Don't matter
Summary: Newly transferred student, Sakura Kinomoto finds herself friends in Tomoyo Daidoji, Eriol Hiragizawa, and Syaoran Li. As long as they have each other, nothing else matters. What happens when relationships get in the way of their friendships? Can they sort out their problems with each other, or must they part ways as friends and lovers? A NOT so typical high school drama.
"Back beat, the word is on the street that the fire in your heart is out
I'm sure you've heard it all before, but you never really had a doubt
I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now…
And all the roads we have to walk are winding,
And all the lights that lead us there are blinding,
There are many things that I would like to say to you,
But I don't know how… "
'Wonder wall', Oasis.
Author's note: That is one hell of a damn good song that you seriously ought to check out if you've never heard it! (Of course, If I didn't like it, it wouldn't even be up there : ) ) Havent updated sooner cause…oh well, last year of school, teachers are breathing (fire) down my neck! Gah, sadists! Anyway, I will update as soon as possible the next time. Sorry again and thanks for your patience you guys!!! You all are amazing! By the way, the songs, Most Girls (by Pink), Say ok (by Vanessa Anne Hudgens), and My Immortal (by Evanescence) does not belong to me. But you probably knew that:.
Disclaimer: I may not own CCS, but I sure as hell do own "Don't Matter." So, if you think otherwise ...well THINK AGAIN! – Insert evil and intimidating glare. - I own C.J by the way!!! (Yes, yes, yes, I own someone I like for a change, even if imaginary :P )
Thank you:
Chapter 7: Now or Never.
"Hey, Sakura, watch it!" yelled Tomoyo, as she gripped a Sakura who came skating up to her on the pavement at a very fast and potentially illegal speed. (As in she was about to collide with someone or something any moment now.)
Sakura wheezed out a 'thanks' as she clutched her chest, trying to regain her breath.
"What's with the skate boarding, Sakura-chan?" asked Tomoyo looking at her flushed and panting friend as they now continued walking, on their way to school.
"My alarm clock…stopped… working…God knows when…got incredibly late" she huffed out.
"Okay," muttered Tomoyo simply.
Hmm, thought Sakura. She looks awfully gloomy today.
Sakura looked at Tomoyo scrutinizing her facial expressions carefully.
Tomoyo was humming a song to herself, not paying attention to the fact that her best friend was looking at her warily.
Something along the lines of:
'What's love gotta do with, gotta do with…' (An: that's Akon ft Shaggy's – What's Love)
After a short pause, Sakura putting out her arm in front of Tomoyo to block her way, said, "Hold it! Who are you and what have you done with my Tomoyo? The Tomoyo I knew would never sing such a depressing song!"
"Oh, I'm sorry, I did?" asked Tomoyo.
"…" Tomoyo received a reproachful glare from Sakura.
"It's nothing. Listen," she started and instantly brightened as she continued, "there's a party at Chiharu's place. Karaoke, dj, gourmet food, anything; you name it, they got it," finished Tomoyo.
"Alcohol?" said Sakura as she grinned, she knew Chiharu would never ever let alcoholic drinks circulate in her party. Chiharu hated alcohol; even more than being teased by Yukito about Yamazaki.
"No, no! With the exception of that, you dumbo!" said Tomoyo looking a bit annoyed. "So you just have to be there, it's this totally cool party, not everyone's invited, just the cool kids!"
"I guess…" Sakura shrugged. "When is it anyway?"
"Saturday, 'kura. At 9:00 pm, don't be late, ok?" said Yukito who passed by them, blowing a kiss in their direction as he cycled away.
"Huh?" said Sakura, wondering since when Yukito had the 'hots' for Tomoyo. Tomoyo shook her head, reading Sakura's mind. That was one hell of a clueless girl.
"Yeah. You heard him right. Who're you going with, anyway?" asked Chiharu as she briskly walked up to them.
"Eh…" she said rubbing the back of her neck with her hand as her cheeks flared a brilliant pinkish-red hue.
"Actually, I'm hanging out with Syaoran" she said looking at the floor.
"What? It's your date and you tell me this now?!" Tomoyo pretended to playfully glare at her.
Chiharu's POV:
"Sorry, Tomoyo…" she said regretfully.
"Nah, it's ok… But you seriously cant miss this, why don't you just get Syaoran to go with you to the party?" said Tomoyo, her eyes twinkling.
Sakura… Date… Syaoran…?
