I am unsure of this poem…

I am unsure of this poem….but I'm posting it anyway…just PLEASE if you have anything bad to say about it… say it nicely and without hurting my small bohemian feelings okay?

This poem is based off of a song I played at band camp called "Pavane" by Gabriel Faure….I think that's his name…

And I do not own anything…..pertaining to Batman, The Joker or its affiliates.

Because I'm broke.

But BOY I wish I could own them…

He sat in the window

Passerby unaware of his dark gaze



The people walk on edge, never knowing who could be lurking behind every corner


Silent with the fear of no knowledge

Silent in the wake of the beast with clown make-up

A laugh escaped from his lips

That's what I am now. He thought

I'm a…monster.

The moon shined upon the city of Gotham, waiting for its dark knight to appear out of the shadows and save the good and oblivious citizens.

The Joker scowled.

A plan always foiled

Never learning his lesson

Never listening to what others had told him

Continue…and suffer the consequences

Continue…and one day fall under the regime of the Batman

Batman, the fool, the one who never gave up

And it positively made the Joker cringe with anger

But also insane delight at the game Batman was now a part of

A game that shall never end…not if he had a say in the matter.

And then he heard the music

Swelling within the depths of his mind

A song, once heard long ago

Now playing in his head

A composition and a ballad

His eyes widened a little with curiosity

Notes dancing in a minor key

Bringing with it such beauty and

A strange sense of hopelessness

It slammed the Joker to his knees

Bruised him in green and purple

Stretching the empty hole where his oppressors stabbed him with the knife of


His mouth opened in shock

Gasping for ragged breaths

A mere song

Nothing more…

But the crescendo rolling off the cymbal and the sweet melody bursting with an untold story made him close his eyes in


Until the broken-hearted clarinets bore down upon his frame of mind

Shattering it to pieces

All the instruments faded away in the final fermata, sucking apart the notes the Joker wished he had never heard.

With an intake of breath he opened his eyes


So cold he was.

A song filled with love

A song never meant for him

He bowed his head, his hair falling into lifeless green clumps.



One day he knew that he would suffer for his crimes

And would lose his power to the

Mind of empathy and above all


He schemed and he planned

Knowing that it could kill

This deadly weapon of his deemed


The music reminded him of the life he could have had if he stayed


Instead of turning his back on


Creating them instead.

His stage make-up smeared on his fingers as he dragged his hands through his scarred face

Almost healed

Never truly forgotten

He almost wished he could die on the spot so that the everlasting pain could run free

As it built inside the walls of his deranged thoughts…

But he ALMOST wished it, for the game was just too much fun to give up.

But he fought hard

A true soldier for his cause

A mind focused only on that one mission

Complete it

And the war is won

But for what purpose? he sadly sighed.

The opposition has a purpose

On the side of righteousness

They shall always win the battle…it has been written in the stars.

In reality

The Joker knew

He would end up flying the white flag of surrender or at the bottom of the river Styx

He remembered the music as it crept softly among his head, telling him that sad truth

All livings things perish


And for the first time he allowed those foolish tears to come

Burning on his scarred cheeks as they leaked out of those dark eyes

The Joker now succumbing into the pit he dug for himself

A man very much alone.