A/N : Don't own doctor who, etc. I know loads of people have already done a girl in the fire place story but I watched it and decided I wanted to do my own version. I disliked Reinette alot since she was annoying and her dresses were ridiculously large. This isn't a hate-Reinette fic , it's more of a Ten/Rose fic and I didn't mean to make Reinette a cow. Please review if you liked it and think I should continue it. :)

Rose lay in bed, trying hard to hold back the tears that have threatened to fall ever since the doctor invited his new girlfriend on board. Madam De Pompadour was beautiful, talented and intelligent. An equal for the doctor. Rose tried her best to be happy for him but it was impossible. Then the tears she was holding back suddenly came and she was crying into her pillow. What happened to her? how did she somehow managed to become second best in a matter of hours? it hurt. She was the new Sarah-Jane Smith, Rose thought bitterly. She knew that wasn't fair to Sarah-Jane but it was still true. Maybe she'd take Sarah-Jane up on that offer to talk one day. But not right now. She wasn't ready to admit defeat. When they'd returned to the tardis after that visit to the space station, the doctor had eyes for no one but Madam De Pompadour. Mickey had tried to ask Rose if she was okay but Rose had shrugged it off like it was nothing, determind not to show the doctor how he'd broke her heart. Rose closed her eyes and tried to fall to sleep but it was impossible! she didn't want to fall to sleep in fear she'd see them together and anyway she was so upset, she would never drift off. Suddenly she heard a soothing sound. A sound like no other. It was calming, peaceful and made her forget all her troubles. The tardis was dismayed to see how distraught Rose was and even more dismayed to watch the doctor flirt and cuddle up with Madam De Pompadour. It wasn't right and it wasn't fair on poor Rose. She was just a child, she didn't need him to break her heart as he did with Sarah-Jane. Sarah-Jane had been older, she had been able to take it alot easier. Whereas Rose had barely just left her teens. His past incarnation would never of done this. This incarnation did alot more 'dancing'. The tardis sang to Rose until finally the girl felt to sleep with tears dripping down her pale cheeks. The tardis had just about enough with the doctor. It was time she took things into her own hands. Well not hands but parts but whatever, same difference.

The doctor walked past Rose's room on his way to check on how Reinette was settling into her room. He gazed in on her and was startled to see that she'd obviously been crying but he didn't wake her. He just assumed she'd been having a bad dream and walked on til he stopped three doors down. He knocked on and heard Reinettes soft voice call out "come in". The doctor entered and saw that Reinette had slipped on Rose's old pyjamas that he'd lent her without thinking to first ask Rose. What are you playing at mister? he heard an angry female voice in his head. He stroked the tardis's walls reassuringly but the tardis was having none of it. I'm going to hope you've gone temporarely insane inviting that woman on board and then lending her a pair of Roses favourite pyjamas without asking. The doctor tried to ignore the tardis's voice in his head but she refused to leave. Rose was upset because of you she said more softly then she'd said the other things. The doctor ignored her though and approached Reinette. "How are things? are you okay?"

"Oh yes doctor, it's wonderful here. It's so new and strange but it's all beautiful like a dream. But that boy...Ricky...he's a bit parculiar and that girl...she's a bit unintelligent wouldn't you say?" Reinette said looking at the doctor but the doctor heard nothing apart from that last bit. Rose unintelligent? This womans heading for a Tyler slap the tardis retorted in the doctor's head. He wanted to grin but he felt the need to defend Rose and Mickey too for that matter. Nobody except him was allowed to call Mickey, Rickey.

"The boy is called Mickey for starters and no I wouldn't say Rose was unintelligent actually" hearing the annoyed tone in his voice, Reinette immediately rushed to his side.

"Oh my doctor, I have offended you. Please let me make it better" Reinette said softly before grabbing him and pulled him in for a kiss. As their lips locked, the tardis started to shake, followed by screams from Rose and Mickey's bedrooms. The doctor and Reinette instantly pulled apart, startled. You are making a huge mistake, trust me the tardis said and finally left his head. The doctor left Reinette to go to sleep and checked in on Rose and Mickey the idoit but they had both fallen back to sleep.

The next morning Rose walked into the kitchen and saw Reinette already in there, sat at the table, eating cereal and savouring it as if it would be the last bowl in the whole of creation. Rose's eyes flashed with anger as she noticed that she happened to be wearing her favourite pink pyjamas that she'd happened to be looking for last night. "Those are my pyjamas" Rose said angrily, unable to control herself. The doctor entered but Rose completely ignored him, along with Mickey, who'd followed him into the kitchen.

"The doctor gave them me" Reinette remarked smugly. Rose turned to the doctor who stood at the counter making himself a cup of coffee.

"You gave her my pyjamas without asking?" The doctor turned around and faced a furious looking Rose.

"I thought they were old and she needed something to wear" He shrugged taking a sip of his tea.

"Besides, Miss Tyler I need them far more than you. I have nothing to wear apart from that dress which I hardly think is appropriate to sleep in. I am sorry for causing any offence" Reinette said not looking the least bit bothered.

"Whatever" Rose mumbled and poured herself a bowl of cereal before taking the seat opposite her. The doctor said down next to Reinette to Rose's annoyance and Mickey took the remaining seat next to Rose.

"So where we going today boss?" Mickey asked buttering his toast.

"Since it's Reinette's first trip I thought we'd take her to Barcelona" The words had barely sliped from his mouth before Rose give him a look powerful enough to destroy an entire fleet of daleks. Rose was furious. Barcelona was where he was going to take her but he'd never got around to it. Rose had heard enough and pushed her cereal aside. She'd just lost her appetite. She ran into her bedroom and slammed the door. That was it, she wasn't going to stick around to see what would happen next. It would just break her heart even more. Just as she grabbed her suitcase from underneath her bed, a voice called out to her. Rose please don't leave just because he's being an idoit. She recognised the voice as the tardis. The tardis had spoken to her many times already but never about the doctor, so she stopped. If you want to leave that's your choice but I ask you to stay for me. I can't stand that woman either, she doesn't believe that I'm really alive like you do Rose smiled at that and pushed her suitcase back under the bed. "Well at least I have somebody on my side" Rose said to the ceiling and fell back onto her bed.