I loved her. And I was looking forward to seeing her so I could finally make something out of this feeling. And if I came and she didn't feel the same way, well, at least I'd know that. I'll never know that now because she doesn't recognize me at all." Shane's voice didn't mirror his words. He sounded emotionless, as if this was a speech he'd delivered a million times before. "The doctors say there's virtually no chance of her remembering."

"That's rough, man." Nate replied comfortingly. "Don't listen to them. A bunch of tests can't prove what an individual will remember and forget."

Shane smiled. Nate always knew the right thing to say. "Yeah, you're right. Thanks."

"Anytime." Shane could almost see Nate grinning on the other end of the line. "Hey, sorry we're calling so late, we just finished up an interview and we're heading back home. Jason and I will be flying out one of these days – when Rick decides to let the leash out." he joked, referring to their manager. "Just hang in there. And if you need anything, just give me a call and I don't care if I get whipped – but I'll be there."

"Thanks again, man." Shane smiled. "I'll talk to you later."

"See you later."

Abruptly, Shane sat up in bed and glanced at the digital red numbers on the table beside him. They read 2:47 AM. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes as a million thoughts rushed through his fleeting mind. Images of Mitchie stroking the golden key around her neck from the past week flashed by his eyes like a movie he couldn't shut off. Then, memories of it around her neck at Camp Rock last year flooded his mind. That's where I knew that necklace from! Shane thought. He got out of bed and began to pace.

Mitchie had worn that necklace every time he saw her, and never failed to take it off. It's important. What's it for?

And suddenly it hit him. The book on her bed. That key would unlock the secret to making Mitchie remember.

haha, i love cliffhangers. (:
anyway, please review! i'll be so happy if you do.
also, check out my profile!
thank you!