TheShamanMaster presents...

Tail's Predicament

Story & Script by TheShamanMaster

Sonic & Friends © SEGA & Sonic Team

Disclaimer: I don't own Sonic...

A/N: This is the last chapter everyone! Yes, it's come to an end, so I hope everyone has enjoyed it!

Chapter 10: A Disturbing Next Day

Tails looked down at the wire in his finger. Sweating nervously, he began twitching his fingers.

C'mon, please let this be...

Just as he was about to pull it, the doors opened up and standing there was Sonic, Rouge, Amy and Herman Li.

"Tails!" Sonic shouted. "What the hell is going on he-WOAH!" Sonic jumped to the right as Knuckles had sent another one of Joker's goons flying to the wall.

"Hey Knuckles. Watch where you throw people!" Knuckles looked at him.

"You try fighting a dozen of these guys at once, then you'll see how it feels! Kyaah!" The echidna took out the last one, as the remaining ones began running away in fear.

"That's right!" Knuckles boasted. "You run away! Haha!" Rouge sweatdropped.

"Okay, that's enough..."

Sonic looked up. "Tails, you mind telling me what's going on?"

"Joker set a bomb." Knuckles answered. "And now..."

"Tails!" Amy cried. "Do it, please! I know you can!"

The kitsune shook his head. Relying on luck, he seperated the wire from the device. The light began blinking rapidly, before slowly fading out. The timer had stopped at one minute and thirty seconds.

"It's out." He said calmly.

Everyone sighed in relief. "Thank goodness..."

"I'll get the press." Herman said. "You Tails, are a real hero."

"What?" Tails replied as he jumped down to the ground. "Me? All I did was get rid-"

"You just saved an entire city!" Herman exclaimed. "If that does not call you a hero, plus you defeated that Joker guy! The mayor needs to hear about this!" He ran back through the corridor. Tails and the others slowly followed.

"My hero." Amy kissed him on the cheek. "You are so amazing, Tails."

Tails blushed furiously. "Gee...I don't know what to say..."

Sonic had a stale expression on his face. "Tails, what is going on with Amy?

"I should be asking you, and everyone else that question." Tails responded. "Everyone's gone nuts today."

"Excuse me?" The blue hedgehog had no idea what his friend was talking about.

"He got a few knocks from fighting Joker." Knuckles said to him. "I think he's cukoo..." He twirled his hand on the side of his head.

Sonic shook his head. "I'm fine. I've been forming a band all day and-"

"Sonic!" Came a female voice. It was Blaze, with Vector and Charmy.

"Sonic, what happened?" She wrapped her arms around him. "Is everything alright?"

"Blaze!?" Amy, Tails, Knuckles and Rouge said together.

"Hey guys. Long time no see huh?" She smiled happily.

Vector, however, was frustrated at this point. "Would someone please tell me what's going on here?"

"It's a long story." Tails spoke. "A very long story..."

Charmy was about to speak, when a group of policeman and members of the press stepped forward.

"Miles Prower, we need to speak with you..." One officer spoke, before eyeing the others. "ALL of you..."

The group were led out of the stadium, and were ordered to stand outside. They were each given something to eat and drink, before speaking with the members of the press, explaining their side of the story on the whole terroist situation. Vector and Charmy got let off the hook as they claimed they didn't know a thing. However, they soon noticed that Espio had still not come back.

"Hey, where's Espio?" Charmy asked.

"Who knows." Vector said folding his arms. "He's probably with that chick..."

"You don't mean Fiona?" Blaze said surprisingly.

Vector nodded.

"Oh god." Sonic added. "He's going to get torn to shreds by Drago and Sleuth. I just know it..."

"Or." The bee wondered. "He's got a little crush on someone..."

"Are you mad!?" The crocodile yelled. "There's NO way Espio would fall for a dame like her...It's just...not right..."

Tails sat down on the ground. He was tired, exhausted, aching all over, and just wishing this day would end. Looking up at the sky, it had gotten dark and stars were glossed across the black blanket of the night.

"Well, this is one good thing..." He mumbled to himself.

In the Station Square Police Station, Scourge was sat at a table with two officers.

"Scourge the Hedgehog." The first one began, looking through a folder of documents. "Multiple offences including grand theft auto, robbery, illegal trading and wanted for the biggest heist in Mobius history..."

"Yeah?" Scourge spat on the floor. "So, what? Big deal..."

"And now, you attack Mr. Corey Taylor, Sonic the Hedgehog and also cheat in a competition?"

He said nothing. The officer took a breath, his eyes fixed on the hedgehog.

"You'll be doing some serious time. You could even call this life sentence."

