A/N: Huge thanks again to NonFiction for reviewing this chapter and hoping the writing goes faster from here on out, but no promises. Still have the touney coming, so that should be fun. Let me know what you think and talk to you all soon! And remember, I don't know what you think if you don't review. I accept all forms of critique as long as it helps my writing. So, read and review! Thanks again!

Disclaimer: Don't own Avatar, or the last airbender, however you wanna say it.

Chapter 21

Toph curled up into the blankets as she heard voices coming from the hallway. She knew it was time to get up and as soon as she was up and showered, she would feel warmer, but it was just so cold out there and so nice in her pocket of blankets. As she started waking up, she recalled the day before. It had been so nice to just get out and be a normal girl hanging out with her boyfriend until his defensive nature kicked in when they met Ty Lee. But after they had apologized without actually saying the words, the day had become better. Toph smiled as she thought about how they had both started to say they were sorry for acting rudely against each other, but each had stopped the other from saying it and just spent the day being together, even though they were in full view of their mothers. She started wondering what today would bring when she heard her door open and a panting dog coming closer.

"I'm up Nyla," Toph muttered as she heard the dog get closer. Nyla stopped, but Toph knew the dog's face was less than a foot away. With a smile, she threw the blankets off her head and reached out to scratch Nylas' head. The dog leaned into the scratch, turning so that Toph could scratch her in the right place and Toph felt her smile grow. "Just give me a minute," Toph said as she turned away and into the blankets again, but Nyla grabbed the blanket and started tugging.

"All right, I'm getting up," the blind girl told the dog as Nyla continued to pull, grabbing her blanket so that Nyla couldn't pull it off. "Go wake up Zuko."

"He's been awake for hours," she heard from her door and Toph smiled as she recognized her cousin's voice. "And he's been wondering if you had anything planned for today."

"Nope," Toph sighed as Nyla finally stopped pulling on the blanket and she flopped back onto her bed. She heard Jun move and Nyla started making her way back to the bed, but Toph knew what would happen if she didn't move and jumped out of bed onto the other side of Nyla.

"Nice move, Squirt," Jun said with a laugh, "but up means you're up. Now get ready. Your young man is trying to plan something." With that Jun and Nyla left and Toph hurried to the shower, hoping the water would be nice and hot.

It was and as she reveled in the heat, she wondered what Zuko was planning. He had mentioned the week before about getting her to like the snow, but she didn't think that could happen. She didn't understand snow, or the way it muffled and distorted sound. It was worse than water, and she had had a bad experience with water in the past, and a worse experience with snow. But she could hear and feel water, unlike snow. She shivered as she thought about the time she had got lost in the snow when she was little and pushed that thought out of her head. There were many people with her this year and someone was always with her. It was both frustrating and reassuring that someone was close by at all times. The heat started dissipating and Toph knew she had been in the shower too long and turned it off. As she pulled on warm clothes, the smell of muffins reached her. Taking a deep breath, she found the smell of blueberries there as well and hurried, dressing at lightning speed before racing downstairs.

"Well, look who's finally up," Jun said in a sarcastic voice as Toph skidded to a stop at the door.

"Yeah, as if," Toph replied with a smirk towards her cousin. "If you didn't have Nyla, you know you'd sleep in just as late."

She heard her mother and Bato sniggering at that, but Bato quickly hushed up as Toph heard Jun turn the agent's way. Toph found Zuko's breathing easily and reached out for the chair next to him, the one she had used the day before and smiled as she found it empty. She quickly claimed the chair and heard Zuko place a plate of muffins in front of her.

"Any plans?" she asked as she started cutting open her muffins.

Toph heard her father straighten up at the end of the table. "I have some business to take care of today," he said, but then paused. "If, and this is very crucial, Toph, if there is no trouble today, you may go to the party tonight if that is your wish."

Toph gaped at her father. She was astounded. He was really letting her go? She smiled and nodded, not knowing what to say, if she should say anything. Her father sat silently, as if waiting for something and Toph managed a soft, "Thank you."

