To the Outerworld
Author: Soul Teller
Rating: T may be M in Future currently unsure...
Summary: A follow-up to Tag, Miria and the others begin their attack on the Organization, they are offered help from an unlikely source.
A/N: I am currently in a Claymore writing mood. Which means people who were satisfied or unsatisfied with my last story Tag. Rejoice, or despair for I am writing this and you can probably guess what this story is about. Now here's the main question... how will they do it? Read and find out! Reviews of all kind are accepted. (Goes to typing while listening to Tetris damn those Russians!)
To the Outerworld...
Raki looked at the girl standing next to woman who indeed did have normal hair color and the hybrid mix of silver. The girl herself had the bright silver that was long and more or less hid the girls eye's effectively from view. "Hmm... Is it all right if I take a look at her?" He asked the woman.
"Huh? uh sure just be careful she's a bit shy..." she said, and looked at the girl standing next to her. "Miata?" The girl didn't say anything but very hesitantly disengaged from her 'mother' and walked toward Raki. Raki squatted and held a hand out to the girl who stopped and her head turned to the hand then back to Raki.
"Come on. I won't hurt you!" He said smiling. She looked at him and stepped forward grasping his hand. Raki could feel the light but powerful grip that was used to holding the largely oversized sword that was a claymore. He used his other hand to lightly part the hair from Miata's face. "Hm... Okay! You can go back now!" He said lowering his hands and standing up. Miata looked up at him as he stood at his full height. She seemed slightly awed but remembered what he said and rushed back to her 'mother' and hid behind her.
"Well?" Miria asked from behind him. He rubbed the back of his head and lowered his head.
"I need to the think about this... I really do... and I'll need some of her blood, to check for any... irregularities..." He said, he turned and looked up at the 7 women that stood there watching him.
"What you need to think about kid? Tell us whether or not she's one of those types of us or not!" Helen said.
"That's the thing I don't know for sure plus I need to know exactly how she fights!" Raki stated angrily there was silence.
"You need to know how that one fights yes? I can tell you all about it." A silky voice said. Raki looked up behind the 7 to see another woman standing there her head hooded and wearing a nuns robe.
"Ah, Galatea yes you would know best how she fights..." Miria said.
"So your the boy that Clare was so obsessed with. Sorry but I unfortunately can't see you exactly but I can see something, something that stirs constantly... I wonder what it is...?" Galatea said with a slight smirk. Clare's eye's turned to Raki who said nothing. "If you wish to know how this adorable little girl fights come see me later on tonight in my chambers I'll tell you exactly her fighting style." She said, with that she turned and walked away. Raki watched her go then he too turned and left.
"Raki!" Clare stepped forward however she was stopped by Miria's hand.
"Clare... I think you have some explaining to do." Miria said. Clare looked at her then lowered her head.
"I... I can't explain it now... please." Clare said, Miria closed her eye's.
"Very well... Everyone we'll be staying here for the night." Miria said opening her eye's and looking at the other women.
"Whoo hoo! Free beer!" Helen cried.
"I don't think you'll be getting some tonight." Deneve said, Helen glared at her.
"Bah! I'll ask that Sid guy! He looks pretty cute anyway!" Helen laughed and she turned shortly followed by Helen. Tabitha shooked her head and muttered something about maturity and walked off to get some sleep. Clare looked at Miria.
"I'm sorry..." She said, Miria gazed at her.
"Come see me tonight I want to tell you something." Miria said and she turned and walked up the stairs, Clare nodded.
Later on...
Raki knocked on the door, "Come in." the voice of Galatea said. He opened the door, there Galatea sat in a chair a quill in hand looking at a piece of paper. She looked up when she heard him walk through the door. "Ah, yes I said tonight, well Mr. Raki I will answer your questions if you answer mine." Raki looked at her and then he folded his arms over his chest.
"Sure I have no problem with that. No tell me how Miata fights." Galatea nodded her head.
"When I fought the girl I had to fight an awakened being as will. The ordeal nearly cost me my arm and my life, I had to deal with both of them. However noticed that as I fought both of them the girl never once even moved to fight the awakened being. She fought just me even though she was being injured by the awakened being in the process. The girl does not stop till her target is destroyed much like a hunter though a hunter has enough intelligence to get better prey. She would be considered something of a... berserker of sorts. You know what a berserker is?" Galatea said, Raki nodded.
"A berserker is a being consumed with rage possessing an enormous amount strength and fighting skill. However a drawback to that is they fight the first target they see and don not stop until the target is completely obliterated all the way down to the bone." Raki said with his eye's closed. Galatea nodded approvingly then she looked at him curiously.
"Now it's time for you to fulfill your end of the bargain. What are you exactly? I sense Youki within you very powerful youki... and yet it's all different. What exactly are you...?" Raki with his eye's still closed raised a hand, he opened his eye's and stared at the hand. He held it wide opened and his hand grew larger and his fingernails extended and sharpened. He stared at his hand then he closed his eye's and clenched his fist the hand shrunk and returned to normal.
"I am the first of a newer, darker age... If I'm found then this world will sink into a darkness that we will never be able to climb out of." He said, cryptically. Galatea eyed him carefully, then she stood up and walked to him and placed a hand on his chest.
"You say that and yet... This heart... it beats like mine... it's the one of our greatest treasures as a Claymore. A human heart... as long as you have that I believe that light will shine down the world through you." Galatea said smiling. Raki stared at her then he turned around.
"Heh... If you say so!" He said and he opened the door and walked out, Galatea looked at him then she looked at the window and smiled.
"Be happy... Raki... live life to the fullest." She said.
Well I'm going to say this I won't be focusing on this as much as I normally would for I'm going to be writing a Naruto, Soul Calibur crossover fic... It's going to be my second biggest project as to my first biggest well that's an Odin Sphere Fic featuring a retelling of the whole story in Novel format... Anyways enjoy this new series...