A/N: No, your eyes don't defy you it is a chapter for Goodbye!! The final chapter of Goodbye. The muse had run away for the LONGEST time, but resurfaced to finish this chapter for you guys. I want to thank Makristina for kicking my butt every oppurtunity she had, Megs for being the online muse, and most off all, Twinkeyrocks, cause i wub her lots and lots.

And big shout out to the DLC girls that inspired some of the chapter.

I hope you all enjoy it, and it doesn't disappoint.

Hugs!! Laurzz x

Each night I pray to the lord above,

Hoping she'll never leave.

I can't help but wonder why,

She gives this love to me.

And when we're old and grey, will I still be…?

The air she breathes, the song I sing,

Her destiny that tomorrow brings.

I give to her, all I am.

My heart and soul would be,

Her everything.

- 'Her Everything' – George Canyon.

Lindsay Monroe sighed happily as she mindlessly walked through central park, a doughnut in one hand, a lemon tea in the other. Danny had left her a note on her desk about three hours ago telling her to meet him in central park during her lunch hour.

And here she was. On her lunch hour. Waiting for her darling other half to get his ass to the damn park.

She plonked herself down on a nearby bench and crossed her legs as she took another bite of her doughnut. Pulling her cell out, she pressed speed dial 1, in attempts of getting in touch with him.

She set her tea down on the bench, and held the phone to her ear.

"Who you callin'?"

"You," she chucked as she turned around, "Took your time don't ya think?"

He stuck his tongue out and sat next to her before kissing her on the cheek, "How's work?"

"Fine," she smiled as she offered him a bite of her doughnut, "want some? I bought two, but got hungry. So I ate the other one, so it looks like we're sharing this half of one."

He laughed heartily, and leaned over to take a bite, "God I love you."

"Why cause I buy you doughnuts but eat them?"

"No, just cause you eat."

She chuckled, "Well, what can I say? I'm a country girl."

"You can't use that for everything, Montana. It slowly loses its charm after a while,"

She mocked glared at him before breaking out into a smile, "Whatever. So what did you ask me here for? To look at the daisies? Smell the roses?"

"Close, but no." Danny smirked, "I wanna ask you something, actually."

"Could you not have asked me when I got home?"

"No," he said, shaking his head, "No."

"Riight." She smiled nervously, "well, shoot."

"Actually, it's more of a favour."

"Whatever it is, no."

"You haven't heard what I want yet."

She flashed him a toothy grin "Go on,"

"Walk with me?" he asked as he offered her a hand,

She rolled her eyes, but took it regardless, "You know, people don't believe me when I tell them you're romantic. Like they look at me as if I'm insane."

"I save the best of me for you," he told her with a smirk, "Only let the person I love most in the world see me like the romantic sap that I am"

Lindsay smiled at him before breaking away from him momentarily to throw her rubbish in the nearby trash can before re-taking his hand. "So, what couldn't wait?"

"I want to tell you some things first, Linds."

"Should I be nervous, Danny? No good can come of you thinking deeply."

"Watch it, wiseass." He glared before chuckling and kissing her cheek. "Not nervous," he told her, "just listen to me first,"

She smiled,

"I love you, Lindsay." He started, "And when I look at you, you're where I wanna spend the rest of my life."

Her eyes widened, while a smile tugged at her lips.

"What I'm trying to say is that I wanna be the man that you come home to at night for the rest of your life. I wanna be the man that your kids call Daddy. I want to be the guy that you want your forever with."

"You are that man, Danny. You know that."

"I wanna be the man that can say that you're my wife." He stopped dead in his tracks, and slipped a hand into his leather jacket, revealing a small blue box. "Do me a favour, Montana." He started as he dropped to one knee and opened the box to reveal a small diamond ring. "Marry me, Linds?"

Se dropped the last piece of her donut, and looked at him, "I… I… What?"

"Marry me," he repeated,

She sighed heavily and took his hand, to pull him up from the ground, "Danny…"

"Just a question, Linds." He told her, "something to think about, alright?"

"Can I… think about it?"

He nodded and offered her the tiny box, "Keep that… it's yours Linds… we'll talk later, okay?"

She nodded absent-mindedly as he kissed her forehead, then her nose, and headed off in the opposite direction.

Leaving her astounded in the middle of central park with an engagement ring in her hand.

Wondering what in the hell had just happened.

