Disclaimer: Katekyo Hitman Reborn belongs to...dun dun dun...Amano Akira (a woman after my own heart)
The only things that belong to me would be my love for the pairings, any random OC's that I throw in there and the storyline (which was probably inspired by some manga I read), anyway, enjoy!
A/N: This is an AU fic (obviously) and has nothing to do with the mafia, though the KHR characters are used. The time setting is between the olden days and the modern days. A mix of pirates and royalty, and guns/grenades/dynamites, and some modern things I guess
Chapter 1: This is how we met
"Kyouya it's okay", Dino spoke softly to his son. A young boy with straight, black hair that fell over his eyes apppeared from behind his father.
Dino turned towards a little boy, who looked no older than six and smiled, "Kyouya this is Tsuna-kun my boss' son, Tsuna-kun, this is Kyouya, my beloved son." The boy, Kyouya, grimaced slightly when he heard Dino use 'beloved' in the same sentence as his name. "I'll leave the two of you to play while I take care of some business with your father Tsuna-kun", and with that Dino exited the room.
"Ano, Kyou-chan, what do you want to play", Tsuna smiled brightly as he grabbed the older boy's hand. "Don't touch me herbivore!", Kyouya bit out angrily and he pulled his hand away from Tsuna. Tsunayoshi's smile fell slightly, he had a hurt expression on his face, but as quickly as it appeared, it was soon replaced by something else, a look of confusion. "Kyou-chan what's a herbivore?", Tsuna asked innocently. "It's an animal that only eats plants, jeez, how stupid are you? and why are you so informal, we just met", Kyouya growled in irritation.
"That's not nice Kyou-chan!", Tsuna exclaimed, "and of course I'm informal, we've been introduced, so now we're friends aren't we?", once again, Tsuna grabbed Kyouya's hand. Kyouya looked at him, he was really close to snapping, but when he looked at the younger boy's eyes, so full of innocence, he somehow managed to calm down. "Suit yourself, idiot", he sighed. "It's Tsuna", was the reply given. "Eh?", Hibari asked. "Tsuna, call me Tsuna", Tsunayoshi smiled an angelic smile towards Kyouya, and he found himself unwilling to look away. "Okay, Tsuna", Kyouya relented, "let's go play whatever game herbivores usually play."
With Dino and Tsuna's Father
"You can't be serious Reborn!", Dino cried out, "you can't do this to me and my son!" "I can do whatever I want to do Dino Cavallone", a bored voice replied. "But-but-I-why?!", Dino was at a loss for words. "Think of it as a fun experience", Reborn was still indifferent, despite the blonde man in front of him who looked like he was about to burst into tears, "besides, I owed those damn pirates two guys, so it's you and your son." "Reborn you bastard!", Dino shouted, "after all I've done for you, you wouldn't be King if it wasn't for me!" Reborn stood up and pulled a gun out of his table, "don't think too highly of yourself Dino", he pointed the gun at the other man, "now get out, get your son, and leave my palace, before I do something irreversable."
Dino scrambled out of the room quickly, he knew Reborn well, and the man was capable of anything, possibly even murder. Reborn sighed and rubbed the side of his head, a migraine was coming. "Fool", he muttered under his breath, "if it's you, I know you'd survive, why else would I have sent you."
With Tsuna and Kyouya
"Hey Kyou-chan, is it bad to like another boy?", Tsuna suddenly asked. Kyouya turned red, "what?", he stuttered, "why-why are you asking that?" Tsuna looked up from the daisy chain he was making and grinned, "because I"m pretty sure I started liking you the moment I saw you." Kyouya looked down at his daisy chain, "I-I think I probably-maybe, might umm lik-" Kyouya was cut off as Dino grabbed his arm and yanked him up. "Father what's wrong?", Kyouya asked worriedly, his father had never looked as stressed and worried as he did at the moment. "We have to leave, we-we have to go somewhere", Dino told his son while trying to even out his breathing.
"Will you come back so I can play with Kyou-chan again Dino-san?", Tsuna asked sweetly. Dino looked at Tsuna, he smiled, but underneath it was pain and pity, pain from the fact that his best friend had betrayed him, and pity for the innocent boy who was the son of such a cruel bastard, "of course Tsuna-kun", Dino replied, and under his breath he added silently, "someday."
10 years later
"Tsunako-chan, hurry up! The customers are waiting to order", a busty old lady called out towards one of the waitresses. "Coming ma'am", she replied. A girl with bright eyes, a slim figure, porcelain skin and long brown hair that fell just on top of her shoulders walked towards table number twenty-seven, "how can I help you guys?", she asked with a smile that only made her look even more angelic. "Umm, just some ale for me", the black-haired guy mumbled, the other guy was drooling a bit and needed a nudge to snap out of his trance and say, "beer and steak." "Coming right up", Tsunako winked playfully at them.
"She looks flat, but everything else looks fine", the black-haired guy commented. The other guy nodded in agreement and whistled in approval, "I'd take her over all the butter faces any day." They were both laughing when Tsunako came back with their orders, "anything else sirs?", she asked. "Well, are you on the menu?", the guy who had drooled asked. Tsunako smiled, "nopes, sorry, but I'm not exactly something that can be bought at a cheap price." "Well, we're pretty rich you know", the black-haired guy grinned. Tsunako raised an eyebrow as she studied their scruffy clothes and unshaved faces that had dirty patched all over. "Don't judge us by how we look", the black-haired guy continued, he motioned for her to come closer, and when she did, he whispered, "we're actually pirates, and our captain sent us to buy some stuff for the ship", he patted his pocket where a jingle of coins could be heard.
"I see", Tsunako's smiled widened, "in that case-", she suddenly pulled one the black-haired pirate. She twisted his arm into his back and pulled out a knife hidden in the frilly garter on her thigh, "I've been waiting for six months for pirates to dock here, I want you guys to take me to your ship." The black-haired guy nodded to the drooling guy, and he motioned for her to follow as he led them out of the restaurant and towards the docks. Tsunako turned back and grinned at the restaurant owner who smiled back at her, "thanks for everything obaa-san." "Go grab your freedom", the lady encouraged her, "ouji-sama", she whispered, only for her to heard and no one else.
At the docks
"Wow!", Tsuna whistled in approval, "that is some ship! How can no one notice it's a pirate ship?" The black-haired guy, Tsuna found out his name was Keiichi, shrugged, "Captain either pays the people who work at the docks, or people are just really stupid and trusting when they don't see a pirate flag." The other pirate guy, Kai, looked flustered, "Captain's gonna bite us to death, what the hell are we gonna do!?" Tsuna felt sorry for the poor guy, he looked like he would keel over and have a heart attack any minute, "don't worry, I'll protect you guys from your Captain, all I want is to get to a different island anyway, not as if I'm gonna stay on the ship for too long." Keiichi looked at Tsuna like he was crazy, "you don't understand, the Captain is viciou-" "What herbivore is making a ruckus near my ship?", a voice dripping with danger growled out.
"Crap", Kai muttered, then he fainted.
A/N: And so there ends the first chapter. Please review if you like, coz getting reviews will tell me wether or not I should bother writing fanfics :) (the more the reviews, the faster the updates...maybe)
A beta would be love. If you're interested, please send me a message