Okay, so I get a review complaining how this is in an character I created point of view. Honestly, I don't care. I have a lot intense ideas for this FANFICTION -- thus its called an FANFICTION. Two key words. So, I don't plan on keeping it myself.

To everyone else who reads and likes (but doesn't review/ or reviews) thanks for looking. And a reward will come in the next chapter. Yami Marik will finally make an appearance. FYI, the character will start to change a little bit, much less confident and such but I'm sure you all can guess why. Anyway, here's chapter 3 for all who care and for those who don't - go away. :)

Chapter 3

Battle City : The Blimp

At first, I was against the fact that I had to look like on of his mind slaves just so Marik and his loyal servant, Odion could pass through. The plan was that Odion was faking to be Marik; confusing every one of Marik's enemies while he pretended to be a newbie in the tournament. I didn't think it would actually work they way Marik had told me but no one said anything.

He gave me an typical purple attire for being a rare hunter. Apparently that's what they were called. Whatever, I was just doing this for my threatened family and friend, and maybe a bit for myself. I wanted to prove to Marik that he was wrong about me and I was just as normal as I looked. Besides, you might already be able to tell that I have a small, little thing for him. Guys don't pay much attention to me and I'll let you know that I'm intrigued by his collected, demanding nature. It's different from any other male I've encountered. He appears to see the big picture and I like that in a person.

I walked beside Odion, pretending to be his loyal slave just to fool some people to get in. I really didn't think this plan would pull off but my mind changed when we met up with the group of duelist's. They were a familiar bunch; majority of them I go to school with. I don't know them personally, but I had conversations with Yugi. He had the strangest hair I had ever seen. Once in class I asked him if he dyed his hair to give off the black and red shade but he just looked at me with his purple eyes innocently, unsure what I was talking about. I should have figured he wouldn't be into being a rebel or a punk. I remember when he would just sit in the middle of class, putting together a golden puzzle. It never gave me similar chills compared to Marik's rod until I seen him wear around his neck. My heart pounded with the aura of the darkness soaring out into the air but the evil within wasn't as thick as Marik's rod. It was puzzling to think that around Yugi; I'd probably be rather safe. He did give off that sense of comfort after all.

I pulled my hood closer to my face; I didn't want anyone recognizing me. That'd be terrible if they did; for Marik I mean. I bet Marik would just point fingers at Odion and suggest he cover up the loose ends when it was no doubt Marik who dragged me into this. I sighed lightly; I didn't want to be undercover forever during this tournament. I felt the desire to roam by myself, to watch the famous Yugi win duels. It turns out he is pretty good now and quite popular among the crowds at school.

Odion and I approached the group; I kept my mouth shut as the group of school mates just stared at us. They looked mostly at Odion; suspecting that he was Marik. It turns out that Marik had caused some trouble while I was passed out in his quarters. I really missed out on a lot but Marik did seem extremely steamed when he returned to speak with me. He was sweaty and cold blooded when he came into his room, seeming rather angry at some particular reason. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure that Marik seemed pissed when he didn't get his way. However, no matter what he always seemed to calm down eventually.

Yugi glared down Odion and whispered to his friends. "So that must be Marik," Everyone around him agreed and eyed him dangerously.

I paid close attention to Odion's dark face, his golden eyes held a misery that couldn't be traced as the same fiery emotion I seen in Marik's eyes. I tried to ignore them as the real Marik was close by. He smiled to the group, acted out his fake character as if he was never even the one I knew for two days. I'll admit, I was shocked by how convinced Yugi and his group were by a simple innocent act. I watched them in awe; I couldn't believe this plan was actually working. The group thought that Odion was Marik. The fools!

Odion tugged my arm to the mighty blimp that awaited the duelists and their friends. He must have noticed that I wasn't following him. "Come," He demanded in a tone that Marik would use and I had to stare back and forth between the two. Maybe I'm the one who was being fooled?

I nodded and followed him inside; not to mention there was a crude darkness that wasn't far off. It was thickening as it grew closer and I realized something. It was those golden objects that sent my world flying in different directions. There's no doubt that there was another wielder of a golden object that contained such a strange, yet familiar touch. I instantly hated the feeling for some reason.

