A/N; well I just thought that hsm3 might not be a happy ending so (U know for troypay fan) if Troy and Gabriella will be separated, Ryan and Kelsi will develop, ofcourse Zeke and Sharpay (not sure)… well don't know… but I heard that they will paired up, Taylor and Chad, Jason and Martha. I don't really like Zeke for Sharpay I vote for Troy… and I also wonder about there college year … so if you also want to know read this story…

High School Musical 4: College Year

(Troypay style)


Saying Good-bye is not that easy…

"Bye Dude" Chad said

"Bye" Troy replied

Specially when it is your love one…

"I'll never forget u Chad" Taylor said with a few tears rolling from her eyes.

"Remember I always love u, Taylor" Chad kiss her passionately.

"Bye Kelsi" Ryan said.

"I'll miss you Ry." She replied as they hug

Even if u r meant to be u still need to say good-bye

"So I guess this is… good-bye" Gabriella said with tears.

"I Guess so" Troy lean for there last kiss…

But some how someone is happy living East High…

"at last I'm free from the Wildcats" Sharpay throw herself in her bed.

But 3 of our original characters will remain…

"What are u doing here!" they both said

Will new twist happened…

"Will you marry me" Troy said.

High School Musical 4: College Year