Yu-Gi-Oh! is a registered trademark of ©Kazuki Takahashi, Jump Comics, Konami and 4Kids Entertainment. My characters don't mean any harm to the show or to other's ideas.

"Your Move!!!!" Part-15

Ammut's card returned to Pegasus' hand. So his lovely niece's powers had grown. 'It seems you have underestimated Lisa.' Pegasus tapped Ammut's card on the table. "Yes, I have. What do you wish of me to do about this now?" The dark shadow came closer to Pegasus. 'You must get control now or we will send you back from which we found you.' Pegasus shook all over. "I understand...Master!"

'Good!' The room brightened a bit.

Joseph didn't like what was going on. He wanted out of the house right this moment, but he was too scared to move at the moment. -Where does sis get the courage to face Uncle Max?- Joseph's body shook. -I only hope sis is okay.- Joseph slowly stood up and headed for the window. He didn't want to stay here any more. -I'll go find Kaiba. He's about the only other person I know around here.- He opened the window and looked out. He got lucky, there was a tree in reach. He heard footsteps coming toward his room. -It's now or never.- He leaped out of the room into the tree. He quickly climbed down the trunk and ran for his life. -I should have believed you Sis. Let's hope I get out of this to say I'm sorry to you.-

Yami was breathing down Lisa's neck. He was upset with one of the Death cards coming here to Yugi's house. "I should have stopped you from coming here. You have endangered my light."


"I'm not finished."

"If you keep shouting like that you'll wake Grandpa up." Yami shook his head. Lisa sank down to her knees. "I don't know how you can forgive me. My Pharaoh." Yami blinked. He lowered his head. "You didn't know your Uncle would go this far, did you?"

"No I didn't. Now I believe my brother is going to get hurt because of me." Joey had moved the couch back to it's normal spot. "Please we must help him."

"Your brother doesn't seem to want anything to do with your problem."

"Joseph just finds it hard to believe in Magic." She felt a hand touch her shoulder. She looked up into Yugi's eyes. "Don't worry Lisa we'll help Joseph but we just can't do it now."

"Yugi is right Lisa. We'll help him as soon as the sun comes up."

"I know Joey but I'm so worried about him." Yami let out a breath. "Get some sleep now and we'll head out for your Uncle's home." Lisa slowly nodded. She got up and headed for the couch. Joey was waiting for her. He held out his hand to her. She looked deeply into his brown eyes. Lisa took Joey's hand and sunk down into his arms. Yami sulked and headed back up the stairs. Yugi waited a moment before heading up himself. He smiled and then went up the stairs to his room.

Joseph was tired and breathing hard. He had stopped to look in a phone book to find Seto Kaiba's home number. He looked around making sure no one was around. His hand shook as he placed a quarter in the slot of the phone. He wished he didn't have to call this early in the morring but he had no other course of action to take. He dialed the number. The phone rang a few times. A sleepy Kabia spoke up. "Hello. This better be important to call at this time of night."

"Seto. It's Joseph. I need help, now." Kaiba's voice cleared up. "Joseph what's going on?"

"I don't know anymore Seto. I'm scared. I..."

"Where are you?"

"A phone booth. I'm trying to find your place."

"Joseph, calm down and look for a street sign." Joseph took a deep breath and looked around again. He saw a sign. "Burgh St."

"You hide in the bushes near there, I'm coming to get you now."

"Okay Seto, and thanks." The phone went dead and Joseph quickly dove into the bushes. A few moments went by and a car pulled up. "Joseph are you there?"

"Seto?" Kaiba turned to find Joseph was in his pjs as he stepped out into the street light. "God. You'll catch your death of cold. Come on and I'll get you warmed up." Joseph got into the car with Seto and they drove to Kaiba's mansion. Soon Joseph found himself in a bed and falling asleep. He told Seto that his sister wasn't with Uncle Max either. All he knew was that she left with Joey. Seto found this was strange. He told Joseph that they'd find her in the morning. Joesph wasn't all that worried about his sister. He knew she had more strength than he did in facing their Uncle. He just hoped she was safe with Joey.

Will Lisa and Joesph find each other again and who is really in control of the Death Cards? Thanks for the Spell Check Jumper Prime.