"Well, if I don't see you before the party, then have a good time," Lao said before Toph heard him turn towards Jun. "And make sure they're home at a reasonable time." Toph heard Jun nod and then her father kiss Jasmine on the cheek as he departed. Toph just continued to smile, still shocked that her father was letting them go, and without many threats and reminders to behave.

"Well," Zuko started uneasily after a minute of silence. "Toph, I'll be outside when you finish. Dress warmly and make sure it's water resistant."

She turned towards him to question him, but he was gone, already walking out towards the front door. Jun was starting to laugh, though she tried to repress it and Toph scowled at her cousin before she hurried to finish her breakfast and then raced upstairs again. Once she had her ski pants on and jacket and had enough layers on that she was sure she'd be warm enough, she hurried downstairs and to the front door. Before she could touch the handle, Jun stopped her.

"This way, Toph," Jun said and started heading to the back door. Toph was surprised and curious. The back door led out to the slope and forest. Why would they head out there? She had thought that if Zuko wanted to get her to like snow, he would do some of the things she had heard about. Like build snowmen or forts or have snowball fights. Something simple and on flat ground, not a steep slope. But when she got outside, it was quiet. She turned from side to side, trying to listen for anyone, most importantly, Zuko. She heard something heading towards her, and knew it was coming from her right, slightly up slope from her and from the street, but it sounded weird, like something sliding and whistling through the snow, but different than what she knew skis sounded like. She almost jumped away, but it changed direction and she got a light spray of snow onto her legs. Jun and Bato started laughing and she started scowling until she heard another laugh coming from where the thing that had made the noise and sprayed her had stopped. She was surprised and found Zuko laughing, actually laughing and not just his usual chuckle. She scowled at him and then smirked, bending down to grab a handful of snow and threw it in his direction.

"Well, that's something else we'll work on," Zuko managed as his laugh died down and Toph knew her attempt at a snowball had fallen apart and far short of her target.

"So, what are we doing, and…what did you do?" she asked, placing her hands on her hips as she raised an eyebrow his way.

She heard him get up and crunch through the snow towards her, and it sounded as if he was dragging that something that did that strange whistle she had heard behind him. He stopped in front of her and the thing he was dragging stopped behind him. She raised her head towards his breathing, questioning him, and he just chuckled before he suddenly picked her up and then set her down on something hard. She reached out, and found herself on an oblong thing that was hard, probably made of wood, and flat. She reached out slowly and found rails at just the right height. Gripping them firmly, she felt herself relax a little.

"We are going sledding," Zuko said with a grin in his tone as he stepped into the contraption behind her.

"Sledding?" Toph asked, almost frozen. Sledding meant going downhill, fast, very fast. She wasn't sure if she liked this, and if this was his way to get her to like snow, she would have to inform him otherwise. But that thought ceased as he adjusted, pulling her so that her back was up against his chest and his legs were on the outside of hers. She frowned slightly at how much longer his legs were than hers, her feet resting on his shins, but then again, he was a lot taller than she was. Also, her head was resting against his chest and neck, but then again, he was very warm, even through all her layers. "Are you sure…?"

"Relax," he whispered in her ear and that made her shiver, though not from cold. His voice was calm and reassuring, just as it had been the previous morning before they had met Ty Lee, or like how it had been the week before, after he had talked to his sister and gotten into a better mood. "We'll go slow and only a small distance to start. Trust me."

Toph nodded, hearing the smile in his voice and leaned into him, though she still kept a firm grip on the rails of the sled. She heard Jun and Bato talking in a low tone about the party, but then she felt Zuko reach out and push against something as his other arm reached forward. Then they were moving, and Toph just tightened her hold on the rails as Zuko's arms encircled her to move something in front of them. They were still going slow, though they were picking up speed and then she felt him pull to their right and lean that way.

