Author's Note – Okay guys, this is how it goes. This is going to be a self-insert or reader insert fic. Obviously it will be an Alucard x Reader one as since there aren't very many of those and I want to try and write one. I know a lot of these turn out badly so I'm going to try my best not to screw it up. I hope you enjoy it, and please leave plenty of reviews. Oh, and this written more for a fangirl audience, so if you're not an Alucard fan or fangirl, you might be out of luck. Disclaimer – I don't Hellsing or any other series of characters. Oh, how I wish I owned Alucard though…(sniffles).

'I don't want to die…'

That was the phrase that kept going over and over in my mind as I lay face down on the grass, my body starting to go numb and into shock. I could smell my blood on the dirt around me; a coppery, iron sort of tang that annoyed my sense of smell. There was this odd purple haze beginning to fill my vision, like a giant velvet curtain. I was barely aware that I was shaking.

'I don't want to die…!'

As my fingers twitched from the vain effort to move my body, to try and pull myself across the ground, my mind starting going back into how I had gotten into this mess in the first place. I had insisted on taking an amazing trip this summer – long before I had to go back to my drab life at school – to Europe. London, England to be more specific. I had saved up every little cent I had just for this trip, had urged my family to come with me. I had planned out everything – the travel agent, the airline, where I would spend money, where we would stay and eat and entertain ourselves, the places that we would visit and the tours we would take. Everything.

Well… not quiet everything.

I certainly hadn't planned this, let alone ever dreamed that something like this could happen. I hadn't planned to get lost in the bad spots of London. I hadn't planned to find someone – something – following us. I hadn't planned to suddenly be ambushed, torn away from my family as they were each dragged off in different directions. I… I hadn't planned to hear them scream…so loud and agonizing…and earsplitting… I hadn't planned… to see them torn to pieces like that…!

As if I needed reminding, I heard another chilling, bloodcurdling scream. I knew it wasn't my family. They were already dead. They had been for some time now. Since before that…thing with the zombies – or whatever they may be – had begun hunting me. Before it got a hold of me. Before I started dying.

Uncertain if the thing was following me again I started trying to crawl. I could only try and drag myself with one hand however. My legs were completely numb – almost impossible to move – and my other hand was trying to apply pressure to the sickening gash on my throat. But my fingers couldn't muster enough strength. My blood was still draining from my body. The 

purple curtain was closing in little by little. My fingers were digging into the soil just inches from my face, but unable to pull my dead weight with them.

'I don't want to die!'

I must have been trembling but I was so preoccupied in fading away and trying to escape that I hardly noticed. I then heard boots approaching behind me, coming towards me. I was certain that it wasn't the thing that had been hunting me – I oddly remember him wearing sneakers – but I was still terrified. After all, who could walk so calmly after no doubt seeing the slaughter we had gone through, unless they had done something like that themselves? I strained again, choking and shaking.

The heavy but quiet steps stopped beside me, just within my line of vision. Sure enough, a pair of brown boots stood probably no more than four feet away. The hem of a burgundy coat brushed softly against their ankles in the small breeze. It sounded hollow and hissing as it rushed past my ear, tousling my blood-dripped hair in my face. I wanted to look up at the person by me, no doubt staring at me, but I couldn't. It probably would have made the gash worse anyway.

"You're losing blood at a rapid rate, and dying. A human could smell it," said a dark almost baritone voice from above me, almost sounding slightly amused.

'"Human"?' I thought. 'Is he one of them? Is that why he said that?' Now I really wished I could see him. See if he had the same red eyes, the same wicked razor teeth…

"Your wound is bad – but not unfixable," he said as I tried to drag myself again. "So…? What do plan to do about it?"

The phrase that had been running through my head all this time came out of my lips unbidden, in a gargling choking gasp. "I don't want to die!" I barely got the words out before I started coughing up more blood, making the choking worse. My blood was staining the ground in splatters. I thought I might have heard him a chuckle, some sort of noise of approval… but I wasn't sure.