"Uh…wait, you're dating LI?" asked Chiharu who had temporarily gone speechless a few moments ago.
Sakura nodded looking confused and said, "Yeah, something wrong?" while Tomoyo glared at her.
Chiharu then realized what it must have sounded like and grew flustered.
"No, it's just that I didn't know you were dating Li and all, that's all… I didn't know you were dating anybody…" said Chiharu.
At this Tomoyo smiled, and Sakura said, "Well, it's pretty recent…"
"I see…" was all Chiharu could say, all the while feeling sorry for a friend who would be in for a sore disappointment.
Things were most certainly NOT ok.
As they reached school, Sakura made her way to her date whose back was facing her, Tomoyo excused herself and made a trip to the washroom. Sakura's curiosity arose when she saw a horde of guys crowding next to Li and Li shooing them away. She was even more puzzled when she saw a girl laughing and leaning on Syaoran's shoulder. Meiling came upto her and answered Sakura's unasked question.
"That's Miho Kawasaki, Syaoran's ex-girlfriend. She changed schools two years ago. You'd think the bitch would stay away from him, after breaking his heart once…yet, she's here to do it again," Meiling snarled.
For the first time ever, Sakura could understand Meiling's feelings. How could the female just throw herself onto him so cheaply? How could he let her behave like that after all she's put him through? Could it be..? Nah. No way. Sakura wouldn't have had these doubts if only she had seen Li trying to slowly ease his arm out of Miho's without being obvious.
She went upto them and said 'hi' to all of them.
"Uh…Syaoran, aren't you going to introduce us?" Sakura asked tentatively, eyeing Miho who was clutching Syaoran's arm.
"Uh…yeah, Sakura , this is Miho Kawasaki. Miho, this is my friend, Sakura Kinomoto" he said carelessly.
Sakura winced at the word, "friend."
Sakura then looked at Miho closely and to her dismay, found her to be very beautiful. She had gorgeous blue eyes, long brown hair, when she smiled, she looked like an absolute angel up close. She realized that Miho still hadn't let go of Syaoran's arm with a pang in her heart.
She spoke to Syaoran, while Miho conversed with Eriol.
"Syaoran, about the date,…"
"Yeah, maybe we could hang out some other time? I know you're dying to go to the party…"
"Uh, yes! Thanks, Syaoran," she said and an awkward pause followed. So Sakura paid attention to the conversation Miho Kawasaki was having with Eriol.
"Yeah, you remember the time Syaoran was forced to climb a tree and save Kate's kitten, cause you'd fractured your hand?" asked Miho.
"And Kate wouldn't stop hugging him in gratitude?" laughed out Eriol, wiping tears from his eyes.
"Not to mention, when he punched Takahashi, cause he thought he'd been bothering you, when you were actually tutoring him?" continued Eriol.
"Yeah, a jealous Syaoran, never thought I'd live the day to see it.." said a smiling Miho, looking at Syaoran who was blushing, from the embarrassment.
Suddenly Sakura felt an urge to just run away from the very spot her feet were rooted to. She had never felt more left out in her life. Why did she feel so out of place? That too, with her friends? Why did she feel like she wasn't wanted? What was wrong with her? So many questions, zero answers. She tried to distract her flow of thoughts that were steadily making her sadder, and she was surprised when she saw Tomoyo behind them with another black haired guy who had gripped her hand. She saw him say something to her and saw Tomoyo nod in return.
Seeing a rational excuse to walk away, she excused herself and met Tomoyo who was making her way across..
"Oh MY GOD! Please tell me it isnt who I think it is?" gasped Tomoyo looking in Syaoran's direction.
"I don't know, it depends. Would you be happening to think it was Miho Kawasaki?" Sakura wryly smiled.
"What the hell is that slut doing here? And why the hell have you left him in her presence?" asked Tomoyo furiously.
"She's back. And they aren't exactly alone, so chill," and Sakura smiled. Tomoyo didn't know why; but that smile had totally creeped her out.
True enough, Eriol was still with them.
"And who was that dark haired, handsome guy I saw holding your hand when you walked in?" asked Sakura winking.
"Hey, don't make it sound so suggestive. He's C.J, my date for the party!" she said in a toneless voice.
"Hmm. And what about Eriol?" frowned Sakura.
"What about him?" Tomoyo's voice turned as cold as ice.
"Well, I thought.. Oh never mind…" she trailed off, seeing Tomoyo's complexion go deathly pale.
