Odd & Ulrich

(slightly OOC)

Ulrich entered the apartment that he had been sharing with Odd quite recently because he had a fight with his parents. Ulrich knew Odd was here. He also knew he was waiting for him.

Ulrich shrugged off his jacket and hung it on the racket near the door, followed by his scarf. It had been snowing outside and Odd had called Ulrich to tell him that the heater broke.

He then entered the living room to see Odd huddled under an old blanket watching TV. Knowing him, he probably only has his boxers and a shirt on only. Odd looked at him as he approached the couch.

"If your so cold why are you just sitting there almost naked?"

"Because I'm too lazy to get up to get dressed when I can sit here under a blanket. Plus I know you'll get cold and we can get warm together."

Ulrich rolled his eyes and headed toward the room they shared. As he was taking his shoes and socks off he heard the TV being turned off and footsteps coming toward the door.

Odd came in without knocking like always. He figured that since Ulrich had everything that Odd had then there shouldn't be any problem. Besides it wouldn't be the first time Odd walked in on Ulrich when he was...relieving his stress, when he thought Odd was at the store. (Ulrich made Odd get locks on the door after that even thought he still never used them)

They looked at each other for a few seconds before Ulrich stood from the bed and walked over to Odd.

Odd was slightly shorter than Ulrich and had to look up at him. Ulrich always used this as an advantage.

"What's wrong?"

"I heard you ate lunch with Yumi today." Odd winced slightly as if he didn't want to say it.

"I did... she caught me at work and wouldn't let me say no to her offer to lunch." Ulrich replied pulling Odd to him by the waste and hugging him tightly.

"Yeah right. You were probably smooching." Odd said trying to break the hold Ulrich had on him.

"And give her a taste of you? Never. Only I can have the pleasure to taste you." With that said he grabbed the back of Odd's head and smashed their lips together.

After sharing a passionate kiss, they parted.

"Only I. Now and forever."Ulrich murmured before connecting they're lips again.

This would be a night Odd would never forget.

Tell me was you thought okay? this was my first every yaoi story i wrote and decided to put it up to see what you all thought.-musicMANIAC08