Inside, the blimp was large compared to what it measured up to look like outside. I was impressed with how fashionable it looked, yet such a serious tone of metal and an azure blue filled the walls. The colors weren't intense but I immediately felt secure; as if I was in an underground laboratory Odion and Marik wouldn't share rooms; thus wanting to confuse everyone into thinking that they were two separate people with different intensions.

As we walked down the hallway, Odion finally spoke to me when we were out of the voice range of others. "Master Marik informed me that you'd be staying in his quarters," he scanned a card into the dorm, the automatic door opening to show a dark room.

I looked at him with the hood still over the half portion of my face, "But why?" I asked innocently, I felt no need to be snappy at him. His presence was alive compared to the ghouls and he was definitely trust worthy even though I didn't know him.

He eyed me closely, "I don't ask questions, I simply just follow his orders," he looked sadly as he turned away from me, a dull expression never left his face.

"He'll be expecting you to be there when his plan is finally set and in order," he stated firmly, "I'd follow directions. Master Marik doesn't like to take no for an answer," and before I could even say anything, he disappeared down the hall in a matter of minutes so I didn't even bother questioning.

I sighed negatively; I didn't want to wait for Marik. That would be just dumb on my part. I don't like being dependent on someone else when he is the one who needs to do some convincing. Besides, this might be fun or it could end my life within a heart beat.

"Fine then, you win this time Marik but don't expect me to really listen to you anymore after this," I simple just spoke out loud, as if he could hear me.

The room was beautiful and calm; the baby blue color continued into the room and throughout the entire place. It was nice and had a comfortable feeling to it. I couldn't help but to smile, it was better than I thought and I suddenly felt selfish. I made my way into the bathroom to check out the suite, as if I had it all to myself. My fingers touched the mirror gracefully, dancing smoothly across my reflection. "Ah, if only I didn't have to share with that wicked boy," I said to myself with a greedy smile, it might of been just as bad as you know whom.

I didn't let him devour my thoughts completely. I decided to take back what I said earlier about being dependent just this once. No, maybe not this time. I don't think I could just coop and wait within this room for very long. I wanted to look around this airship and I was eager to see what this place was about.

The main reason for my motivation was my anxious heart that started to beat with excitement. My mind was thrilling strangely, I hardly ever got this way. I changed out the mysterious hood and placed it on the bed with one swift motion. My regular clothes were underneath it; back on Marik's ship he finally gave me some decent clothes. I didn't bother asking how he got the clothes from my bedroom back in Domino; I figured it would be a little too much to ask. At least I got to get out of that repulsive uniform.

Casual clothing was my typical attire; long jeans that didn't grip too tightly around my legs and a navy blue polo shirt. Underneath all of my shirts, I wear a tight cami to match. For this particular shirt, the tank top was white. It was comfortable so I wasn't complaining. He grabbed me other clothes (so he said) but I don't get them until later. Thus why I hate being dependent on him. It's killing me.

I smiled slyly to myself as I walked towards the door with a calm stride. I was in no big hurry, nor did I care if I couldn't get back without Marik. If he really wanted me to stay within that room, he would have to come find me sooner and make sure I was really there. He should know my rules by now. I wait around for no one.

My hand glided across the wall, approaching the door more swiftly now. I was completely eager to explore a little bit.

The automatic door sensed my presence and instantly opened. I didn't bother looking where I was going, I knew how to walk without looking in front of me but I stared outside one of the port windows close to the bed. We had already begun taking off and I hardly even knew that. Boy was I oblivious or what?

However, I wished I was more observant of my surroundings. I used to never be this bad at getting distracted, my senses used to be as keen as a hawks. All that ended when I was captured by that rotten mastermind. He threw me off my style with his stare and that damn rod. At a time like this, I wished I was myself again because I had just run into someone. There was only a second too spare before my mind put two and two together again and actually thought of something useful.

Within that second, I breathed in a scent that smelt of a unique bitter-sweet Egyptian. His smell was pure musk and it sent my mind into a whirlwind that just continued to spin into a tornado. I also caught a whiff of a delicate man who always towered over me in someway. My eyes converted to the chest of the man, his shirt black as night. His shoulders were stiff and dark, his skin a light tan. It wasn't then that I realized that I bummed into the last person I wanted to be caught by.