"I wouldn't worry about me and Eriol if I was in your shoes," Tomoyo pressed the earlier topic. To Tomoyo's alarm when she looked around, Eriol was nowhere to be seen, and Syaoran was walking off with Miho next to him. Tomoyo wondered if Sakura had even noticed this.
Sakura had. Maybe that's why she felt like her stomach had dropped a hundred miles. "Bugger off," she said, and walked away her head in the air.
After leaving Tomoyo, Sakura sneaked and followed Syaoran and Miho.
"I was wondering, Syaoran, if you ever had second thoughts about us… " Miho said.
Sakura dropped the pencil in shock and made a run for it, when she realized she'd obviously been caught.
"Who was that?" Asked Syaoran, suspiciously.
Miho had seen a flash of auburn hair as someone streaked past, 'Could it be? Nah…'she brushed away the thought.
"Just answer my question, Syaoran," she said ominously.
"Miho. The thing is, I was heartbroken for a long while, but the truth is, I'm over it now. I guess we just weren't meant to be," he replied thinking of the girl who'd unconsciously cured him of his heartbreak (I wonder who that is, haha!)
At this, Miho smiled warmly, and said taking his hand, "I'm so happy, Syaoran, this means we can be good friends. Jack, come out now," she yelled.
Syaoran was helluva surprised when he saw a tall, handsome senior walk out from somewhere.
"Syaoran, this is Jack, my boyfriend." Said Miho introducing the two of them.
Meanwhile, Sakura's thoughts:
Why did she have to come back? I don't know what to do. If I go to Tomoyo, she'll probably tell me it was all my fault. Miho's everything that I'm not. She puts a smile on Syaoran's face. She knows him so much better, she's even great friends with Eriol. Syaoran seemed to be truly happy. Maybe it was because, he still hadn't forgotten her? Syaoran deserved to be happy. If he didn't, she didn't know who the hell did. Maybe she should just set him free. After all, when you love someone, you let them go. Love wasn't all about selfish happiness; it's about being happy because your love is happy. Hold it. Did she just say the word love? Shit. She was in deep shit. Love, pfft. No way. Damn it, Miho still likes him.
Why, WHY is GOD against me today?
Just the very day I realize I'm in love, I had to realize I'm in love with a guy who possibly still loved his ex, who broke his heart.
Damn, I so badly wanted to leave it there, but I want to leave it to end differently… Besides you guys would have killed me, ne?
Sakura shut her locker and made her way out but she heard a familiar voice, "Sakura!"
She jumped when she heard that voice, as in her shoulders shook in surprise, and for once, though Sakura didn't know what to do, she was certain of what she DIDN'T want to do. She saw Tomoyo and some of the cheerleaders walking a few feet in front of her, she acted as if she'd never heard the call and yelled, "TOMOYO! Wait up for me, you stupid bitch!"
At this, Tomoyo turned behind and raised her eyebrows and said, "You're the one who's always freakin late, bitch!" And she glared at her.
Sakura ran upto her as she heard the voice again that called, "Sakura, SAKURA!" She felt a shiver down her spine, but she brushed it away as she ran upto Tomoyo.
"In spite of that, you still love me. Aww, Tomoyo…" she suddenly hugged her bestie, and she muttered very softly to her, "Sorry."
Over Sakura's shoulder Tomoyo saw Syaoran in the distance making his way towards them.
"Avoiding the boyfriend, heh?" asked Tomoyo, rubbing Sakura's back to alleviate her inner turmoil.
"I'm not so sure of that relation any more…" her voice cracked.
Tomoyo's eyes widened dangerously when she saw her best friend in such pain. As they both pulled away from the hug, Tomoyo looked at the cheerleaders and said, "Race you all to the gates. Last one out is a rotten egg and has to treat ice cream." She said with a playful tone.
With that, they all raced away leaving a very confused Syaoran behind in their wake.
At the party:
"Are you sure, you're ok?" asked Tomoyo, worriedly.
Her friend had had dark shadows like bags beneath her eyes, and only with the help of a LOT of make-up had Tomoyo managed to conceal it.
"Yes, sister mine. For the hundredth time," said Sakura exasperatedly, but Tomoyo wasn't to be blamed; despite the makeup, anyone who looked closely into her eyes would see the sadness and hurt in them.
"Are you going to tell me what's wrong between you and Eriol?" asked Sakura for the hundredth time.