"So." Scourge smirked at him. "It doesn't matter. My crew will help me in a couple of days, testify, and you'll drop all charges against me..."

"I don't think so." The second one named Dave answered.


"According what we read, your team have also framed the famous Chaotix Team. Framing someone for a crime they didn't do is not a very good thing." Dave looked at his partner.

"Bob, you want I-"

"No, Dave. It's perfectly fine. I'll deal with it." Bob said before looking back at Scourge.

"We'll be deciding your sentence tomorrow morning. For now, I'll be locking you up over night."

Dave stood up, and led Scourge over to his cell. Opening the door, he pushed him in, and locked it. Scourge mumbled something under his breath, before sitting down on the bench. Next to him, sat a very perculiar man. He was around five feet tall, and wore green all over. A green suit, with matching pants, a domino mask and a green bowler hat. He sat with one hand over the other with both placed on top of a long cane. What was really surprising was the question mask symbol on the top of the cane. Scourge's eyes trailed him up and down. When the officer looked away, the strange man began speaking to him.

"Oooh, what do we have here? Another green person?" He spoke in a dramatic tone of voice.

"What's it to you?" The hedgehog snorted. "Look at you."

"Yes!" He said. "I'm a man of many riddles! I'm the master of puzzles, the king of quizzes and the sultan of sequences!" He stood up, twirling his cane. "You can call me, The Riddler!"

"I'm not interested, freak." Scourge muttered.

"Would you be interested if I said I knew a way out of here?" The Riddler grinned with enthusiasm.

"I'm listening." Scourge was interested in this man's words. I mean, what did he have to lose?

"Well." He continued. "I've worked my way out of situations like this before. A prison cell is no more than a mere puzzle! Once you work out the basics, the rest is easy. Now, here's what I want you to do..."

Sonic and Tails had sat talking with one another about what had happened to each of them.

"So, you're guessing because it's Friday the 13th, everyone's acting weird?" Sonic was told again by Tails about his unusual day.


"Right." He nodded. "I don't know about Eggman. I haven't seen him all day. I wonder where he went..."

Just then, Amy came over and sat with two. Holding onto one of Tails' arms, she rested her head on his shoulder.

"So, Amy?" Sonic pondered. "Does this mean you won't be chasing me anymore?"

"Hmph!" She looked crossed. "Looks like that way to me doesn't it?" She stuck her tongue out. "I'm happy with Tails, so you should be happy with Blaze."


"Does it look like I'm joking?" She smiled sweetly at Tails. Tails sighed heavily.

"What's wrong?" Amy asked.

"I'm tried. I just want this day to end. Ohhh..." He droned loudly.

"Awww.." Amy comforted his head from falling backwards. "Don't worry. I'm sure a good night's sleep will solve all this. Then tomorrow, you and I can do whatever we want..."

Great. That's just what I want. Another day being hunted by this sex-crazed girl, but she'll probably forget about all this tomorrow...He thought.

Herman, Vector, Mighty and Charmy were discussing about the results of the competition.

"I've said it already." Herman had repeated the same thing to the Chaotix twice, and now getting annoyed. "I need to talk with the commitee and also the other judges. It's not my fault a contender went mad..."

"We want our money! We earned it fair and square!" Mighty argued.

"Yeah!" Vector continued. "And that record deal also. I'm sure that hot-shot will take us on."

Herman didn't know where this was going to end. "Alright. I'll call you guys in the morning and we'll discuss this over some coffee at Starbucks. How's that sound?"

The Chaotix nodded in agreement, and shook Herman's hand. "Very well. We'll see you tomorrow." Vector said. As Herman left them, the three then talked with Sonic.

"I must say Sonic, you did brilliantly tonight. We'll call you tomorrow to see if you still wanna join..." He looked at Blaze. "And I'll make sure Miss Blaze gets some involvement as well..."

Blaze smiled. "That will be nice. Thank you, Vector." The crocodile went slightly red.

"Alright then! We'll see you to-mo-row!" Charmy squealed in delight. Everyone said their goodbyes, and went in different directions. Being late as it was, Charmy, Vector and Mighty back to the Agency, chatted over coffee and cakes before heading for bed on the top floor. Knuckles and Rouge disappeared to a bar and had a few drinks to pass the time. The two eventually headed to Rouge's apartment, both very drunk. Sonic and Blaze had dinner at a nearby restaurant.

Tails and Amy headed home. Getting off the train and reaching the front door, the fox slumped down on the floor as soon as he opened it.

"What a day." He mumbled. Every muscle in his body ached and he couldn't walk another step. The pink hedgehog walked him over to his bed, where he lied down. Looking up at the celing, he quickly reflected on everything that had gone on today. Amy. Twinkle Park. Joker. The Beach. Battle of the Bands. Saving a whole city.

