Disclaimer: I do not have the privilege nor honor of owning this brilliant story that is Twilight. Nor it's sequels, which is quite unfortunate. Of course I do own this plotline.

This is something I wrote about a year ago and just now found it again after looking through some of my hidden folders. And let me tell ya people, my writing style has definitely improved since then.

Bella's Point of View

September 15, 2006

I pulled another gallon of blood out of the freezer with a grunt. I carried three jugs and put them in the bed of my truck. My muscles were strained already and I wasn't even done yet.

There were twelve jugs in all. One for each month of torture since they've been gone. Twelve months since he broke my heart.

I wanted revenge so bad, I could feel the hatred burning inside me. But what could I do? Even with a gun I knew I wouldn't even leave a dent on their skin. A mere human could not hurt an invincible vampires, not physically at least, but I could remind them that they were the reason I was about to kill myself, and end this life of nothingness.

The Cullen's household was easy enough to break into, with the help of a brick through the window. They're house looked exactly the same as the last time I had been there on my eighteenth birthday only there was white sheets over everything and no flowers.

"Alice, I hope you see this." My hollow voice echoed in the empty house as I removed all the sheets from every room. I ran back outside to my car and pulled out two of the thawed out 'blood jugs'. A little nickname I had personally made up in one of my devilish moods.

I winced when I remembered the first time I had tried to harvest my own blood. I ended up getting blood all over the bathroom floor after fainting in it. After a few more times of trying I was finally able to harvest my own blood without practically killing myself.

I splattered the blood over the walls and the sofas. I poured a whole jug over his piano. Grabbing three more jugs I smeared the blood in every room and on every wall. I practically submerged hisroom with the rest of my long ago harvested blood, especially where his beloved CDs use to reside.

The once beautiful topaz room was now covered in a hideous red and for the first time in a year I grinned a real smile.

It was almost time. I could even feel the release starting to come. I pulled out a kitchen knife. No suicide note was needed, everyone knew what was ailing my heart.

The knife felt heavy in my hand as I sat down on the already bloodied leather couch and cut multiple times into my arm. The pain didn't register in my mind as I put the knife in my other hand and put a long gash in my right arm. If anything in a way it felt good.

My breathing became shallower as I watched my fresh blood mix with my old. The sensation of bleeding out was intoxicating. It felt like I was falling up as the rain pounded down all around me.

I let out a shaky laugh as my vision started burring at the edges. My laughs grew as I heard the front door burst open. I could feel the smile on my face.

"Bella!" Charlie's voice was a distant echo in my ear as I let the darkness take me. I knew he was too late and yet I couldn't help but think one thing.

Death was funny.

Review please.