"There's nothing going on between us. We're friends, that's all. That's what he thinks of us," she said harshly.
"Tomoyo…" Sakura felt really bad for her, she didn't know what to say.
"Don't say it. I don't need sympathy, from anyone. And don't ever mention it again."
"Sakura, meet C.J. C.J, this is Sakura Kinomoto, my best friend." Tomoyo introduced her date to her best friend.
"Pleasure to meet you, Kinomoto-san." He said.
"Likewise," she said stiffly, she couldn't help but regard him slightly responsible for the trauma he was putting both Eriol and Tomoyo through.
She knew Eriol did NOT think of them as just friends because he had been so hurt ever since Tomoyo started giving him the cold shoulder. But Sakura knew it wasn't her place to tell her that. It was up to Eriol. C.J had just gotten in their way. Or so she thought.
Tomoyo knew Sakura was itching to check out if her date was a dumbhead, or actually had some sense. For once, she didn't mind Sakura's protectiveness. It showed her how much she was loved. Thanks to Eriol, she'd been having serious doubts about that,… She excused herself.
"Excuse me, I'm going to go get myself some fruit punch," she exclaimed. [I believe it's a juice.]
"No, let me!" exclaimed C.J sincerely.
"No, no, I can handle it, why don't you two get better acquainted meanwhile?" she said, and smiling she walked off.
"Sooo… what you made you suddenly ask my friend out?" she asked forcing a smile.
"Well - " he started to be interrupted by someone.
"Sakura, Can I Please Have A Word With You?" Yukito suddenly appeared behind Sakura.
"I suppose we can continue this conversation at another time. See you later, Kinomoto san," said C.J, nodding his head.
"Yes, Yukito, having fun?" asked Sakura.
"I guess. " he replied.
"What's the matter? What did you want to talk to me about?" Sakura asked frowning.
"Sakura…" he whispered and took her hands, freaking the poor girl out. Nevertheless, she kept her calm and tried tugging her hands away, but at this his grip, got even tighter. "Sakura, I've been meaning to tell you this for a long while… Look, I really, really, like you, maybe even love you… Please be mine?" and he looked at her with those irresistible eyes, that she'd never really noticed before.
"Yukito, I've been going out with Syaoran…" said Sakura not sure how to handle this.
"Never mind that, Sakura. If its in your past, we can put it behind us. Please don't make me wait any longer, I cant stand not knowing, please" he whimpered and Sakura felt really guilty as if she'd caused him all this trouble.
"I'm sorry, Yukito…" Sakura left her sentence trailing. It didn't take a genius to figure out the meaning of her sentence.
"Yukito…" she whispered and watched him turn in back, a hopeful smile on his face and her heart broke for him…
"I'm really sorry…" she said hollowly.
Meanwhile, back at the party:
Chiharu went up on the small podium set up in her lawn and spoke into the microphone, "Guys, time for Karoake! First up, we're having none other than the Eriol Hiragizawa with the song, oh well, I'll leave it to yall to guess it now, shall I?"
Smiling Eriol got up on the podium but his smile faltered when he saw who Tomoyo was standing next to.
"Tomoyo, please dance with me?" C.J asked Tomoyo.
"Umm…definitely," Said Tomoyo.
Eriol started with his song, his eyes fixed not on the screen that had the lyrics on it but on the girl who he liked but was with another guy. Oh, what did it matter, he'd been practicing the song for quite a while now, so that he wouldn't embarrass himself when the time came.
"You, doing that thing you do, breaking my heart into a million pieces
Like you always do…
And you don't mean to be cruel, you never even knew
About the heartache I've been goin' through…"
Tomoyo continued dancing, knowing that Eriol was singing the song, but unaware that his steady and sad gaze was fixed on her and each movement she made.
"Well, I try and try to forget you girl
But it's just so hard to do
Every time you do that thing you do
And I, know all the games you play
And I'm gonna find a way to let you know that
You'll be mine someday…"
At this Tomoyo looked in his direction and their eyes met. Tomoyo looked away, not wanting to feel more hurt than she already did.
"Cause we, could be happy, can't you see
If you'd only let me be the one to hold you,
And keep you here with me…"
Once again, Tomoyo looked at Eriol who was STILL looking at her, only this time with a more tender expression in his eyes.
"I don't ask a lot girl but I know one thing's for sure
It's the love I haven't got girl and I just can't take it anymore..."