My mind sent off wild curses in disappointment as I glanced up at him, meeting those sadistic lavender eyes. His look was mocking, his lips curved up into a light smirk. "Now, where you do think your going?"

I choose something that just spun off my head, procrastinating as much as possible.

"I'm looking for the bathroom,"

I felt incredibly stupid at that moment, knowing he couldn't have been that retarded. The bathroom was just a couple steps behind me but Marik didn't know that. I was here before he was so this room should be foreign to him. I was counting on the fact that he wouldn't catch on. He hadn't seen the room yet so how would he know?

He placed a warm hand on my open shoulder, feeling the real sensation of his soft palm. I couldn't pay attention on anything when he touched me like that…blah, curse these damn hormones.

I snapped out of it when I noticed that he was pointing with his index finger towards the door behind me.

"Over there," he didn't even see the room and yet, he knew. Curses…I can't even out smart him. I won't say that he isn't smart since he uses only common sense it seems but it must be my luck then. Yes, I'll blame my 50/50 luck. At least I don't feel halfway retarded now.

"Oh, yeah," I flashed him a smile, just to cover up my false stupidity. I'm starting to think he can see right through me and its driving me up the wall! Or maybe it's that rod of his. Perhaps he is controlling my mind to making me look like a complete idiot. Yes, I'll blame the rod now.

He glanced over his shoulder, out into the hallway to see if anyone was listening in. When clear, he shoved himself in. His hand was still on my shoulder when he invited himself into his suite, pulling me farther away from the door. I felt like a prisoner again when the automatic door shut and locked from inside. Did he do that too?

Marik stopped when he was in the center of the room, shuffling his deck of cards with a smug look on his face. There was a twinkle that just wouldn't go away, swarming around him that made me want to curl into a ball just die. So many things about him reminded me of something so familiar but it was a mysterious air. I fear a lot of it has to do with me and my power. I left the thought alone, it would only mess me up even more if I tried to pinpoint actually what he reminded me of.

All I could really do was just look at him and observe. I could tell that he was plotting something bad. This guy wasn't easy to read but he was still readable in some situations.

"Marik, why in the world am I staying with you? Can't I just sleep in some other room? This is kind of disturbing to think of the both of us staying in the same room," I hated to be the one to ask the first and the most obvious questions but I had too. He didn't seem like he would complain to that, he was the one who insisted I stay with him after all.

He glanced up at me with those eyes that penetrated my being with one blow. It was getting annoying by the control he had over me with just his eyes. He smirked again, the foolish mockery danced across his face.

"Aria, I highly doubt that you'd want to stay in another room. I reckon it's much less comfortable with those pathetic fools about. Since you are the darkness's favorite being, I'd prefer if you'd stay here with me and grant me the power I need to destroy the pharaoh and his friends,"

I looked at him a little puzzled. "Destroy the pharaoh?" I didn't know that Egyptian Kings still lived among this lifetime. Its an interesting topic to think so but I had my doubts. From deep within my stomach, I knew exactly what he was talking about. Yugi's golden puzzle flashed in my head.

The pharaoh…Yugi?

I felt the answer was already in my grasp but I tossed it aside. There was something else that was rather disturbing. I rubbed the back of my head; I needed to think things through about this. Was Marik that type of person? "By destroy, you mean kill?"

"Precisely," he stated with a firm tone but his smirk had a whole another meaning. He placed his deck of cards onto top of the metallic island on the other side of the room. He snickered to himself about something, regardless what it was, I didn't ask.

I crossed my arms in a furious manner. I didn't want him killing off Yugi and his friends. That was just morally wrong in my mind. Honestly, I didn't think he would be the type of person to actually want to kill someone. Sure he was a mastermind with a strange rod that drove me insane (not to mention he had my parents and my friend under his control). Blah, it just didn't seem right but in the deepest part of my mind was the very denial to my opposite actions. It felt like it is okay for Yugi to die, like it was promised to happen. But that was just a thought, and it wasn't what was really right.

He noticed my fatigued expression, my azure eyes darting thousands of glares at him. He turned to face me, "What?"