"No hits on them prints, Lindsay." Stella sighed as she stood in the doorway of Danny and Lindsay's shared office. The older woman stood for a second, taking in Lindsay's appearance from the doorway. The younger woman looked perplexed. Lost in her own little world.

"Linds, you hear me?" Stella enquired after a moment.

"What? Yeah, no match on the prints…"

"Everything okay?" her friend asked with raised eyebrows, "You seem out of it…"

"No I'm fine," Lindsay smiled, "just lost myself for a minute there… You know how it is… Too much coffee, not enough sleep."

"I do indeed." Stella smiled, "But if there is something you need to talk about Linds, like if you need a friend, you know where I am, right?"

"Absolutely." Lindsay nodded, "thanks Stella."

"Not a problem, Kiddo…" Stella smiled in response, "I was thinking we could go back to the scene, see if anything falls into place?"

"Sure," Lindsay nodded, "Sounds good."

"I asked you a question." Lindsay said, standing her ground from the other side of the steel table in interrogation, "You answer mine, and I might answer yours… Give and take."

"A'ight." Morris Johnson nodded from across the table, "What is it you want, a confession? Cause I'm not confessing to a crime I didn't commit… I didn't even know the guy,"

"I asked about your whereabouts on the 11th, Mr. Johnson? I didn't ask for a confession."

"But you must be wanting something… I mean, you got me in here… alone"

Lindsay chuckled softly, "You're not my type, sorry."

"You don't mean that cupcake."

"Oh, believe me," She said as she leant across the table, and glared at the man, staring at her, "I do…"

"What, you got a boyfriend?"

"Fiancé actually," Lindsay told him as she sat down, "So, as we were saying…"

As Morris Johnson swore blind and declared he had never seen the victim in his whole entire life, Lindsay let out a breath.

She just called Danny her fiancé.

As Mac Taylor made his way to his destination, he took a minute to look in the various different departments in the lab.

He had come a hell of a long way since his time, serving in the Marine corp.

He had jumped over obstacle after obstacle, only to fall down again. Specifically after Claire's death. He found that for a significant amount of time, he lost sight in the world. He lost himself in the emptiness that was his life without the love of his life. He didn't see why he should go to sleep, only to wake up a widow. It was a phrase that killed him. Mac Taylor was a widow. He had never, ever when he was stood in Chicago, among family and close friends promising each other forever, that after only a few years of marriage, Claire would have been taken so cruelly and so suddenly.

Honestly, he always thought it would be himself that would be the first one to go. Not her. Never in a million years thought he would have to adjust to what was life without Claire.

But, he had achieved what he thought was the impossible.

He'd moved on, but never for one minute had he forgotten her.

He had recently found the beach ball that she had blown up the summer of 2001. Mere months before her death, initially it hurt. The first time he had come across it, it had broken his heart all over again.

The second time he had come across it however, was different.

Instead of grieving the loss of his wife, and feeling almost resentful toward the object for containing some of her breath, he remembered the good times. He remembered the day on the beach. Back when he had a life, and enjoyed a rare day off, when his schedule permitted him to.

Back when he shared a life with Claire.

He stopped in the doorway of his destination, and took a minute to look at Lindsay Monroe.

He couldn't help but feel slightly proud of the woman that sat in front of him. He was proud of each and every member of his team when they brought a killer to justice, but with Lindsay, there was something more. Her excitement and enthusiasm was infectious, and despite him outwardly groaning whenever she presented him with an infamous experiment to display and demonstrate her findings, he realised that life in the New York crime lab would be dull without her infectious laugh and determination and dedication to bring justice to the victim that had been taken away too soon.

She was a fantastic CSI, and a valued NYPD detective, and he was damn proud of how far she had come.

'Did you know petting a cat has been scientifically proven to lower your blood pressure?'

That was one of the first things Lindsay Monroe had said to Mac Taylor. Random trivia at it's best, he had mused to himself, as he had sent her on her way to analyse and collect evidence.

He didn't have the heart to tell her that he had in fact known that petting a cat, in theory lowered your blood pressure.

Along with the fact that no two tigers had the same pattern of stripes.

But, what did it matter? He figured biting his tongue was far more effective than making her feel even more nervous than what she clearly already was.

Instantly, when he had seen, and heard Danny Messer introduce himself, Mac saw the spark. The smiles exchanged were undeniably smiles that, despite a shaky start, a friendship would form on those smiles, leading to a love that the two of them shared.