At this Tomoyo, looked really shocked, and looked at Eriol incredulously. Yes, it had taken her pretty long to find out that the song had been wholly about his feelings for her.
"Cause it hurts me so just to see you go around with someone new…"
Tomoyo, told C.J at this point, "Hey, I'm sorry, I'm feeling really tired, can we do this later?"
C.J just smiled and said nothing as he nodded and walked away. That's when SAKURA came in.
"And if I know you, you're doin' that thing every day,
Just doing that thing,
I can't take you, doing that thing you do…"
Meanwhile: Things between C.J and Sakura:
AS Sakura joined him, C.J raised his glass of punch and raised it to her and toasted, "To Tomoyo and Eriol."
She merely raised her eyebrows at him and muttered, "Are you stoned?"
"What? No. Why would you think so?" he asked puzzled.
"First, you ask Tomoyo out and prevent her chances of getting together with Eriol. Now that they HAVE realized their feelings, you're spurring them on?" she looked at him suspiciously.
"Sakura…I never had feelings for Tomoyo romantically, it was just platonic. That day she looked so broken, I HAD to help her out, poor thing, she was so depressed…" he said. "Besides, I knew this was just the kind of goading Eriol needed to finally speak out his feelings." He grinned.
"Who would've ever thought you were the helpful kind?" she teased breaking the ice.
"Aww, but you love me for it!" he gushed making Sakura nearly choke with laughter at his attempt in humour.
"Speaking of which, where is the one you love?" he asked, to which Sakura responded with a faint, "Hoe?"
"I meant your boyfriend, haha!" he laughed.
"Uh…he said he might get late…" Sakura trailed off paling when she thought of Syaoran; she was still upset about Miho's question and was afraid to know Syaoran's answer.
"Whatever it is, work it out with him. All relationships are simple, either they work or they don't. But, never hold back, you might regret it later. There isnt a single problem in this world that can't be sorted out, if people could just talk." he advised her.
"Will do," she replied. 'What good was it doing to either of them, by her avoiding him? Might as well get it out into the open. Her thoughts once again returned to the situation between Miho and Syaoran and herself. There was no doubt that Miho liked Syaoran. Her clinginess suggested anything but the opposite of that. The question was if her boyfriend too felt the same, she realized with a dull ache in her heart. Boyfriend. Why did she AND everyone else call him that, when he hadn't even asked her to be his yet? They hadn't even had their first date so far, according to him. Did that leave him free to pursue Miho?' She wondered.
Oh hell, she thought, she'd take it one step at a time. It all depended on what he'd have to say now, didn't it?
Back to the ballroom, dance floor: (As in back to Eriol and Tomoyo)
Once the applause had died down, Eriol smiled and announced, as he thought, 'it's now or never,' : "Thanks so much guys. I've got just one more song, so please bear with me, it's dedicated to a special someone, who I don't want to single out right now, but she'd with us, and I know she knows I'm talking about her," he grinned his eyes never leaving Tomoyo's face which had turned a slight pink at his intent gaze.
So 1, 2, 3, take my hand and come with me
Because you look so fine
And I really wanna make you mine…"
He sang, shaking his head to the beats just every so now and then looking away from Tomoyo, and at the other people who were dancing and having a gala time.
"I say you look so fine
That I really wanna make you mine!"
He looked at her and pointed at her, as he sang out that line. This went unnoticed by all except for Sakura and C.J who'd just walked back in.
"Oh, 4,5,6 c'mon and get your kicks
Now you dont need that money"
He sang and winked at her,
"When you look like that, do ya honey?"
"Big black boots,
Long black hair,
She's so sweet
With her get back stare"
He sang and smiled at her with a soft expression on his face, as he saw that her face's pinkness had just gotten a few notches darker.
"Well I could see,
You home with me,"
His eyes then left her face and roamed around the room before coming to rest on her date. His lip curled in anger and he sang,
"But you were with another man, yea!
I know we,
Ain't got much to say,
Before I let you get away, yea!
I said, are you gonna be my girl?"
With that he raised his eyebrows at her suggestively.
"Uh, be my girl".
He left the podium, the mike in his hand, as he made his way through the crowd, towards his love, Tomoyo.
"Be my girl".
By now he'd had the whole room's attention and everyone had stopped dancing, to look curiously as to what he was up to. He then stopped before Tomoyo and took her hand and gazed hopefully at her and he sang his final line,
Are you gonna be my girl?!