"You're not going to kill them, you know. You may get away with keeping me around but I won't let you do that,"

There a flash of annoyance on his face as he walked over to me. He can't dominate me; I wasn't going to let him. Marik didn't look too happy that I was denying him the thought of killing off my classmates. They weren't my friends but they were still people I knew. The thought just couldn't settle well in my stomach.

"Aria, I wouldn't try to be the hero if I were you," He stopped right beside me, facing towards the door as both of our bodies faced separation directions, he smirked once more and examined me with those eyes, " It really doesn't suit you,"

I scoffed at that thought, as if he knew me, "Really now? I don't think so. You don't know what fits me or not. I'm the one in charge of that."

He eyed me again, a spark of something else in his smug face. "Perhaps, but not for long," he said confidently. Nothing could throw me in dismay; I knew that for a fact.

"Marik, you sound so sure of yourself," I continued to glare at him, he wasn't cooperating with me and it was bothering. I pivoted on my foot, my body open to his. "I am in control of this Marik and I won't let you harm any of them,"

I was beginning to walk towards the door, knowing it was locked but to budge it down if I had too. I wasn't going to let this Egyptian get the best of me right now; I wanted to get away from him.

I should have known he would be the one who wanted the last say in our conversations. He always seemed to hush me when I was finished with saying whatever I needed too. I'm beginning to think he is more dominating in situations that I am.

His warm fingers wrapped around my forearm, catching me before I got too far away. "Aria," the way he said my name caught my attention.

He was using a different tone, deep but softer than I've ever heard him sound. "It's between your loved ones or Yugi and his friends. I'd think you'd consider what is at sake for you. Perhaps you should consider the people you love most a thought and worry about them, not the fate of Yugi and his friends,"

For some reason, I couldn't agree with him more. He did have my parents and my best friend in his hands. He could kill them if I wasn't eager to fully cooperate with this (for whatever reason he wanted me here for). I sighed, and I knew he was right. I had a choice and I wasn't going to risk it all to save both of them. I'm not a super hero…

With my silence, he tone went back to normal. I could feel the smile on his lips as he spoke once more, "I'll let you wonder but there are going to be conditions."

The thought of freedom was on the line, he had my full attention once more. I peered over my shoulder just to look at his face. He was smiling a softer smile, lightly curving into a smirk. Was he teasing me?

"I'm listening,"

"You must pretend that you're a particular friend of mine,"

I eyed him closely; there was something fishy about his offer. "What kind of friend?"

He chuckled at me softly, "Whichever is different from you being the slave at Odion's side. They didn't see you go on the ship, so if they ask, just tell them you came late. You wanted to see me win," he let go of my arm with a peachy smile. "Remember now, my name is Namu and I'm a close friend of yours," he laughed once more as he went over to the table to sort out his deck once more, "I have a feeling the host of this tournament will be serving dinner soon. I'll join you then, so enjoy your time alone,"

I didn't mind leaving Marik in his room, I needed to get some alone time myself. I couldn't help but feel a smile escape from my lips; my heart was racing in different paces at every second. There was something here that I had felt before, a force that I encountered a long time ago. I can't recall the thought or memory but it was definitely something here that I'm eager to discover once more. It felt like a reunion.

I didn't think I'd be found so soon by one of my classmates. Ryou Bakura was the transfer student from Great Britain. He was a little distant at school but he tends to hang out with Yugi and his friends. I don't mind him but I never really liked going near him.

There was a whirl of evil about him, something deep within those chocolate eyes that made me look away. His stare catches mine first, I'm unable to retreat since he seemed eager to speak to me. A little conversation won't hurt?

"Aria?" He tilted his head to the side in an innocently manner, his coco eyes pierced right through me. At this very moment, I could feel the dead wind of another soul within him. It gave me the goose bumps and I shivered a little, unable to cover it up as he came closer to me.

"Oh, hey there Ryou," I made sure I kept my thick walls up; I just couldn't trust him. My eyes traced down his arm, bandaged up with white gauze. Blood was already seeping through. He instantly covered his arm, hiding his wound from me.

