Chapter 11: Endings and Beginnings

Kagome woke up and stretched. She was feeling groggy and hopeless. She had the worst nightmare last night, but it ended once Sesshomaru entered her dream. He had shown up to save her from Naraku. When she woke up and saw that Sesshomaru wasn't really there she grew sad.

She decided it was time to try and get in touch with Sesshomaru. It had been too long for her and she really missed him. She got up from her childhood bed and went to the bathroom.

She remembered when she first got here her mother and brother were very shocked to see her back. But they were happy too. Her mother told her she could stay as long as she needed since Kagome told her she was currently homeless.

Kagome was sure her mother didn't want her to leave so soon after just getting her back, but now that Kagome had gone back to her mother she felt getting back to Sesshomaru was even more important now.

After doing her morning routine and dressing she set out on going to the demon world for Sesshomaru. It took her what seemed like forever to walk the distance. She made it inside and got to the giant field. She saw Inuyasha walking toward her and smiled.

"Hey! How're things going with that girl?" Kagome asked him.

"They are good. I talked to her the other day and learned her name was Shiori. She's really nice and seems interested in me."

"Great! I'm glad you finally found someone. I still want to meet her soon. Do you know where Sesshomaru is? I want to speak with him."

"He's at home. He's been very moody since you guys got into that fight. Just be gentle okay? He's really torn up about you even though he won't ever admit it," Inuyasha smiled.

"Thanks. It's nice to hear that. I'll see you later okay?"

"Of course."

Inuyasha took off to the exit and Kagome assumed he was going to see Shiori. Kagome hurried to Sesshomaru's house and got to the front door in no time at all. She was about to knock when a strange presence appeared behind her. It slammed her into the door and caused her to groan out in pain.

She turned and wanted to scream at what she saw. It was Naraku. How was he still alive? He looked pissed to be there. "Hello Kagome. I'm so glad to have caught you here."

The door opened behind her and she would've fallen if Naraku didn't have a hold on her. "Kagome? Naraku." Sesshomaru was shocked to see Kagome and pissed to see Naraku. He reached out to grab Kagome, but Naraku pulled her away.

"Not so fast. Kagome hasn't been under your protection for a few days now. I'm taking her once and for all. I'm going to have fun finally killing her."

"If you don't let her go I'll kill you with my bare hands like I should've before," Sesshomaru growled.

Kagome's emotions were going everywhere. She was confused about Sesshomaru and flattered. Naraku filled her with fear and it made her powers well up. She began to glow a dark blue and her power cracked out of her. It shot out and hit the side of the house. Bricks tumbled down and Naraku released her. Her powers were shooting out in all directions. Naraku cursed when Sesshomaru moved forward to get Kagome.

Naraku wrapped his arms around Kagome and her power surged through him. He cried out in pain and crumbled to the ground while glowing the same dark blue as Kagome. He rolled on the ground as the light consumed him slowly. Sesshomaru didn't get any closer to Kagome because she wasn't able to control her powers anymore.

Naraku seemed to recover from the first shock, but Kagome grabbed a hold of him sending more of her power into him until she drained herself. Slowly Naraku's demon features began to fade as his demon blood was being purified into human blood. He was crying out in pain as Kagome stepped back, panting from her drained energy.

"He's turning human," Sesshomaru stated astonished. He could tell by the scent of his blood. Demons would be all over this. "Stay inside until I get back," he told Kagome. Kagome went inside the house and Sesshomaru went to Naraku. He grabbed Naraku by the arm and drug him to the open field. Sirens went off and a female voice began to announce a human's presence in the demon world.

Sesshomaru left and watched from afar as Naraku was surrounded by hungry demons. They began to tear him apart as they fought over his blood and flesh. Sesshomaru smiled to himself glad to have Naraku dead after three false deaths. He went back to his house and found Kagome in his room.

"What happened?" Kagome asked.

"He's gone for good. Don't worry. We can rest easy now."

"Can we talk? I'm really sorry about what I said."

"You still said it. I ruined your life so why stay with me?" Sesshomaru demanded.

"We're mates. I love you. It's true that part of me wants to go back to being human, only because this wasn't my choice, but if I were to go back to do this all again I wouldn't change a thing. I want to be with you no matter what."

"You drive me crazy woman! I've never had so many emotions as I've had with you. It's never been easy either. Some days I want to never see you again and others I want to stay by your side forever. I don't know what to do with you anymore."

"I feel the same way. The important thing is what you are feeling now. Do you really want to end this and move on with life without me? If that is what you want then I'll give it to you," Kagome said.

"I don't want that. I want you as my mate. You're my mate," Sesshomaru whispered.

Kagome smiled and approached him. She wrapped her arms around him trying to get him to hold her. She missed being in his arms. "I missed you these past couple days."

Sesshomaru held her to his chest and breathed in her scent. He hadn't realized how much he really missed her until that moment. He had missed her terribly. "Yeah, me too."

"Kiss me," Kagome ordered. Sesshomaru leaned down and pressed his lips against hers. Their lips moved in sync as the kiss deepened.

Kagome backed away before things went too far. She was beginning to get heated and she didn't need that just yet. "So are we okay now?" She asked shyly.

"Yes. We are definitely okay. I want you to stay here with me forever."

"Forever I can do. I love you."

"I love you too, Kagome."


5 years later

Kagome cradled baby Hannah in her arms as Keiko and Renzo pulled at her pants. She sighed from exhaustion when Sesshomaru walked into the room. He felt his mates tiredness and got worried. He took hold of Hannah who was still an infant. Keiko and Renzo were twins and still in their childhood state.

"Daddy! I want to play!" Renzo demanded. Kagome sat down for the first time in days and sighed.

"Where the hell have you been? I need to have a break." Kagome stood to leave when Sesshomaru stopped her.

"I'll take the kids for the rest of the day and night. You need your rest. You're with another child," Sesshomaru smiled.

Kagome's eyes widened. This would be their fourth child in five years. "I told you no kids for at least another year! That's it! No more sex for you if you're just going to impregnate me every chance you get." Kagome acted angry, but she was really excited. She placed a hand on her flat stomach that would grow round in the next few months.

"I love you Kagome."

"I know. I love you too. Now I'm going to take a nap. Unlike you I'm not a natural demon and need some sleep," Kagome sighed. She leaned up and kissed Sesshomaru's lips lightly before he left to take the kids outside. She watched as Sesshomaru played with the twins and Hannah and she smiled. He was a great father when he wasn't working.

Kagome went up to the bedroom and laid down to rest. This would be her only chance for a while. Those kids took a lot of energy out of her, but she loved them nonetheless and couldn't wait to have her life full with hundreds of children like she promised Sesshomaru before.

The second her head hit the pillow she was asleep and dreaming of her family and mate.


The End.

A/N: Yay! I finished after the long wait. Thanks for those who stuck through it. Let me know what you guys think. I love you guys! If you want me to write any more stories just ask and I will do my best! Thanks for the support.