
By: csispy/derevkobristow-spawn/derevkochild


She's a mere spirit, wandering around and waiting for her body to come to back to consciousness. Irina is watching her body rest in the bed, pale and almost lifeless. 'When will I wake?' she muses as she stood by the corner of the room. Will I be able to see them again?

Julian and Katya rescued her from that damned place where she was being held. She'd been incarcerated for thirty-three months and was abused for thirty; a clone had been living her life while she was left to rot in God-knew-where by her own sister.

She watched her 'self' die under the hands of Jack, saw her 'self' being rescued by her daughters and saw her 'self' kill Elena's clone.

She felt angry at Jack when those things happened. How in the world could that man not know that it wasn't her!?

Her thoughts went back to the Elena and the clone. Where were they now, she wondered. She hoped that they're dead. Nothing could make her feel satisfied except knowing that her crazy sister and the equally crazy Irina clone were dead.

She had lost faith in everything—in everyone. If God (if ever there's one…) was kind, he would end her life right now. It's best that way.

She slowly walked towards the bed and looked at herself. Machines were connected to her body to help her live, and it also monitored her progress. Death was so near, and yet, it felt so far away.

A lump of tears formed in her throat. Her quest for Rambaldi led to this—a total destruction of her life. Why did she do this to herself? She couldn't really remember her reason. Did she really go mad in search for something that wasn't real?

"Don't worry. When you wake up, you can start again."

The voice startled her. She quickly looked towards the direction of the voice and found a teenage girl sitting at the edge of the bed. The girl was also watching over her body.

"Who are you?" her voice shook as she as asked the question. The girl looked at her and Irina felt compelled to scrutinize her face.

Was this the Angel of Death? Or maybe Satan? Was God answering her request?

"You can see me?" the girl asked and angled her head.

"Of course I can see you. I asked you a question, didn't I?"

The girl didn't answer. Irina stared at her. The girl had dark eyes, long, jet-black hair, a square-ish jaw and pillowy lips. She looked a lot like Sydney when she was in her teens, but Irina knew what her daughter looked like when she was in that age. This was also not Nadia. This was just… someone who looked like them.

"Do you really want to know who I am?" she asked cryptically.

She frowned in response and it made the teenager smile. She then stood up and went to her position. There was a slight twinkle in the girl's eyes.

"I'm your soul."