I glanced back up at him again and I know what I saw. For just a single moment, his expression was dark and cunning; the opposite of the one who greeted me. I blinked, a little startled from the change. It just proved my instinct about him. But it was gone in matter of seconds, taking notice that I was looking back at him again.

I raised an eye brow to say something but he beat me to it, his thick English accent casting a spell over my ears to listen. "What are you doing here? I didn't think you dueled,"

I blinked once more appalled at the change.

Bipolar, maybe?

"I don't, I'm just here with a friend,"

"Really?" He acted surprised, "Who?"

I glanced away and remembered what the jerk told me. "Namu. I came here to watch him duel," I felt distant from him, a cold stare from a deadly man.

Your innocent acts don't work on me.

He smiled gently my way once more, an innocent playboy smile. It could drive any girl man but I wasn't going to be fooled by him. I had other things to worry about.

"Namu eh? He really helped me a couple days ago," There was a mysterious sparkle, "Nice fellow,"

"Um, right. He is," I tried to sound convincing but it was hard to image Marik helping anyone; especially Ryou. "Does that explain your arm?"

He blinked then nodded. "Yes," he seemed timid, "It's a long story and I can hardly remember it but Namu helped me. That's how he met Tea and Joey, too. I suppose I have a lot to thank him for. I just hope we don't duel against each other. I'd just hate to win against him in exchange for all he's done for me,"

I looked at him suspiciously, "shouldn't you be in a hospital then? It looks pretty bad," I stated, glancing at his hand that started to retreat from the bleeding arm. He glanced at it as well, "I suppose so, but it doesn't hurt actually," he said, half smiling, half frowning.

There was a sad emotion that spread on his features and I had a feeling that this guy wasn't bipolar in anyway. That's when I noticed a golden triangle necklace in the middle of his shirt. In the middle of the necklace, there was a disturbing eye that stared at me directly. It was the same on Marik's rod and Yugi's puzzle. Weird. There was a thin circle around it, artifacts dangled from it loosely. I got a pounding headache but it was soon aided with a whisper in my head. I ignored it.

"Right, right," I looked away from him, "Well its nice chatting with you but I got to go and find Namu. We kinda split up a little bit ago," I laughed nervously. These people were really starting to make me feel weird and foreign. I wasn't ever nervous and now I felt the pressure of another force that I feel I've been running from in a long time.

A man came on the intercom suddenly, interrupting our ended conversation. "Attention, dinner will be starting. All the competitors come to the dinning hall in Sector 1," he paused then repeated once more.

"Well, Aria, I'd hate to get lost just when dinner is about to start. Will you walk with me?" He flashed me that ever-so-innocent smile and I bit my lip. How could I really refuse? Marik would meet me there anyway, so there'd be no point. He'd be expecting me to show up. I won't want to make him worry or nothing. He does have a crazy temper.

"Sure Ryou," I said and waited for him as we walked down the hall to Sector 1.

Dinner was a little strange entering in with Ryou, Yugi and friends had already beat us to the dinning hall and their reactions to finding me here were baffled. Their reactions the same as Ryou's.

"Aria, I didn't know you dueled," Yugi stated interested, but he glanced around as if he was looking for someone.

I just stared at them a little dumbfounded. I was probably more surprised then they were for me being here. Honestly, I wasn't sure either at this point. "Oh, no worries. I don't duel,"

"So whatcha doin' here then?" I looked at the punk who said that. It was Joey Wheeler, one of the biggest losers at Domino High. He was loud and annoying sometimes, but he had sense of humor. He looked funny to me with his fluffy blonde hair and dumb look across his face. But it was hard to think of a reason even though I had a lie in my head.


"She's here with me,"

Marik's voice appeared suddenly behind me. I nearly jumped. Why was I so jumpy now? Gosh, I couldn't tell you why. Maybe I'm just tired and edgy from the long day…

He came up from behind and stood behind me, playing an innocent character that I recognized when he introduced himself to Yugi and his friends.

Joey smiled wickedly, "Ah, I see. You two datin' or somethin'?" he rubbed his nose, listening to hear.

I blinked once more and opened my mouth to disagree but Marik was quicker. "You could say that. You know, I'm surprised she said yes," he chuckled, staying in character with his Namu personality. I just looked at him, he was nuts for considering that!