She blushed a deep red and looked down as she nodded vigorously, looking at the floor, not being able to suddenly speak. She then shrieked and giggled as his arms enclosed around her waist and lifted her off the floor, twirling her. The crowd started yelling and clapping and cheering the newly formed couple as he lowered her and kissed her, passionately. It was almost as if there was no one else there but them. The both fell in the abyss that was surrounding them.
After that, many more people went on the podium, but mostly just to have fun. There was just one proposal that night: that of Eriol's. But that didn't mean the party didn't have any life in it.
Sakura went to the fridge as she looked for something to eat. After having satisfied her hunger, she was about to return to the dance floor when she saw Syaoran arrive. She never saw Miho behind them as she pulled Syaoran by the hand to a more private place: the balcony.
"Sakura, what's been going on?" asked Syaoran confusedly, remembering the way she had run away from him.
"I'm sorry," she said and in one single movement, she moved closer and sealed her lips over his. It took him a couple of seconds before he lost track of thoughts and responded to her kiss deeply. They kept kissing and when they both pulled back, Sakura with a smile on her face, Syaoran uttered the word he never should have:
Shock registered in Sakura's eyes, and she shook her head thinking it to be some horrible dream. But when she felt his hand on her arm, she pulled away, pushed him and ran away from him, small teardrops spilled from her eyes, in spite of the effort she made to contain it.
She didn't bother to say goodbye to anyone and ran to the road, when she remembered she had no one to drop her back, as she was supposed to go with Tomoyo. She didn't want to go back and stood there uncertainly when a car pulled up and a window lowered.
"Sakura, do you need a ride?" it was C.J who'd asked out of courtesy.
He gulped when he saw her eyes streaming with tears.
"Sakura, get in" he ordered.
Sakura didn't know why, but she just felt she could trust him and got in obediently.
He then drove to a McDonalds drive in, and stopped.
"What's wrong, Sakura?" he asked.
"S-Syaoran" she sobbed, "We were kissing when he muttered his ex-girlfriend's name…" she said, rubbing her eyes that was red.
He laid a hand on her shoulder sympathetically. At this she started crying again, this time her head fell on his shoulder.
He slipped an arm around her and rubbed her other arm, muttering, "It'll be alright, Sakura, you'll be okay. Be brave, Sakura, be brave…" he trailed off as he thought to himself, "There's much more to come…" sadly.
AN: YES, YES AND YES!!! I FINISHED THIS LAMO CHAPTER FINALLY! My brother (imaginary) tells me to stop using the darn caps lock. Damn you, imaginary bro! Lols. 5202 words, whew! (Longest chappie ever!)
Let me list reasons why this wasn't updated earlier:
School. Last year. Slave driving teachers.
Depressing chapter. Wasn't in the mood. You would have known this if you'd read "A trip to the Altar", my newest fanfic.
Couldn't complete though I started writing this in early Oct. Due to mood reasons.
Songs used: That thing you do - The wonders. Are you gonna be my girl? – The Jets. Not mine, duh!
READ ME (YOUR LOSS IF YOU DON'T!) : C.J and Sakura are NOT going to get romantically involved. Or so, I think. Have you forgotten Rika? If so, I suggest you read up whatever I written about her to remember cause, she is coming BACK! (Noooooooooooooooooooooo, I hate myself for that!) I know this is a fluffy but it's going to have a little drama and some graphics. It wont be TOO childish, don't worry, I'm past that age. I'll hopefully update this sooner next time, if I get like a dozen reviews…*looks dreamy*!
How was EandT in this chapter?
How was Syaoran's and Sakura's "moments" in this chapter? Do you hate me yet?
How was Sakura's escapades?
How was C.J? (AN: he's actually a character in "Bold and the Beautiful" and man, I loved him! I even wanted to MARRY him once, haha! How weird is this, AN inside an AN ?)
I pitched in Yukito in the party cause weirdly enough I do have a stalker, and like Sakura didn't have Syaoran around to save her, I didn't have Shobit A, to save me from embarrassment that I had a stalker and nobody to beat him up, haha! Not that Yukito is a stalker…just the whole hand grabbing thingy!
Until then, adieus, amigos, take care:
Spanish for bye, friends:
Luv, Crazy heart.
Sorry guys, I had to reload the chapter, but don't worry Im working on the next chapter and itll be out in a jiffy!!!