"Lean with me," he told her and she nodded, starting to lean to her right with his body behind her. The sled moved to the right and when Zuko pulled towards the left and when Toph followed his lead, they turned left. They turned farther than they had to the right and Toph felt them slow then stop.

"See, that wasn't that bad, was it?" Zuko asked as he got up, and out of the sled.

"I guess not," Toph replied, trying to control her voice and features. It had been a little scary, and she would never tell anyone that, but it wasn't nearly as bad as she had thought.

"Come on, we'll try and go a little further next time," Zuko said and she heard him breathing, just standing next to the sled. When a minute passed and nothing happened, Zuko chuckled. "You have to get out and help me get this back up the hill."

"You didn't tell me that," she replied, frowning slightly, though she was really glad he was in a better mood this morning. He just chuckled again and Toph stuck her tongue out in reply. But once she was on her own two feet, she heard him start walking uphill, dragging the sled behind and she hurried so that she walked next to him, on the other side than the sled.

"So, how'd you like it?" Zuko asked as they walked.

"Ok, I guess," she started hesitantly. "I mean, we really didn't go for long, but it wasn't so bad."

"That's the only downside to snow sports," he said with a small sigh. "The best part is going down, but it takes a long time to get back up."

"What about snowball fights?" Toph asked. "Isn't that a snow thing?"

"It is," Zuko said and she wondered why he sounded happy and yet, like he was teasing until she got a small amount of snow in her face.

"Zuko!" she cried, but he just laughed and was walking quickly ahead of her, his long legs taking him through the snow and uphill faster than her. She growled with a smirk on her face and bent down to grab a handful of snow when she felt another blob of snow hit her arm. She knew Zuko had thrown it and she charged uphill, throwing her snow at him. More snowballs rained on her, though it felt like he wasn't throwing them with any force, just enough to actually hit her. And she knew all her snow had fallen far short. She never got a satisfying thud of snow hitting clothing, just plopping onto other snow. She waited, trying to listen for snowballs heading her way and was actually able to dodge a few as she hurried up the slope. She threw snow again as he stopped and she could hear Jun and Bato laughing at them, but kept some in her left hand as her snow fell short again.

"Enough," Zuko said, laughing. "We're here and it's time for another sled ride. Unless you would rather learn how to make snowballs first?"

"No," she said with a grin, breathing heavily from trying to race uphill after him at the elevation they were at.

"Ok, get in," Zuko stated. Toph nodded and reached to where she had heard the sled stop and smiled as she found the rail. She got in slowly, feeling it as she moved and found a rope in front of her and thought that was how Zuko had steered it. Once she was in and settled, she turned her face towards her boyfriend. "Well, aren't you coming?"

"Not till you drop that snow," Zuko stated with a smile in his tone. Jun and Bato started laughing hilariously at that and Toph pouted out her lower lip, trying to look innocent. "Come on Toph, drop it, I've had that done before."

"Fine," she sighed and dropped the snow from her left hand and then Zuko was climbing into the sled behind her and warming her up again as she felt a breeze. "When did that happen?" she asked as he settled down.

"About six years ago," Zuko said as she felt him tense up behind her. He relaxed slightly and Toph wondered what was going through his head. "Mom took Azula and I up to a ski resort and thankfully my father had to work. Azula was a pain, even as a kid."

Toph nodded, sorry to have brought it up, but then Zuko leaned forward and kissed her cheek. "But right now, we need to get you to like this," he said and then reached out and pushed off again. They built up speed faster and Toph leaned with Zuko as they turned and even heard the sled brush up against a bush once. They started going much faster than what they had done the first time, and she was starting to enjoy herself when Zuko turned the sled to a stop.

"Awww," she whined as he got out. "Why'd you stop?"

"It gets steeper," Zuko said as he started pulling the sled uphill. "But if you like it that much, we'll go longer next time. Now, we hike."

Toph nodded, but followed him. "Teach me about snowballs now," she said as they walked back up towards her house.

