Chapter 16
Disclaimer: not mine, blah, blah, blah
again, sorry for the wait, thanks to everyone who reviewed :D

I pulled away from Edward and stared at him,"Marry you? What…I'm sorry, you're serious?"

"Oh entirely."

"Edward, we're kind of dead."

"I fail to see why that's relevant."

"Well don't you think, bearing that in mind, that getting married is just a little bit redundant?"


"you know, the whole 'till death do we part' thing, promising to stay together in sickness and in health when we cant get sick…"

"Bella, you're rambling. Look I just want to make a public declaration that I love you and plan to stay with you for eternity."

I sighed, leaned back over to Edward and kissed him hard on the lips and stared up into the sky. "Edward Mason loves Bella Swan and plans to stay with her for eternity" I yelled, "there, a public declaration, happy?"

"I just want you to be mine, and for me to be yours."

"I'm already yours, and your already mine…can you even get married in Heaven? Is that even possible?"

"Bella, its Heaven, anything is possible."

I growled in frustration, "why are you so desperate to marry me anyway?"

"I don't know, its just something I always thought I'd do when I was alive, and when I died I thought I'd lost the chance, but now I've found you, come on Bella, don't you want to marry me even a little bit."

I took a deep breath, resting my hand lightly on Edward's forearm "Edward, its not that I don't want to marry you, its just that I'm the opposite to you, I never wanted to get married, I guess because of my parents divorce I kind of view marriage as the kiss of death when it comes to relationships."

"Well you don't have to worry about that Bella."

"Why is that?"

"Well for one thing, we're already dead, so the kiss of death would have no adverse affect on us, and for another, I know our marriage would work out"

I threw my hands up in the air, exasperated, "fine!"

"is that a yes?"

"That's a yes..."
"Cant you be a bit more romantic in your acceptance of my proposal?" Edward pouted, and I laughed, before summing up my best sarcastic demeanor,

"Edward, my one, my only, you are my day, my night, my sun, my rain, my friend, my lover. Yes! Yes! Forever and Always" I said, deadpan, clutching my heart.

"Well really Bella, I'm beginning to think you don't love me at all." And all of the sudden a pretty golden band appeared on my finger.

"Oh, that's pretty."


Just a super short, light hearted chapter today :D A couple of people have asked if the story is finished. The short answer is no. the slightly longer answer is that I have a few more chapters planned, some more stuff happening, I don't think I'll do the wedding in too much detail.

Now for some shameless plugs,
my new threadless/typetees shirts (best t-shirt+hoodie website ever)



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