I heard a slight creak of leather and the coat brushing the ground as I fuzzily saw this person – perhaps this creature – kneel down beside me. I then realized through the haze of shock that he must have been immensely tall, for he was on his knees now, and I still couldn't see his face. Just his shoulders and the wisps of jet black hair that danced around his pale neck and red ascot. I barely made note of the black suit he wore underneath, how broad his shoulders were. It was getting harder to see him; the blood loss was making everything fuzzy.

The breeze hissed by us again, tossing my hair aside. In the dimly lit darkness I saw a gloved hand reach for me, barely felt it grasp my shoulder. The curtain was turning from purple to black. I struggled to keep my crying eyes from closing.

'I don't want to die…!'

'Of course you don't…You're not giving up – are you?'

I could have sworn the second voice in my head was his that time. But of course, even in my disoriented state I knew that was impossible. I gasped again as I felt cold fingers brush the wound on my neck. I got one last, foggy look at the one beside me; all I could make out was the outline of him. Then I finally faded out, hoping, praying that I would wake up.

My eyes were still closed but I realized that I was not where I had been. To begin with, there was something plastic around my face, a tube blowing oxygen into my nose. It was uncomfortable, especially compared to the soft bed I lay on.

'A bed. I'm on a bed. That's probably good.'

I finally flexed my eyelids and stubbornly opened them. I wished that I hadn't as soon as the one light in the room – which was a lamp above my head and bed – blinded me. I made a small grunt, and then stopped when it hurt my throat, closing my eyes. After slowly letting them adjust, I opened them again. I saw that past the lamp was a plain ceiling made up of white tile. It finally dawned on me, as I began to hear a steady beeping noise, that I was in a hospital.

I was alive.

I almost cried with relief at the fact that I had survived, but I felt so I tired, I probably couldn't have sobbed if I wanted to. When I turned my head in the direction of the beeping noise – the heart monitor I realized – I became dizzy and nauseous. As since I wasn't in much pain - just a little numb and sore for now – I could only conclude that they had given me plenty of pain killers. Probably morphine. I'd been in a hospital before and I had needed morphine then – it always made me sick.

As I stared at the IV bag dripping fluids into me – thanks to the needle in the back of my hand – and at the beeping monitor, it all came back to me. I was in London, England in a hospital…alone. My family was dead. Slaughtered. I became nauseous again, and not because of the morphine. I had almost died at the hands of some sick monster, and somehow I had gotten here.

As this fact went through my sluggish mind, I began to shiver. I was freezing. My limbs were all freezing cold. My fingertips felt like rounded tips of ice, my hands like ice sculptures. My whole body felt like a thawing ice sculpture. I shivered and my teeth began to chatter, making my throat ache and sting. I couldn't stop. Somewhere to my left I heard a door click open and someone shuffle in quietly. They went right to the side of the bed where I could see them.

It was a young woman, probably no older than twenty-five, in scrub pants, and a scrub top colored in various shades of blue. She was a little small with her blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail. She bent down a little over the bed, peering down at my face.

"Oh good. You're awake. We're so glad you made it," she said in a soft quiet voice. "Are you cold? In pain, dear?" I nodded slightly, as much as my neck would allow and tried to move my hands to pull up the thin covers of my bed. "Okay. How bad is your pain? Do you need some more medication?" I shook my head slowly. That was the last thing I needed; the chills and an even more upset stomach. "Okay. I'll grab you a couple of warm blankets then, and tell the doctor that you're awake. Your nurse will see you soon." She pulled up the thin top blanket for me and left. I wanted to tell her thanks but my neck was so sore, I doubted that I could speak.

I lay there, trying to control my shudders, staring up at the ceiling again. The beeping of my heart on the machine changed slightly but not much at my efforts. As my mind started to clear, I began to realize that my pain was a bit worse than I thought. My chest protested slightly with every breath I took. My left leg was becoming sorer as time passed. I became aware of a few stinging cuts on my face and in my scalp. But that was all.

