Disclaimer : Dont own bleach. If I do, the episodes will be full of Hitsugaya,Rukia,Ichigo,Byakuya,Ulqiorra,Matsumoto,Kira, and Grimmjow.

Author's Note : Sorry it took like ages to update this chapter, I've been really busy in my first year of High School. Man, the homeworks are crazy! I got 32 in my physic exam. Anyway, at weekends I've been going with my friends till late at night so I really dont have the time to write. I did this yesterday, though it was short. Hope you enjoy it.

Chapter Six

Rukia hid when Ichigo ran past her. She went south, to the garden.

There were not so many people, and Rukia chose a shady place under the tree. She sat on the sun-warmed bench, curling her knees against her body.

In front of her children were playing around, laughing.

Damn Ichigo, she thought, Why did he yell at me like that?

Well, Ichigo had yelled at her countless of times, and so does she, but why this time… why this time hurts so much?

Perhaps because you're getting fonder of him, a part in her says, but Rukia refuses to acknowledge that.

Suddenly her head snapped up. A strange Reiatsu…


Rukia changed into her Shinigami form.

"Stay here," she told her chappy severely and went to the alley, where the Reiatsu was coming from.

"Show yourself!" she commanded, her blue eyes darting down the dark pathways.

A face appeared from behind the gloom; a face with dark green eyes and pale skin.

"You-" her tongue was stuck, remembering the video tape Soi Fong played for her back in Soul Society. This was the same Espada that almost killed Ichigo, Tatsuki, and Inoue, "U-Ulqiorra!"

The hollow looked at her, "Kurosaki Ichigo's friend? The one with the Hogyoku inside, aren't you?"

"Yes," Rukia said, trying to keep her voice from wavering, "What do you want here?"

The Espada's voice was quiet, "Aizen-sama told me to check Karakura, that's all," he said, regarding her slowly, "You'd do better to run you know, before the others came here. They're not as tolerant as I am,"

"The others?" Rukia's voice trembled, and she took a step back.

"Too late!" another voice said, "We're here already!"

Rukia froze in her tracks. She knew that voice well. It haunted her dreams.

"Ichimaru…" she whispered; in her voice uncountable hatred.

"Long time no see, Rukia-chan!" the violet-haired young man smiled maliciously. He was still the same as ever; tall and lean, with a mop of fair hair and pale skin. Except he didn't wear his haori or Shinigami robes now; he wore the white uniform of an Espada.

Beside him were two arrancars.

"Remor," the first one, tall and tanned with piercing polar blue eyes and jet-black hair smirked, "Privaron Espada 211, previously Espada number 9,"

"Arrancar 11, Shawlong Qufang," the other smiled.

Rukia unsheathed Sode No Shirayuki, facing Gin and the other two Arrancars.

"Feisty as ever, aren't you, Rukia-chan?" Ichimaru smiled teasingly, taking a step towards her.

"S-Stay back!" she stammered, "And don't call me that,"

Gin grinned, "You know, I might consider letting you go if you kneel down and beg,"

"Never," Rukia said, her blue eyes flashing angrily.

"O-kay then," Gin yawned, "Remor, you tackle her. Be careful, her abilities are those of a seated officer and lieutenant level,"

"Yes," the suntanned young man smiled wryly, drawing his Zanpakutou, "You know, you're cute enough for a human,"

"Shut up," Rukia snarled, even though she flushed scarlet, "Mae, Sode no Shirayuki!"

A wave of Ice enveloped the alley.

Hitsugaya was in a bad mood.

Firstly, in the morning Matsumoto had spilled coffee over his favorite shirt. Secondly, Yumichika blabbered on and on about how his hair would've look more beautiful if he combed it flat, even though he insisted that his hair can't be flat. What's more, since dawn Ikakku and Renji had fought over and over again.

And he hadnt seen Rukia since yesterday.

"Taicho, want Ice-tea?" Matsumoto flew to the kitchen, smiling broadly.

"No, Matsumoto, I'm not thirsty," the silver haired boy said patiently.

Suddenly the door burst open, revealing an out-of-breath Ichigo. The orange haired boy was panting uncontrollably.

"What's the matter?" Matsumoto asked. The boy looked up, panic in his eyes. Before he says the answer, Hitsugaya already knew what was wrong.

There was only one person who could make Kurosaki Ichigo like this.

"Rukia…" he panted, "Is she here?"

"No." Ikakku replied, confused.

Ichigo started swearing and dashed outside, but Hitsugaya caught his wrist.

"What's the matter?" he asked, concern in his turquoise eyes.

"She ran off," Ichigo answered, looking troubled, "I can't find her anywhere…"

"Ran off?" the silver haired boy frowned, "Why?"

"Well…"Ichigo looked sheepish, "I yelled at her,"

Hitsugaya felt his anger rising but he just stayed calm, "Why?"

Ichigo suddenly scowled and yanked his hand free from his grasp, "It's none of your business," he snapped.

"Well, it certainly is my business if it's concerning Rukia," the tenth squad captain said coldly, "And-"

They froze. A second later, they looked at each other, reading the panic crossed in their eyes as they felt the reiatsus pulsing.



An unknown Arrancar.

And Rukia's sudden burst of spirit power means that she was being attacked.

What's more, the two boys could feel another sinister Reiatsu, a person whom they last want to see being next to Rukia…

"Ichimaru," Hitsugaya whispered and ran out of the room, Zanpakutou in hand.

Haha... So there. I know it's short but I promise chapter seven will be up very soon. I'll make sure I have time to write though I'm really busy. I guess this is a life of a High school girl...