Authors Note: This is the final chapter to the story. Thank you everyone for reading my story and keeping up with me. I'm now starting on a new 3 Ninjas story, and I should be posting some new chapters pretty soon. Feel free to leave comments and email me for possible story requests. You never know! Your idea could be my next story! Thanks and enjoy the conclusion!
It's been two days since the incident, and now the boys are safe back at their home enjoying the rest of their break. The three brothers were all in the living room with their mother. Tum Tum was watching television. Rocky was on the phone with Emily, and Colt was showing Jessica all of the pictures that he took for her.
Colt: "Oh yeah! Mom look at this picture. It's my favorite. You can see the entire mountain range on this one. Pretty cool huh?"
Colt handed his mother the picture and she took it. She quickly put her hand on her chest and smiled.
Jessica: "Oh it's so beautiful! I really like it." She looked at the next photo. "You even got a picture of the river! It's amazing!" She turned to the next one. "This bush of flowers looks wonderful! Oh how lovely! You did such a great job honey. Thank you."
Colt: "Ah it was nothing. No trouble at all."
Tum Tum playfully rolled his eyes at hearing that.
Tum Tum: "Yeah right…"
Jessica: "Did you say something sweety?"
Tum Tum looked back from the T.V.
Tum Tum: "Nope. I didn't say anything." He lied.
Jessica: "Well anyway, I'll buy a photo album sometime today while I'm out so we can put the pictures in later. Is that okay with you?"
Colt: "Yeah that's fine."
Jessica: "Which reminds me. Jo called yesterday asking for you. I didn't want to wake you so I told her you'd talk to her today. Do you want to go over there now?"
Colt got excited and sat up on the sofa.
Colt: "Sure!"
Tum Tum: "Can I come too?"
Jessica: "Well that's fine with me honey. Just go get changed."
Tum Tum: "Okay."
Tum Tum dropped the television remote and jetted upstairs.
Jessica: "Rocky?"
Rocky was still on the phone, so he held the phone down for a moment so Emily couldn't hear him.
Rocky: "Yeah Mom?"
Jessica: "We're going to Jo's house for a visit. Do you want to come along? We're leaving in a few minutes."
Rocky: "Sure I'll come."
Rocky turned his attention back to the phone.
Rocky: "Emily? I'm gonna have to go. I'll talk to you later okay?...Bye."
Jessica: "Alright you two. Upstairs."
Rocky & Colt: "Yes ma'am."
When they had finally changed, Jessica had driven herself and the boys to Jo's house. It was about a 45 minute drive. Rocky sat in the front with Jessica as Colt and Tum Tum sat in the back. Rocky and Jessica spoke the entire way there. Tum Tum was now chewing on his third piece of Licorice minding his own business, and Colt was just staring out of the window. He didn't say a word. He was just thinking of what he would say to Jo once he saw her. After what happened before, he had no idea of how he would approach her. He let out a sigh.
Colt: 'What am I thinking? I don't know what to say to her!' He thought
It wasn't long until they were there.
Jessica: "We're here kids."
They pulled up in front of the house and got out of the car. As usual Charlie heard the vehicle and came out to the front door with his wife and Jo to greet their visitors.
Charlie: "Hello Jessica. How are you and your boys doing?" He smiled.
Jessica: "We're doing wonderful. How are you?"
Charlie: "Great! Please come in."
Jessica: "Thank you."
Jo: "Hi everyone."
Everyone except Colt greeted her, and then there was an awkward silence. Jo walked up to Colt.
Jo: "Can I speak to you in private?"
Colt nodded, and the others went inside. Colt and Jo went to the same bench on the side of the house again. When they sat down, there was silence. Colt didn't even know what to say. Heck he couldn't even look at her! Jo broke the silence.
Jo: "I'm so embarrassed about my behavior towards you last time."
Colt: "Hm?"
Jo: "I was such a crybaby, and I didn't make the situation better by doing what I did."
There was another silence, but Jo continued.
Jo: "On top of that, I made you feel uncomfortable. It was really selfish of me, and I wanted to say…well…I wanted to say I'm sorry."
This is not what Colt expected to hear. He thought that he would be doing all of the talking, so this kind of surprised him. He still couldn't think of anything to say. The only statement that came out of his mouth was…
Colt: "…It's okay…" He said sincerely.
Jo: "No…No it's not okay."
Her gaze drifted towards the ground, but then she felt Colt grab a hold of her right hand. She looked up to see Colt smiling at her.
Colt: "No…It's really okay."
Jo smiled at him. She was just happy to see that Colt wasn't mad with her.
Jo: "Thanks for underst…"
She couldn't finish her sentence as she was cut off because Colt had leaned in and started to kiss her. She was surprised by his action at first, but she soon gave in and began to kiss him back. It went on for about six seconds until they broke it up.
Jo: "Wow…" She whispered.
Colt: "…Yeah." He whispered back.
Their kiss had ended, but their foreheads were still touching as they gazed into each other's eyes with grins on their faces. It wasn't long until they heard snickering not too far from them. Colt turned to his right and spotted his brothers spying on them. Colt was stunned. He couldn't believe that his brothers had witnessed that. Rocky and Tum knew that Colt saw them but they didn't care. They saw this as an opportunity to tease him and rub it in his face.
Rocky: "See Tum?" He laughs. "I told you that he kissed her, but did you believe me? No!"
Tum Tum: "This is just too good! Now they're gonna get married and have like eleven kids!"
Jo just looked down and smiled even though she was a bit embarrassed, she still found it quite funny. Colt was not amused as his face turned completely red. Colt stood up in rage mode ready to kill.
Colt: "You guys are dead!"
Colt took off after them. Rocky and Tum laughed and ran away.
Tum Tum: "Haha! You shouldn't be mad and chasing us Colt!"
Rocky: "Yeah! You should be keeping your future wife company!"
Colt: "You're the ones who will need visitors for company in the hospital because that's where you're heading next!" He shouted while chasing them.
They sped around the house with Colt chasing them like there was no tomorrow. Jo just couldn't help but laugh at the three ninjas as they acted like ordinary quarreling siblings. She was glad to see everyone happy and back to normal.