Chapter 1

A/N Starts three days after Bella's transformation in Breaking Dawn

It had been three days since Edward Cullen had transformed Bella Swan. He stood in anticipation as he waited for Bella to wake up. Just as her eyes started to open, she screamed in agony and she started trembling violently. Her screams began to fade and in their place was a completely different noise. The sound of a...

Chipmunk? Thought Edward. Is that meant to happen?

'Carlisle!' Edward yelled. 'Come here a minute!'

'Yes Edward?' Carlisle suddenly appeared

Edward glanced at him then looked again. Something about Carlisle looked a little odd to him. Doesn't Carlisle have curly hair? Thought Edward. And wasn't he on a hunting trip?

Edward suddenly realised that he couldn't read Carlisle's mind, and this baffled him more then anything else.

'Carlisle?' Or whoever you are. 'Weren't you on a hunting trip?' Edward murmured.

Carlisle looked nervous for a quick moment, but then the look was gone, so quickly that Edward thought he had made it up.

'I, uh, came back... early?' Carlisle said, sounding very unsure of himself.

Edward was about to question "Carlisle" but he heard a squeal that stopped him. Edward turned and his jaw hung open.

What stood before him was not the beautiful vampire that he had envisioned but...