Hello, Choco again. I'm finally going to make a multi-chapter fic, exciting no? Im gonna give a head's up to Midgets Unite and francescad for giving me encouraging reviews and keeping my spirits up. And thank you to all my other reviewers.


Disclamer: Naruto characters do not belong to me, but to kishimoto.

Pairings: Im not entirely sure yet, thats what the poll is for, but i'm debating between Kakanaru, Itanaru, and Yamanaru. Or maybe a threesome. ohohohoh, the possibilities! :D Tell me what you would want this story's pairing to be! (please not SasuNaru, I hate that pairing)

Rating: M for content in later chapters and foul language. AU


Naruto hummed a little tune, while browsing down the grocery store isle. Yep, life was good. It didn't matter that he had no parents, or that he had to work to survive while other kids got spoiled rotten. Nope, he was fine. And what could our dear little protagonist be so happy about?

Well, dear Naruto just got accepted to one of the most prestigious schools in Japan, A.M. & D. Institute. A.k.a., The Institute of Art, Music, and Design. This school is all about the arts. Musical geniuses were known to be born in this school, art majors to be the best in the world. The top students got scholarships throughout their college years. They usually went on to be famous singers or musicians, or used their skills and knowledge of art and design to become fashion designers, artists, or even architects. The students usually had to be talented in more than one area of the arts, and graduated with the knowledge of design and instruments. This college accepted few, everybody who was anybody wanted to be accepted.

Naruto did a little dance, spinning around in glee as his blonde hair flew like a halo around his head. His azure eyes twinkled in delight. He had been extatic to know that he got accepted. Ever since he got the letter of acceptance earlier on this week, he had been on cloud nine.

' Just think, no more working everyday to pay rent. No more saving money for food. I finally have the chance to make millions, while doing something I love.' thought Naruto.

Plus, its not like he had anything to lose, he really had not connected with the people here. They thought of him as a curse, all of his family died after all. Most people just avoided him. The only problem would be leaving Iruka. A pang of sadness hit the teen like a pack of bricks. He and Iruka were very close, the older man was like a brother to him. But he would come visit. He was going to become the best, and prove to Iruka he was worthy of calling him a brother. He was Uzumaki-fucking-Naruto, and he would rise to the top, no matter what!

With his heart light, he got the rest of his groceries and headed back to his apartment.


Narruto closed the suitcase with a loud snap, and grinned at Iruka. Said man enveloped him in a tight hug and said " I'll miss you Naruto! You make sure to write, or I'll come hunt you down."
Naruto laughed and wiggled out of Iruka's embrace. "Yeah, Yeah, I know Iruka. Now I got to go, I'm going to be late! If Im late for my flight, so help me God..."

Iruka chuckeled and waved goodbye as Naruto got in the Taxi. He watched until he could no longer see the car before whispering "Good luck, Naruto" and slowly walking back inside.

Meanwhile, Naruto was shivering with excitement. He put on his headphones and tried relaxed, as he prepared for the long drive to the airport.

The taxi ride was long, but to Naruto, the time flew by because he worked on his sketches, and wrote more solos for his violin. His whole life had been devoted to drawing people and playing his violin. Some people might think it was dumb, but as soon as they heard him play, they were blown away. He didn't play just a normal violin, he played electric.

But drawing was his first love. Most people would never realize it, but Naruto was an extremely observant person. He loved to capture a person's face in any emotion. Years of practice and hard work made him good. Very good.

Yes, he knew how to draw, but he really lacked the knowledge he needed to have a career. He didn't know how to paint watercolor, or acryllics. He wanted to be able to use acryllics most of all. The colors were so vibrant, so full of life! But he didn't have the money to buy any supplies. So with sketches he stayed. He often drew detailed sketches of human expressions and studies of the human anatomy. He knew he was good, but drawing sketches wasn't the job he was looking for. Naruto's dream was to become a famous. Whether it was for art, or for his love of the violin, he didn't care. His wanted, no needed to be the best. To show all those who never believed in him that he is great. He needed to prove all those who called him worthless, who called him a curse wrong. Going to the A.M. & D. would just bring him one step closer to his goal.

As he got out of the taxi and entered the airport, he looked at the brochure for the A.M. & D. one last time. 'Dayuum, this place is nice.' he thought. He giggled in excitement before mentally smacking himself. 'After all', he concluded, 'Men don't giggle.'


Naruto walked into the flight and nearly giggled again. They had given him first class seats! Plus he got a seat by the window, his favorite spot.
He looked at his ticket again. 'Hmm 3B, where is that..?'

He walked a couple more feet before stopping at row 3. He looked over and noticed that a man was sitting in his seat, his favorite outside seat! The man looked up at Naruto and gave him a glare before turning back to his book. His look plainly said 'I don't give a damn if I'm sitting in your seat.' Naruto responded with a glare of his own before sitting down on the inside seat. He wouldn't complain, it was first class after all and he was lucky to be here in the first place.

Naruto glanced at the man beside him again and couldn't help but notice his looks. He may be a bastard, but there was no denying he was hot. His skin looked soft and pale, which contrasted with his dark ebony hair. Naruto giggled when he noticed his heair looked like a ducks ass. 'Hah, that bastard isn't so perfect after all.'
He briefly wondered if he had an older brother, becuase he would be gorgeous. Especially without that duck butt hair. Naruto licked his lips at the thought of a hotter, older version of the man next to him.