But still…

My cheeks burned for an instant and I fidgeted silently on my heels. I wanted to say something but I just couldn't speak.

What in the world is wrong with me? Rant the fucker out! Go on!

My tongue flicked in my mouth, keeping my lips sealed shut for the longest time. Had Marik finally gained control over me? No way! I would never go under him! This was a cover up, not anything important. I got to stay in character too, being me like I've been since birth. No one could change me.

"Heh, and I was surprised he asked," I gave him an icy, yet malicious look before walking over to sit in a seat. I was starving. At that, I was feeling pretty good now. Joey was the next to pursuit the table and sat down.

"Alright, let's eat some grub!"

Everything was fine, no complaints as the duelist's and Tea, Serenity, Duke and Tristen joined us. It was actually kind of nice to sit back and talk among us, Joey was proving to me quite the comedian. I wished I considered hanging out with them more; they seemed like fun people.

I smiled to myself silently, thinking about certain things as I finished eating. I didn't even care about the stares at were directed at me from Ryou and Marik. I felt they had a silent connection with one another and it was a little bothering. I glanced at Marik who looked out of it for a little bit. I'd ask him about the little "rescue" later. I knew Marik wouldn't save Ryou; he was an evil mastermind who wanted to kill people. Yeah, definitely suspicious if you ask me.

A tall guy entered into the room, his silver white trench coat nearly touched the ground. I could tell you who this guy was from anywhere. His dark brown hair was parted smoothly down that nearly hitting his cold blue eyes. He was an asshole, bigger than Marik. He was cold and had a low tolerance for bullshit. He was Seto Kaiba, the host of this tournament and known for his inventions for the duel disk system and some other video games. He was rich and a lot of the girls are goo-goo eyed over him at school. It's annoying since he doesn't give anyone the time for anything. I ignore him just like I do to things I don't want to listen too.

"Everyone listen up; enjoy your evening as best you can since tomorrow morning is when the first duel will take place," when I did listen in, he sounded like he was threatening everyone with his ice king tone. Perhaps he was trying to be intimating. "The slots will be chosen at 8:00 sharp. Be late, and then you will miss to see if your name will be announced. It will at random," he placed a cold eye on Yugi, firmly looking like he knew he was better than him.

Yeah, I could kick his ass in duel monsters. I invented the game.

I blinked at my thought, shaking my head. What the hell? No I didn't. Heh, weird. I half heartedly smiled to myself, I wasn't sure what in the hell I was thinking.

Marik grabbed my hand softly at first then clenched it in his palm. "Time to go," he whispered as Kaiba was done with his speech and such. I must of doze off in my thoughts since I didn't even realize what was going on at first.

Everyone was already gone and Marik let go of my hand. He smirked at the door where Yugi left out of. "Everything will begin tomorrow. I can hardly contain myself,"

"Yeah, sure," I rolled my eyes, I was feeling rather tired all of a sudden. "I bet you'll lose the first round," I teased with a soft smile.

He didn't say anything but I knew he wasn't mad. He would have said something and lightly shoved me out of the door. "Don't pass out on me. I'll just leave out here on the floor," he stated coldly. I was hard to tell if he was kidding but I took it as if it was.

I snickered, "Oh but you can't. I'm your damn girlfriend, remember Namu?" I sighed lightly as we walked out of the dinning hall. He smirked at that.

"So, Ryou told me you saved him. Enlighten me."

We were already at his suite when he shoved me, eager for me to get in and out of anyone's sight. He continued to smirk as the door slid to a close. "Now what business does that concern you?" His dark eyes narrowed, looking dangerously at me but that malicious stare.

"Concerns me because I'm pretending to be your pathetic, clueless girlfriend so tell me,"

He pulled out the rod from under the pillow of his bed. He couldn't take it with him; everyone would be able to tell that he was the real Marik if he showed them that.

"Ryou Bakura has an ancient artifact that has a spirit within it that wants to destroy Yugi. We allied our forces together to seek out his demise," he snickered, "At dinner he was asking all sorts of questions about you. The spirit seemed foolishly worried about the situation that involves you,"

I looked at him with an eye brow rose intrigued. "The spirit was worried about me?"

