She set the cup of tea on top of the table and then sat down. She stretched her long legs on the sofa and tried to relax. Her body is still tired from the travel.

"When will Sydney, Vaughn and Isabelle visit you?"

I don't know, but I hope they'll call.

"What about Jack?"

You know, let's just hush for a while.

There was a soft breeze outside. She could hear it calling her name and trying to soothe her. The faint roar of the ocean in the distance also came to say hello to her.

Maniacal laughter, the menacing beeping of the machines and the noisy clanging of the chains slowly began to resound in her ears. The only way for her to conquer and vanquish her memories is to face them. She has to face lest she will live with them forever and she doesn't want that.


Kira, ssh.



Her eyes snapped open and in her shock, she gripped the pillow sitting beside her. Jack is standing by the doorway of the living room, looking at her. His hands are shoved in his pants pocket.

How is it that when she doesn't want to be found, he easily tracks her down and yet when she desperately wants to be found, he couldn't do it?

"How did you find me?" she asked, looking at him suspiciously as she sat properly on the sofa.

"Sydney." He answered simply and leaned on the doorway.

Irina fixed the pillows and glared at him. She's not ready for this. If she was, then it'd be she who will surprise him in his house and not the other way around.

"You've spoken to Sydney and told her what she needed to know and more. And yet, the thought of talking to Jack never crossed your mind."

"What are you doing here?" she calmly asked and tried to take away the angry stare from her face. There is color in his cheeks and a tanned glow in his skin. He lost some weight, but he seems quite healthy.

"I was… bored." It had been fun doing nothing at all for the past eight months, but it was also lonely because he was alone.

"So you thought that it would be fun if you track me down?" Irina tersely answered, "How many people did you kill so that you could get to the living room?"

"None, actually." Jack replied, "Sark let me in." he said and took a few steps towards her.

Irina pursed her lips. She should talk to Julian about this.

"Sydney told me some things." He started after taking a deep breath, "We really need to talk."

She stared at him for a long time. This is the only way she could compose herself and to ready the things she's going to say to him. She shouldn't cry or get angry with the first few sentences.

"Oh, stop it already. Just make sure that your first words will be…"

"Just to clear some things, I do not hate you for what you believe in. It's your belief, not mine. I wasn't exactly lucid when I said those words."

"And what would you have said if you were lucid?"

She elegantly shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know."

They coolly gazed at each others. Irina could gauge the level of Jack's emotions just by looking at his eyes and he could probably do the same with her too.

"What do you want to talk about?" she asked and motioned him to take a seat.

He took the chair adjacent to her. Finally, he's going to get answers, but what will happen to them after this? Will she be able to tell him everything with the truth? And if she does, will he be able to take the truth?

"Let's start with what you've been doing for the past twenty-five years."

"You've been formulating answers to that since you woke up."

She smiled slightly, "Well, you can be sure that what I've done was not for the betterment of humankind," she tried to relax again, "After Kashmir…"

She started to tell him what he wanted to know, albeit a little slowly. She doesn't want to stumble over the words, or seem like she's in a hurry. Now that the world thinks that they're dead, they have all the time in the world for this.

They didn't mind that time is running past them. She is willing to tell him everything while he is willing to listen to everything she is going to say.

After a while, she stopped. The truth is draining her energy and her head is starting to hurt.

"You never did tell me the whole story behind Kashmir." Jack said after a few seconds.

Suddenly, impatience flashed in her eyes. She couldn't… she doesn't want to share this information to anyone.

"There's no use getting irritated."

She cleared her throat, "They thought I got too attached to you and Sydney. My superiors had evidences that I loved you and that I have a very high chance of betraying them because of that love. Kashmir was a… program for agents who have strayed away from the objectives of the country."

"Do you still love us?" he asked when the silence lapsed.

"I don't think that's the point of-"

He held up a hand to stop her, "Actually, it is."

Irina raised a brow, "I haven't finished yet." She said. When he just stared at her, she bit her lips in frustration, "Fine, you want answers. Yes, I still love you and Sydney. But it's not going to change anything."

Jack looked out the window and didn't say anything. It is beautiful outside.

"Do you want to take a walk?" He asked. Without waiting for her reply, he stood up and walked towards the French doors. She told him the truth. Now, he has to digest it. Walking is the only way for that to happen.

Irina sighed and pulled herself off the couch. Jack had gone on towards the shore, so she slowly followed him.

The scent of the ocean drifted into his nose. Like Sydney and Vaughn, Irina lives by the beach. He, on the other hand, lives on a vineyard. Maybe he should consider having a beachfront property. It seems like a very wonderful place to live in.

The wind kissed her cheeks and blew on her hair. Being outside eased the tension from her muscles. She feels so light. The heavy luggage of her secrets and lies are now gone. She is free of them.

"Well, not exactly. You haven't told him about Nadia."

Irina took a deep breath and mentally shook her head. How could she tell this to Jack?

She looked at him. He's facing the ocean, watching the waves come and go, "Did you know that Nadia was…?"

"Mine? Yes, I knew." Jack answered, "And I made the mistake of not telling her and now, she's dead. I'm sorry."

Irina didn't give any respond to that. She only saw her grown-up daughter once and that was when she and Sydney rescued her clone. She was beautiful.

"Nadia was… exceptional. She was kind and, like Sydney, she had a smile that could light up a room. She was also stubborn, but it was expected since she's your daughter." He said and saw a small smile forming in Irina's lips, "I saw a lot of you in her and if she had lived, I know that you would have fun getting to know her."

She bit her lips. How can she mourn the loss of her daughter when she already lost her twenty-four years ago?

"Fate is cruel sometimes but we have no choice but to live with it."

I know.

"Was she happy?" Irina asked softly, lowering her head.

Jack glanced at her, "To some extent. I knew she wanted to meet you." He answered.

They stood in silence and watched the scenery in front of them. This time, she could truly feel her freedom. At last, she's rid of those emotional baggages.

"It's like being reborn."

Yes, rebirth.

"Do you remember when you asked me if you and Jack were soul mates?"

Yes, I remember.

She felt him inching closer to her. She looked at him. His brown eyes gazed into hers. At that moment, she knew the answer.

Irina reached out and took his hand. It was warm and strong. It suddenly gave her comfort. He was with her, at last, without their towering walls of lies and distrust. Finally, there's hope. And suddenly, she knew.

"Do you have an answer to it?"

Jack finally smiled and squeezed her hand lightly. It was encouragement. She squeezed his hand back and smiled back at him.

He's mine and I'm his.

It's our rebirth.






~the end~

~ang wakas~