DT: Okay seriously, do I need to do this? You all should know by now that I do not own Assassin's Creed stuff and that AC1, 2, Bloodlines, and the upcoming Brotherhood game are all owned by Ubisoft (or was it Ubisoft Montreal? Oh whatever). The point is, I don't want to get sued for nothing, which I probably wont anyway, but you never know. lol. However, the majority of the storyline and my characters (Excluding Altair, Malik, Al Mualim, Robert de Sable, Garnier de Naplousse, Maria, and all the other characters from the first Assassin's Creed game) are owned by ME! And I will be mighty pissed if you take my character ideas. Sure, you can ASK me if you can use them for your own stuff, but where's the fun in that? lol. Make your own damn love interest characters. Chapters are slow, but they're still coming. And whatever happened to REVIEWS, people? I would like to hear your opinion on my story. What was great? What was lame? What needs to be brought closer together? What needs to be omitted? What sucked? What rocked? How do you want to see altairXaltira brought together? Do you want more blood? More action perhaps? Is it lacking plot twist? These are EXAMPLES, people, see? I need reviews to help me prepare for a story of my OWN creation (all original characters, plot twist, timeline, etc.), and I can't do it without "practive reviews." You get what I mean?