Which was why Mac was there. He cleared his throat to make his presence known.

"Oh, hey Mac."

"Am I interrupting?"

She shook her head, "No, just finishing up some paperwork, come in. What can I help you with?"

Mac Taylor took a seat across from the woman that had slowly grown, developed, and flourished during her time with the NYPD crime lab, "How are you?"

She smiled as she carried on typing up her DD5, "I'm fine, thanks. You okay?"

He nodded, "Lindsay?"


"How are things with Danny?"

She smiled, "Incredible."

Mac fought the smile that was tugging at his lips, "That's good to hear."

Lindsay rolled her eyes and stopped typing at her computer, "I'm not stupid Mac, I know you know."

"Know what?" Mac gasped, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Lindsay simply raised her eyebrows.

"Okay," Mac sighed, "Maybe he mentioned it in passing."

Lindsay chuckled.

"I don't know whether you made a decision already, but there was a little story I was hoping to share with you…"

"You have my attention," Lindsay admitted, "Shoot."

As she shoved her key in the front door, she sighed heavily and pushed the door open with her shoulder. Instantly, she chucked her bag onto the floor, and dropped her coat, as she made her way into the living room while toeing her shoes off at the same time.

"Danny? I'm home…"

"In the kitchen," he replied.

The lights in the apartment were low, extremely low in fact.

So much so, Lindsay felt the need to place her hand on the wall in order to find her way to the kitchen without crashing head first into a wall or door.

"Danny, the bulb in the hallway gone or something?"

He didn't answer, and instead she heard the small sounds of the breakfast bar in their kitchen being set, and containers filled with food set on mats.

"Danny?" she asked as she finally walked into the kitchen. Instantly, her breath was taken away.

"Evenin' Monroe." Danny grinned as he placed a kiss to her temple, "Hope you're hungry."

"Starving," she nodded as she furrowed her brows at the sight of the kitchen and the meal, stood proudly, waiting for the two to dig in. "What's all this?"

He shrugged, "It's dinner, why? What does it look like?"

"Looks like you did something, or broke something. Or want to go somewhere next weekend."

He chuckled and shook his head, "it's a just because dinner."

Lindsay nodded as he pulled a chair out for her, and tucked her into her seat, "It's Chicken Parmesan, Aiden's recipe…" he explained, "nowhere near as good as hers, but, I do what I can…"

Smiling Lindsay nodded and watched him as he poured her a glass of wine, "Thanks," she uttered, as he took a seat next to her.

"So, how was the rest of the day?"

Lindsay nodded as she stared down at the food Danny had just dished onto her plate, "Okay…"

"Did you get the guy?"

She nodded, "I broke him after an hour and a half interrogation. He went from swearing blind he had never met the victim in his life, to telling me that she had it coming with her 'whorish' ways."


"Look, I relay the information," she said as she stabbed some chicken with her fork. "He said it, not me."

Danny chuckled, "Figures. I swear, some people come up with the weirdest shit. I was on the subway yesterday, and heard some mom call her kid a wisebutt. I mean, what's that about? Call the kid a wiseass if you're gonna call the kid anything."

"Didn't realise you felt so strongly about it."

He shrugged, "Other than that, did you have a good day?"

"Danny, what is this?" she asked, a little more abruptly than what she had wanted to sound, "I mean…"

"You mean about what I asked you earlier, and why haven't I mentioned it?"

"Um, yeah." Lindsay laughed, almost sarcastically, "You could say that…"

"Well, the way I see it, nothing's changed, Linds… I still love you. And I'm hoping you're at least thinking and considering marrying me…"

She simply stared at him.

"What? You think I would have packed up and thrown the towel in when you didn't answer me? Linds, I dropped that on you out of nowhere, and if I'm honest, I would have been surprised if you said yeah straight away… I mean, sure, it hurt, you not saying yeah… But, I took that chance. I think you already know that I want to marry you, and I figured why waste time? I've been thinking about it a lot recently, and I realised that I want to be with you for the rest of my days. The way I see it, we've said goodbye too many times now, Linds… And each and every time it doesn't work… we end up back in the other's arms, despite how hard we push each other away. Things change, but our love doesn't. It stays the same. Cause if it did change, we wouldn't be here."

"It can get stronger, so in a way, it can change." Lindsay commented, still trying to process some of Danny's monologue.