The man glanced over to him, with a raised eyebrow. 'Oh, crap. He must have heard me giggling. I really have to stop that.' thought Naruto, his forehead wrinkling in thought. The man next to him smiled in amusement as the blonde flew through his emotions. Naruto went through annoyance, to happiness, to displeasure, and back to happiness all in a snap. For once he decided to be polite to the interesting figure beside him and offered his hand to the blonde.

"Uchiha, Sasuke."

Naruto snapped from his thoughts and shook Sasuke's hand before replying "Uzumaki, Naruto. Nice to meet you," and flashing a dazzling smile. Sasuke's eyes widened as the blondes smile changed his whole face. His features lit up and white, shiney teeth gleamed.

'Well, fuck me sideways. (1) He's pretty hot.' Sasuke thought. He couldn't believe he hadn't noticed it before. The blonde in front of him was pretty gorgeous, if he did say so himself. He had wide innocent cobalt eyes, and pretty tan skin. He had bright blonde hair and everything about him just screamed cute. If Naruto had heard his thoughts he would have frowned and possibly thrown a tantrum. He hated to be called cute, he was a man dammit! But he didn't, so he continued to smile at the Uchiha, oblivious of his thoughts. He saw the dark haired male frown at his choice of clothing.

"Whaaat?" he whined. "Orange is a nice color." Sasuke looked at him and back to his orange T-shirt.

"Orange is hideous." he stated simply. "Black or blue would look much better on you."

Naruto puffed out his cheeks angrily and pouted at the man next to him.

"Well I think orange is a great color, and its not like I can go shopping anytime I want! Not everybody is a rich prat you know," he muttered, glancing down at Sasuke's rich-looking clothes in distaste. Sasuke wisely chose to drop the subject and glanced back to his book.

An hour passed and Naruto was starting to get antsy. Out of sheer boredom, he decided to start poking the man next to him. Sasuke looked up, his eye twitching in annoyance. "What?!" he hissed out after several minutes of poking.

"I'm bored! Entertain me!" the blonde complained and pouted. Sasuke sighed in exasperation and decided that a sore shoulder was not on his agenda.
He and the blonde talked the rest of flight. And to his surprise, the blonde was intelligent and entertaining to talk to. Maybe this flight wouldn't be so bad after all...


Naruto called another taxi and got in, contemplating his flight. Sasuke had been surprisingly talkative. After he got over his bastard-ness that is. They had not run out of things to talk about. To their delight, they actually had quite a number of things to discuss. Its really too bad that they would never see eachother again.

Naruto blinked and pushed his thoughts away as the Taxi stopped.'Woah, this place is amazing. Its even better than I expected!' he cheered.

And it was true. The place was huge, about three stories high. Archaways and large pillars gave at a bit of a Greek touch. The compound was shaped into a large diamond, with a huge square in the middle, filled with small shops and people. Naruto took a deep breath and grinned before striding to the attendance hall. He pushed open the old fashioned doors and nearly gasped in surprise. While the outside looked old, everything inside screamed modern. The room had a sleek look, with models and paintings of cars on the walls. The secretary had a huge work table, with a large computer created by the famous Konoha Inc.

The secretary nearly laughed at the astounded expression on the boy's face. She smiled and said "Hello, my name is Shizune, I am the head secretary to the principal of this Academy. Who might you be?"

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto. I'm here to get my schedule."

"Ahh, of course Uzumaki-san. Here you go. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask." With that, Shizune handed him his dorm key, schedule, and a map to the school."

"Please Shizune, its just Naruto. But I do have one question.." Naruto glanced at his room number. "Where is 943 D?"
Shizune gave him directions and Naruto sped off, eager to settle into his dorm. Classes began the next day, and he was in a hurry to unpack and get a good night's rest. Naruto took a a third right like Shizune said... wait, maybe it was the fourth right.

'Oh crap, please, God, tell me that I'm not lost.' Naruto thought, before glancing at his surroundings. "678 C?! Oh Crap, I am lost Dammit!" Naruto spun around quickly when he heard a chuckle. "Is the wittle boy lost?" came the mocking question.

Naruto glared at the man before him, eyeing him up and down. He looked older than himself, about seven or eight years. He had a mask on and his silver hair covered his left eye. He was dressed in a tight black shirt, and dark blue skinny jeans. In other words, he was hot. But then his mocking words came to Naruto, and the teen glared.

"Yes, I am lost," he said, his lips drawn in a tight line. " I would appreciate it, if you could direct me to 943 D." He tried to be polite, he didn't want to make enemies after all.

The older man tapped where his lips would be under the mask, and looked what might have been in thought at the ceiling, if not for that evil smirk seen through his mask. "I could tell you," he began, "But I just don't want to." With that said, the silver haired man grinned.

Naruto quickly lost his patience and hissed "Shut the Hell up old man, I just need directions. If you're not going to give them to me, then I'll just leave." With one last glare, the teen stormed off.
Meanwhile, the silver haired male laughed and headed back up to the teacher's lounge.

Poor Naruto ended up walking around for two hours lost, until a by a stroke of luck, he managed to find his room number. He opened the door, threw his stuff down, and collapsed on the unnocuppied bed, not even sparing a glance at his startled roommate.


So that's the end of chapter one! what do you think? Can anyone guess Naruto's roommate, its obvious. Well at least to me, but thats not saying much.
oh, and the man Naruto was talking to is obvious as well.

(1) haha, that's from a funny movie. Blade III.

Remember to tell me what you want the pairings to be!