Random moments with the Twilight Characters
A/N : We got this idea from pleasebiteme who wrote Pens & Sharpies, and if you read this I want to say thank you for making us completely nuts, and for the inspiration. But mostly for making nuts. Anyways enjoy our first fan fiction!!
Disclaimer: Unfortunately we don't own Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, or soon to come Breaking Dawn. We wish we owned Edward though! sigh, but we wouldn't do that to Bella.
We'll be quiet now… enjoy!
Random moments with the Twilight Characters
Chapter 1:
Edward: Wow Alice… -no comment-…
Jasper: I like PIE!!
Edward: Jasper… did you take another trip to the insane asylum?!...
Jasper: …
Rosalie: To the cuckoo hut DUMMY!
-Bella is online-
Bella: Yay! I finally got in! It only took me 5 hours, 25 minutes, and 54 seconds!
Alice: You are all crazy!!
Edward: Speaking of crazy… "SHOPPING RULES!!" What's up with that?!
Alice: You like Shopping too?!
Edward: I rest my case…
Emmett: I smell Dogs! Let's go cook some!!
Jake: What's that supposed to mean?!
Mike: You're HOT!!
Everyone except Mike: WTH?!
-Bella is offline-
-Edward is offline-
-Rosalie is offline-
-Emmett is offline-
-Alice is offline-
-Jasper is offline-
-Jake is offline-
Mike: What?! What did I say…?!
A/N : So what did you think? Was it worth reading? If so Read and Review! Any questions? Bye!