"Okay, so things change, and those things make our love grow stronger, better?"

She giggled softly and nodded.

"So, it was just something to think about, alright… The ring isn't going anywhere, and neither am I… So, when you're ready… let me know."

Lindsay nodded as she took a sip of her wine, while gazing down at the steaming plate of food in front of her. She raised herself off the barstool for a second and shoved her hand in her pocket, before pulling something out. She slid the small box across the breakfast bar, and met Danny's gaze with her warm chocolate eyes.

"Ask me again." She asked.

He narrowed his eyes at her, and blinked, "Linds…"

"Ask me again," she whispered

He turned in his barstool, and took her hand, "Marry me, Linds."

She nodded, and simply whispered, "Yes."

Hours passed as the couple lay together on their couch, listening to the sounds of a ranger's game in the background as the conversation flowed easily between the two.

Lindsay sighed as she traced the muscles on Danny's toned stomach, through his wifebeater that constantly clung neatly and effortlessly to his skin. "Why do you love me?"

"God, here we go," he mused as he sat up couch before twisting on his side, wrapping Lindsay in his arms, "Do you want the list?"

"I feel it's a requirement to request such a thing as your fiancée."

"You really want to know?" he asked as he pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose, "Really?"

Nodding against his chest, she twisted to look at him, "I really, really do."

"This is where I feel most at home," he admits, "With you, it fits."

Smiling, she pressed a kiss to his bare shoulder. "Anything else?"

"Christ, you're fishing for compliments, aren't you?"

She grinned cheekily before shrugging dramatically, "It's nice to hear these things once in a while."

"And proposing marriage isn't good enough?"

"To be fair, Danny, you proposed when I had a doughnut in my hand, so you know…"

"Alright, my timing wasn't all that good, but you can't say it wasn't the worst proposal in the world."

"No, it wasn't too bad." She smirked, "Stop changing the subject. I want to know what you love about me."

He sighed dramatically as he tried to disguise a smile that was tugging at his lips, "You're breathtakingly beautiful, day and night. You make me laugh; hell you make me cry with laughter with some of the things you come out with. You're witty, and a wicked sense of humour."

Rolling her eyes, she chuckled. "Is that all you have?"

"You got a smokin' hot body." He shrugged as he glanced at the TV.

"Be nice," she glared at him.

"I am, I would love someone to say that to me, all the hours I spend in the gym,"

"You're such a bullshitter," she scolded, "You have never stepped foot in a gym, all you do is press ups, sit ups, and holding me against the wall, that's where you get your muscles from."

He sighed dramatically, "You've found me out. The method to hotness that is Danny Messer. Having sex with Lindsay Monroe against the wall and on pool tables"

"And in storage closets in the lab," she quickly added.

"And in our office."

"We said we wouldn't talk about that, Danny."

"Montana, not many people can say they've had sex in the crime lab, it's -."

"So…" She smiled, in attempts of swiftly changing the subject, "Anything else that you love about me?"

"You're the girl I want my mommy to meet as my fiancée."

A huge smile split crept across her face.

"Go on then," he sighed, "what do you love about me?"

Shrugging, she shifted in his arms. "Dunno,"

"Dunno?" he gasped audibly, "Dunno? You don't know?"

Sighing dramatically, Lindsay squirmed out of his arms and sat across from him, cross-legged on the other side of the couch.

"Come on," he laughed as he gently moved her socked feet onto his lap, "Stop holding out on me,"

"I just do" she shrugged honestly, "I love everything about you."


"Everything," Lindsay nodded, "There's too much I love for me to be able to narrow it down and give it you in words."

"You're a sap," he laughed as he leant forward and to pick the two empty cups up off the coffee table in their living room, "You want another drink?"

"I'm hungry," she whined as she laid her head back on the couch, so that she was looking at Danny, who was now stood, upside down, "make me some food,"

"Since when did I become your maid? Go make your own."

"As your fiancée, I think you should make me food." Lindsay declared. "I mean if you really, really loved me, you would."

"What do you want?" he sighed

She shrugged as she sat up and turned, "food."

"Define food, woman. What do you want? Seen as you demolished that Chicken parm. Want me to whip up some pizza, I think we got a frozen one in the freezer."

"Is that all you cook?" she huffed "Carbs?"

"I'm Italian," he reminded her, "My mom taught me how to cook."

