A/N: WOO! Here it is! The sequel to Wings, Weapons and Whitecoats! Just so you're clear, I'm not going to do much explaining in this story, so if you haven't read my first book: Wings, Weapons and Whitecoats, you should! Here's the link:


For those of you have already know this story, I hope you enjoy!


P.S I know this won't be as good as the first book, because, let's face it, the sequel is never as good! But still, I will try and make it as good as possible for you guys!

Chapter 1:


I watched Fang closely, out of the corner of my eye, making sure he was still holding his own. It had been a week since we busted out of the School and almost had to bomb the Whitehouse. Fang had been gravely injured throughout the whole process, but he was recovering quickly. He was still pretty weak and I watched him like a hawk. No pun intended. We had made another bold and miraculous escape, and we were, once again, on the run.

We had not yet found a place to land, and I was getting more anxious by the second. Fang needed rest, I was not risking him dropping out of the sky again. Mostly for his sake, but for mine too. You wouldn't believe how much my arms hurt after carrying him last time!

I left my watch off Fang for a second, scanning the area below me. We were somewhere in North Carolina, flying over many towns, all looking too busy and crowded for our "lie low" plan. I was trying to find a more safe, secluded town to rest up in, something with a small motel off the highway or something. Somewhere with a shower, I concluded, looking at my flock's dirty faces.

Max, I'm hungry."

I frowned, inwardly, but plastered a huge, fake smile on my face on the outside, and turned to Nudge. Although it wasn't Nudge, it was Gazzy.

"Darn it!" I yelled. " I fall for that every time!"

Gazzy just looked at me, pleased.

"Wow, Max. I thought after the first five times you would've realized it was me! Guess I was wrong!" he said happily, flying over to Iggy as he spoke.

What a cute kid. I thought to myself. But that mimicry can get annoying. I added thoughtfully.

"Max? I really am hungry."

I turned my head so it was facing away from Gazzy.

"I'm not that dumb, Gazzy."

"Apparently you are." said Gazzy's voice from above me.

I looked up at Gazzy flying above me, and then to my right, where Nudge was waiting, holding in laughter.

"Oh. Well, Nudge can you wait a bit? I just want to find a place to crash first.

Nudge's stomach grumbled in response.

"I know! I know! I'm on it! Why don't you guys help me look for a motel?"

My flock looked at me and then nodded, examining what was below them.

The process didn't't take long. In minutes we had found a suitable motel for us and our demanding needs.

"Ok, guys. One by one descend. And please, act natural!"

They didn't't hear me, they were already making their way down towards the motel.

I sighed. "Going down" I muttered to myself, and folded in my wings, preparing myself for a downward spiral.