"Don't worry Tails." Amy said as she lied down with him. "I'm here, you know that right?"

Tails smiled smally. "Thanks Amy." Both kissed one another passionately, both feeling a burning desire for one another. Snuggling up to one another, they slowly drifted off into a distant sleep. What next morning was going to bring, only time would tell.

The next morning, Shadow the hedgehog woke up. His head felt like it had been pounded with a sledgehammer. As his eyes slowly opened, his vision was slightly off as a bright light shone in his face.

"What the...where am I?"

His vision corrected as he noticed he was in a room with white walls. Looking around, he noticed there was a sercurity door, with a large long window next to it.

"What is this place? Where have I been? The last thing I remember..." He mind was a complete blur. What had really happened?

"You're in Arkham Asylum." Came a calm, stern voice. Shadow looked up as he saw a tall man in a trenchcoat with fair hair, rimmed glasses and a bushy moustache standing in the shadows.

"Who are you?" Shadow aaked.

"Me?" The man chuckled. "You should know me. I'm Comissioner Gordon, Gotham City Police Department." He took a step closer. "What's wrong? Lose your memory, Joker?"

"Joker?" The hedgehog asked in confusion. "Who's he? I'm Shadow..."

"Sure you are." Gordon said. "Let's go along with that. Let's also go along with that you escaped yesterday, and went on a rampage around Station Square, and nearly killed everyone there. Ring any bells?"

Shadow growled. "What nonsense are you babbling about? I have done no such thing, now I demand you let me go! I have my rights!"

Gordon looked at him with a perplexed look. "Fine 'Shadow'. If you are who you say you are, then I'll have a psychiatrist brought so we can proof it. As for now..."

The hedgehog was losing patience. All these questions were going nowhere. "Look, I am Shadow the Hedgehog, The Ultimate Life Form created by Dr. Gerald Robotnik to protect the Earth. Now, if you don't let me-"

"Shut it." Gordon interrupted. "You're staying here until I say you can go. By the way, that's some crap makeup there..." He pointed at Shadow's face. He picked up a mirror and showed him. The hedgehog was shocked at the reflection he saw.

"What the hell is this!?" Shadow shouted in anger. "This is some sort of joke!"

"Joke's on you." The detective laughed again. "I'll see you later, Shadow the Joker."


Gordon left the room and sealed the door shut. "Doctor." He spoke into his earpiece. "Get me that psychiatrist as soon as you can. This character's a real oddball... and make sure you get that make up cleaned off him he looks frickin' ridiculous..."

As morning came, Tails awoke. Opening his eyes, he looked around his room. Everything seemed normal. Looking over to his right, he noticed Amy asleep softly.

Was this all a dream? Am I still dreaming? Ouch.

On his right arm, he saw a bandage wrapped around a large part of his arm.

It wasn't a dream! It was real...His eyes moved back to the sleeping Amy. So what about Amy? Is she still..huh?

The phone next to him started ringing. Amy didn't react at all, and Tails looked dumbfounded. "Who could this be?" He picked up the answer it.

"Hello?" He said softly.

"Good morning, Tails. How are you?" Tails immediatly recognized the voice.

"Eggman. What do you want?"

"Well, I'm calling to say well done on making the newspapers. You've really out done yourself for someone who's meant to be the sidekick. The press sure know how to write a story."

"Cut the crap." Tails demanded. "What really happened yesterday? I know you don't REALLY take the day off, so start explaining..."

Eggman's voice grew darker. "Look, I told you. I had no involvement in what happened yesterday. Let's just say whatever happened was superstitious alright? We were cursed by some ancient magic and that happened..."

"You sure you just didn't make an invention to change the weather and you ended up changing everyone's personalities?"

"Hmm..good idea...but No!" Eggman was now annoyed. "No more accusations, fox-boy! Now if you don't mind, I'm going to plot my next attack...or maybe I'll take a longer vacation..."

"Eggman." Tails spoke calmly. "I know, and you know that I know that we both don't believe in stuff like fantasy and superstitious nonsense, so just come clean...I'm not mad. I'm nod angry. I'M JUST PISSED OFF!" He shouted. "QUIT screwing around!"

"Ooh, I'm sorry I think my breakfast is ready! See you later!" The line clicked dead, and the fox just sat there. He placed the phone down and shook his head. Amy Rose slowly woke up.

"Huh...Tails..." She yawned. "Who was that?"

"No one special." He said with a blank look. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine." She sat up and stretched. "Wait...why am I lying in your bed for? Did"

"No, I'm sure we didn't. I would never-"

"That's alright." She looked at him. "I wouldn't want to yet."