After trying to still my shaking for a few minutes, I heard the door click open again and saw the nurse walk in with two folded blankets, and a female doctor following behind her. I knew she was a doctor – probably the same one who had fixed me up – because she wore one of the long white coats. As the nurse began unfolding the heated blankets and placing them over me on one side, the doctor leaned over me on the other. Her nametag confirmed her status. Dr. Sonya Neilson, it proudly read with a colored photo right next to it.

"Hey there, sweetie. How are you feeling? You don't have to answer that," she said, cutting me off even before I could try to speak. "It's best if you don't even make a sound. Your throat is pretty banged up." I nodded to show her my cooperation. "Tillie told me you woke up and were a little cold. You're not in much pain are you?" I shook my head slowly again. "Good, that's good. Now, I'm going to check your vitals and your bandages. I'll call your nurse in when I'm done, okay?" I nodded again.

I lay absolutely still as Dr. Neilson carefully picked and prodded at the bandages on my neck, soaking up the heat from the toasty blankets. I wondered idly if they micro-waved the blankets or just put them in a giant dryer, wondering anything that would get the incident that had happened earlier out of my mind. It didn't help much; I could still screaming faintly and quietly echoing in my head. The doctor peered at the IV and the monitor for a moment, told me to press the button on the bed-railing labeled nurse if I needed anything, then left with a smile.

Shortly after she left another woman came in. She was heavy built with a little bit of pudginess, and short curly auburn hair. She had pink red cheeks, and for some reason she reminded me of some sweet nanny. "I'm Rosy," she told me as she carefully tucked in a loose edge of my blanket. "I'll be your main nurse while you're here. Just call on me if you need 

anything." I took comfort in tiny brogue-ish Irish lilt, glad that they didn't give me some stony nurse like they had in the last hospital I had been in.

"You're mighty lucky. Dr. Neilson didn't think she could patch up your neck like it was. And that giant dog that brought you in! Oh, wasn't he a huge brute?," she said to me softly, pulling a stethoscope out of the biggest pocket of her green shirt. "You don't know what happened to you, do ya?," she asked, no doubt noticing my confused expression. She tucked it away as I assented. I know what happened to me – before I blacked out.

"Oh, gracious." Rosy looked around the room, before turning back to me. "I probably shouldn't tell ya. Doctor's say it isn't good to bring up traumatic things while a patients healing, but…" She paused biting her lip. I mouthed the word "what", trying to urge her on. "I and Tillie – the young girl that came and checked on you – were having our evening break outside on the front steps when you showed up. Or rather that beast did. A giant black dog – the most massive thing I've ever seen, big as a horse! – with you dangling on his back. We figured he wasn't good news so we tried to grab at you and scare him off. But.."

Rosy paused and in my frustration to know more, I squeaked, stinging my throat again. "Easy now, take it easy. I'll tell you," she soothed, patting my shoulder. "Just not right now. It would be best if I didn't tell you now. But I promise I'll tell you when you get feelin' better. Alright? Now…You go ahead and get some rest, and just call me if you need anything."

I was disappointed that Rosy wouldn't tell the rest about how I got here. Obviously it wasn't by ambulance, and it certainly wasn't anything that any hospital was use to. But in a way she was right. I was suddenly exhausted, and I probably would have asleep if she had told me the rest anyway. So instead, with some reluctance, I finally willing went to sleep.

Author's Note – I know this isn't exactly the best chapter ever written, but I'm trying. If you think I should give the reader a name – to prevent confusion – just leave some suggestions behind. Sorry if it's a little too fast too, but I'll pace it better with following chapters. Please leave me reviews, so I know how to make this better, even if they are harsh. Also leave me some suggestions for future chapters. Thanks and hope to give you the next one soon.