"What's wrong with vegetables? Hell, a salad? Since you moved in I've gained like three hundred pounds"

"Three words. Eat a salad." Danny smirked as he headed off into the kitchen.

"That was a cheap shot, Messer."

"In my defence," Danny laughed as he poked his head round from the kitchen into the living room, "you walked into that."

She laughed and rolled off the couch with a thud, before padding into the kitchen, "so I have a question,"

"Go on then," Danny mused as he closed the microwave door.

"What's that?"

"That's your question?" he sniggered as he glanced over his shoulder.

"Well no, it wasn't… but what is that?"

"Chocolate cake." Danny replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world as he unwrapped cling film from the plate that held the two slices of the cake. "Why, what does it look like?"

"No," She shrugged, "I just didn't realise we had anything like that."

"I bought it for dessert," he explained, "from the bakery that you love. I wanted to get you one of those cinnamon swirls you love so much, but they were all out."

She smiled as his gesture and his obvious thinking and remembering what dessert she liked. She accepted the spoon he handed her, and followed him into the living room.

"You had a question for me," he reminded her.

"Oh yeah," she laughed as she sat down next to Danny on the couch, before digging her spoon into one of the pieces of cake he was holding against his chest. "Did you ever see yourself falling in love?"

Danny smiled as he licked the chocolate sauce from his spoon, "Why?"

She shrugged, as she took another bite of chocolate cake, "I just wondered. I was thinking today about how much you've changed over the years, and when I first moved here, it just… It seemed like the last thing you were looking for was somebody to spend the rest of your life with."

"You're exactly right," he admitted, "I even, laughed at the very idea when Mac told me I could fall in love."

"Mac said that?" She asked, genuinely intrigued.

Danny nodded, "He told me that love could happen to me. I thought he was crazy. I mean, the closest I had come to love, other than the love for my mom was, well… no-one."

Lindsay laughed, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh, it's just… I can't…"

"Can't what, Montana?" Danny glared at her as he licked some chocolate from his lips,

She shrugged as she tapped her chocolate covered spoon against his nose, "I just, I always figured that you forever had a girlfriend, I mean weren't you the unofficial playboy of the crime lab."

"I don't even know where the hell that came from!" Danny told her as he attempted to lick the chocolate from his nose, "'cause it's far from the truth, let me assure you. I had one girlfriend, to my recollection after you moved to New York, and she was called Wendy" his brows furrowed, "Or was it Cindy?"

"Honestly, it doesn't matter. I don't need names and addresses of the exes." Lindsay chuckled

But, back to what you said, you're right… Initially I didn't anticipate falling in love. But, I did. "

Lindsay laughed as she kissed the tip of his chocolate covered nose, "I got to talking to Mac earlier and…"

"You're so busted," Danny told his fiancée. "He told you, didn't he?"

"Told me what? I know not what you speak of."

Danny rolled his eyes, "Alright, whatever, I'll let it slide."

"Very noble of you," Lindsay teased him, as she licked her lips to rid them of the chocolate.

"I asked you a question before, and you still haven't answered me," Danny informed her, "What do you love about me?"

Lindsay thought for a moment, "Right now, the first thing that comes to mind is how you took it upon yourself to leave and find closure to what happened regarding Rikki and Ruben. I mean, I honestly couldn't see a future between us after that happened, especially after you left."

"You knew I was coming back though, right?"

She nodded in response, "it still didn't mean you would have changed back to who you used to be though. Although…"

"Although what?" he pressed,

"I kind of hoped you would," she admitted, "I wanted the carefree Danny back."

"Did you get him back?" he asked her, holding his breath as he waited for her answer.

She nodded instantly, "I got him back, and more."

Bending forward, Danny kissed her forehead, "I'm sorry I did that to you. To us."

She shrugged, "Everything happens for a reason, that's how I see it."

He chuckled softly, and moved slightly, "Maybe for once you're right."

Lindsay's eyes widened as she gasped, "For once?! Oh you better run, cowboy! I'm always right!!"

Danny smirked as he jumped over the arm of the chair and darted in the direction of the bedroom.

"What was that?" She asked

"Left hand, yellow."

"My left hand is already on yellow," Lindsay told him through gritted teeth, "Spin it again,"

"I'm struggling to keep myself up, let alone spin the damn…"

"SPIN the damn thing," Lindsay instructed,

"Left food, green,"

Lindsay complied and moved her left foot onto a green dot.