"I didn't tell him about our little bet," he flicked my parted hair out of my face with the bottom edge of the Rod. "That seemed to concern him," he stated softly, focusing something else.

A shiver crawled up my spine softly, torturing my body endlessly. I inched a bit farther from him. "And you told him?"

"No the entire truth," he brought the Rod back to his side, smirking at me lightly. "Your just a slave that I'm using to help blend in the fact that I'm not the wielder of the rod." He chuckled darkly, "Speaking of which," the rod covered his face for a moment, toying it within his fingers. "You don't like this do you?"

I scoffed at him, "No, I don't."

He looked at me; amused. "Why not?"

"It really creeps me out, alright?" I growled slightly, stomping off across the room. I wasn't entirely happy to be toyed with right now. He knew I didn't like it, he should of known that it made me extremely uncomfortable.

He frowned for a moment, "Creeps you out? That doesn't sound…right,"

I glanced at him, "For you? I told you better, I'm not the darkness you're looking for. I'm much simpler."

He sighed bitterly, "You're foolish to deny yourself. I know you are. Besides," he paused; the rod disappeared suddenly from behind his back. I was eager to see it gone. He fluffed out his pillow and kicked off his shoes. He was getting ready for bed, which didn't sound so bad right now. He relaxed back on his stomach, facing away from me.

His voice trailed off as he settled himself in. I know he would be busy tomorrow but he had my attention. I paced myself as I walked over to him and his wide enough bed.

"Besides what? And don't ignore me. I know your not sleeping,"

I heard a soft laugh escape from him, he seemed more relaxed than I ever seen him be.

"You're not simple at all,"

I blinked at his statement, confused by what he meant and I pondered over what he meant. For some reason, it was bothering me to the core of my skin.

Maybe the walls are breaking down after all…

They couldn't do that just yet, I don't even know him and yet; I feel so comfortable around Marik. I'll admit, I feel hidden potential every time I look at him but can only deny it. He has threatened me, my family and my best friend and not to mention that he wants to kill people. He can't be the one I bring my guard down for; he's not right.

Or perhaps the connection I feel goes deeper. That tends to happen a lot here with those items with the eyes. I feel so strange around them while everyone else seems fine; as if they can't feel it. Maybe it's just me but that's not very convincing. Everything happens for a reason and I hope that this will lead to something good. I'm sick of being so tossed around the utter abyss.

I must have been quiet for some time now, focusing on my thoughts a little too much. It's happened before. Marik glanced over his shoulder, his pool of lavender eyes peer at me.

"Foolish girl, get into bed,"

"There?" I looked down at the empty space he has left unattended. "Right next to you?"

"Yes," he sounded irritated with all of my questions and I would be too but this wasn't something I had in mind. I never slept next a guy before, much less my foe; so to speak.


"Would you rather sleep on the floor? Mind you, I won't be generous to give you anything such as pillows or blankets either. Choose wisely,"

He was trying to get me to lie next to him and for reasons I didn't know. Thoughts slammed into my head and my heart began to race. But I took my chances, I could tell he was serious about not giving me anything either. Maybe he still thinks I'm this darkness and is obsessed with me or something. That didn't make me feel much better but its better than lying on the solid, uncomfortable floor.

"Fine but under one condition,"

He turned his head away and shut his eyes. "And what would that be?"

"Don't touch me or anything. I'll toss your deck out into the wind and you will have nothing that you could duel against," I sat down on the edge of the bed, running my hand out on the mattress. It make my muscles relax slowly, embracing this comfortable bed with every fiber in my body.

Marik snickered, must have felt my presence linger close to his. He whispered something that was too soft to hear, the muffling sound of the blimp soaring through the wind canceled it out. I felt content right now, being so close to someone was persistent to get me to lie with them. At that moment, as I was beginning to shut my eyes, I felt as if that the Marik I knew went deeper than just the evil mastermind who wanted to beat Yugi. He was so much more than that but I couldn't place my finger on it.

But as my eyes shut completely and my conscious state of mind drifted away, I knew something about myself that I had been hiding or its been kept oblivious from me. Knowing that little fragment of me just might be the answer to this strange, drawn feeling I get around him.

I feel like I know him from somewhere, from a long time ago…