"Amy, do you remember anything that happened yesterday? Anything at all?" Tails asked wanting answers.

Amy placed her hand on her hand. "Some of it. I remember a date at Twinkle Park and being kidnapped, but that's about it..." She thought a bit more. "God, what have we done?"

Tails look disappointed by her reaction. "So, you didn't like it?"

"On the contrary." She giggled. "I enjoyed the day with you. You're so much more fun then Sonic could've ever been. I'm starting to really like you, Tails." She leaned over and kissed him.

Tails went red. "Thanks Amy. You're the greatest friend ever." That comment caused her to blush red also.

"No, thank you Tails." Both hugged and kissed one another again. They remained silent together for a few minutes, until the fox asked:

"What do you think happened to Sonic and the others?"

"Who knows." Amy began laughing.

The Chaotix had met up with Herman Li that morning, however Espio was still missing.

"So, boys." Herman began. "I've decided that PsyChaotix will be an instant hit in no time! I'll help you guys with recording a demo next week and we'll send it to some record companies and see what they think." He wrote out a cheque.

"Here's the money as promised. 10,000 Mobian Dollars." Handing over the cheque, Vector immediatly was in love with money.

"Hell yes! 10000 big ones at last! Boys, let's start our celebation with a round of drinks! I'm buying!"

"What about Espio?" Mighty asked him.

"You're right. Let's head back to the Agency and see if he's left any messages yet. If not, we'll call the hospital see if he's still with that Fiona chick..."

Vector was right however.

Espio had stayed with Fiona the whole evening, waiting for her to wake up. Sleuth and Drago had stayed with him for awhile earlier, but had to go home due to luck of sleep. Fiona woke up later in the morning.

"How you feeling?" Espio asked politely.

Fiona said nothing at first, then spoke. "Fine...I guess..." Looking at Espio dead in the eye, she added harshly; "Why? Why did you help me?"

"I saved your life, be grateful." He was annoyed at how rude her reaction was. "I wasn't going to let you suffer in pain...and besides Scourge didn't even lift a finger! He even shouted at you to get back up when you were injured!"

"That's because he loves me. He wanted me to do my best..."

"And look where it got you. Out cold in a hospital for twelve hours. You really want to call that love? Someone who pushes you to far, then doesn't even help you? That's scum in my book..."

"What do you know about love you bastard!?" Fiona hissed at the chameleon.

Espio turned his head. "..."

"I thought so." Fiona slouched on her bed. "Don't even bother trying to help me out again. I don't need you. I don't need anyone else except Scourge..."

Espio was not liking her attitude. "Fine. Do what you want. I don't really care." He turned to leave. "But think about this. I was doing the right thing in that sort of situation. If you don't have the common courtesy to say even 'thank you', then you're just pathetic. Goodbye." He began walking out, when he was stopped by the female fox.

"Wait..." Her face was full of guilt and her heart ached. "I guess...I was a little bit too harsh just Sorry and thank you." Fiona bowed her head slightly.

The chameleon turned back, and nodded. "Apology accepted. I'll see you soon. Maybe if you're free sometime we can grab a coffee or something..."



"Stay with me for today. I'd get to know you better." Fiona's cheeks turned slightly pink when she said the last few words.

"Sure." Espio smiled. "We'll talk."

The two sat together and for the rest of the day, got to know one another better. When Sleuth and Drago popped their heads around the door, they looked at the two and decided not to disturb them.

"Shall we tell the boss?" Sleuth asked his friend.

"No, leave 'em be. That Espio's got a lot of spunk. A real good guy..."

Speaking of their boss, Scourge had been digging a tunnel out with the Riddler and a large man known as Bane. It had been two hours since they had busted out of jail, and had gotten nowhere.

"C'mon Scourge!" Riddler called out shaking his shovel. "Only another ten miles to freedom!"

"This was your idea of a plan? You're ridiculous." Scourge continued digging, hoping they'd get out soon and head for Gotham City. They were to meet up with a crime boss known as Two-Face.

As for Sonic? When he woke up, that day, he and Blaze decided to go out on a date together. Knuckles and Rouge however? Well, let's just say alcohol has its uses...but's thats another story.


Whew! That's the end of this fic ladies and gents! I'm working on another fic as we speak called "Eggman The Hedgehog" it's in my profile if you want to read. I'm also hoping that me (or someone else) will start a fic based around Espio x Fiona. Sounds weird, but this ending kinda prompted it. PM me or leave a message in the reviews if you have any ideas...

Anyway, I enjoyed writing this! This is probably the most cracked out thing I've written since "Naruto and Sugar Don't Mix". Please let me know what you think!