"Remind me whose idea was it to play twister?" She spat as she effectively, and successfully twisted herself into a pretzel.

"Yours," Danny answered instantly. "Your turn to spin it," he told her.

She sighed dramatically, and with her free hand, spun the twister dial, "You know, technically this is cheating?"

"What's cheating?" Danny asked as he tried to keep his breathing constant and steady, "playing twister?"

"No," she snorted, "Moving our hands to spin the dial, it's cheating because you're not supposed to move, 'cause if you move then you're out and…"

"Lindsay, honestly, I don't think anyone is gonna know we cheated while playing twister. And even if they did, why the hell would they care? I won't lose sleep. Nobody will know we were rebellious and cheated"

"I'll know," she admitted quietly.

He chuckled, "What I gotta do?"

"Right foot, blue."

He complied, but misplaced his footing, and slipped, causing both himself and Lindsay to tumble to the floor.

"OW!" Lindsay groaned, "Danny, you're crushing me."

"I am not," he retorted as he rolled off of her and laid on his side, "God you're such a wimp."

"A wimp?" she snorted, "You want to break out guitar hero, see how much of a wimp I am then?"

"No, no." Danny assured her, adamantly. "There's only so many times I can lose before it starts to deflate my ego."

"That's what I thought," Lindsay laughed heartily as she stood up, and grabbed the edge of the twister floor mat, and whipped it up from floor, making Danny tumble onto the hardwood floor underneath him.

"Hell hath no fury like a Montana girl," Danny muttered as he rubbed his elbow, "Jesus Linds, a little warning?"

She smiled sweetly as she folded the game and set it back in its box, "What game do you want to play now?"

"What is this, game night at the Messer's? Chill out, Linds. The Yankees were playing earlier, could catch the highlights…"


"What?" Danny sighed audibly, "what?"

She shrugged as she tossed the box, containing twister onto the chair opposite the couch, "I figured with you being all hot and bothered from playing twister and guitar hero, you might…."

"Might what?" he questioned as Lindsay sunk down on the couch, "What might I do?"

"You might considering sharing the cold water with me in a shower."

"Cold? Montana, you know usually it's… Oh wait, you meant."

She smirked and wiggled her eyebrows, "I hear it's good for water conservation with there being a shortage and all."

Danny furrowed his eyebrows, "Linds are you sure? I don't think there's a water shortage anywhere…"

She rolled her eyes.

"Oh," Danny coughed as he realised what she was hinting at, "Well, if you heard that," Danny said as he switched off the TV, "Then it looks like we gotta share a shower."

She giggled as he stood up from his position on the floor and scooped Lindsay up from the couch. He carried her from the living room, and threshold of their bedroom, before chucking her on their bed.

"Danny, I thought we were…"

He let himself fall onto the bed next to her, and instantly caught her lips in a searing kiss, "I made an executive decision,"

She let out a small laugh as she slowly unbuttoned his jeans, "what might that be,"

"To skip the shower," he shrugged as he rolled her over, "What might Miss Control freak over here say to that,"

She bit her lip in contemplation before shoving Danny to the side, and pulling his wifebeater over his head, "She might be okay with that."

"You sure?" Danny smirked as he pressed a kiss to her lips,

"No," she chuckled in response, "But I'll work on that,"

"Work on what," he whispered against her skin as he lightly kissed her neck, "Not being in control or listening to me,"

"Well…" she gasped at the sensation of Danny nibbling at her neck, "Sometimes… in a… marriage… you have to… give and take…"

He pressed one final kiss to her neck before turning her, so she faced him on the bed, "I love you, you know that right?"

She nodded as her lips crashed down on his, demanding dominance.

Sometimes something's weren't supposed to change. Like Lindsay and her fun-loving, childlike ways, which effortlessly complimented her seriousness through hours of work. She was a perfect example of how it was possible to be exactly who you wanted to be.

And other times, something's were supposed to change. Like Danny, and the way in which he had completed a 180 over the past few months.

And, despite all of the things that happened between the two of them, they had made it through and that was all that mattered. In reality it didn't matter what changed, or what didn't change.

No more messing around.

No more goodbyes.

As far as they were concerned it was them; together. Forever. Through the high and the lows.

Sure, they would throw profanities and insults back and forth through arguments, and scream and yell goodbye at each other when the heat got turned up in their relationship.

But, both of them knew deep down that it was only ever see you later.

Never goodbye.