"Can't it wait till we're up at the top?' he asked and she heard his breathing coming harder.

"No, we have a long hike, and as long as you're telling me about them, I won't try and figure it out on my own," she replied as she scooped up a handful of snow, making it look like she was about to throw it at him. She heard him turn to her and then he chuckled again.

"All right, yours are too loose. Compact it as much as you can. Grip it as if you were holding a baseball in two hands until you have enough so that when you toss it, it won't fall apart."

Toph complied and started packing the snow together in her hands until it was about the size of a baseball. She showed it to Zuko and thought she heard him nod as they continued hiking up the slope.

"Now, throw it into the air and catch it. If it doesn't fall apart, or only a little comes off, you've got a good snowball."

"Throw it? But I won't be able to catch it." Toph said, frowning.

"Only like a foot, or about six inches," Zuko said. "A small toss to make sure it's firm enough and that you will catch it."

Toph nodded and concentrated, holding her arm out. She tossed her snowball up, knowing it would only go a few inches and then caught it, and though she felt some of it fall apart, it mostly held together.

"There you go," Zuko said. Toph smirked and started to throw it at him, but caught a snowball in her arm. Her smirk grew and she threw hers at him and heard it hit him, though he tried to dodge it. She reached down and grabbed more snow, but before hers was even halfway done, another snowball had hit her leg.

"Hey! No fair!"

"Practice makes perfect," she heard him say as she heard him scoop more snow up and hurry up the slope at the same time. She just grinned and chased him, making snowballs and throwing them at him until they reached the top and were ready to go downhill again.


Zuko looked at himself in the mirror awkwardly. He had never really been to a real party, especially like the one they were about to go to. Sure, there was Aang's, but that was a costume party. And Homecoming was a school dance. But a party, like the one they were going to, that he had never been to. He had been invited to a couple in the past few years, but had always had to move or decline them because of who he was, and because he was on the run. And he wasn't sure how to dress for one.

"Looking good," Danny said, coming up from behind him and clasping him on the shoulder. "But loosen the shirt a little, it's just college and high school people, not a dance. And it's not like you're gonna be chasing after any girls."

Zuko frowned through the mirror at the young FBI agent, but undid the top button on his dark red shirt. He had black jeans on, and his hair was its usual mess, but at least most of it covered his scar. That way, he wouldn't get many questions about it. Looking at Danny, he saw the FBI agent in regular blue jeans with a form fitting black shirt on. The man grinned at him and then winked before disappearing and Zuko heard him head downstairs. He knew he should follow the agent, but he wasn't sure if he was ready for the party. The day had been good, and though hiking and, sometimes, running up the hill had been exhausting, it was fun to just be with Toph. She had become better at making snowballs and though her aim wasn't perfect, she was landing more hits on him than he was on her when they were called in for lunch. Both had come in, nearly soaked and their mothers had hurried them upstairs to get showers and changed before they could have a bite of food. After lunch, they had both curled up on the couch and accidentally had fallen asleep for a few hours. Nyla had woken them up in time for dinner and then it was time to get ready for the dreaded party.

And now it was time for said dreaded party. He was having second thoughts, but he knew he couldn't do that to Toph. The way her face had lit up when Lao said they could go was too much for him to back out now. He had only seen her face light up like that a few times, and he knew he wouldn't want to be the one to dash her hopes. So, with a final sigh at the mirror, he turned and headed downstairs to find everyone there and talking. His mother spotted him first and smiled at him. Zuko couldn't help but smile back softly as she got up and made her way towards him.

"You look very handsome," Ursa said as she reached out to straighten his shirt and smooth the shoulders. She started to move her hand towards his hair, but Zuko felt himself starting to frown.

"Its fine, Mom, thanks," he said and she just smiled, though he had seen a look of disappointment in her eyes for a moment.

"They grow up so fast," he heard Jasmine say and glanced over his mother's shoulder to see Toph evading her mother's touch as Jasmine tried to move Toph's bangs away from her face.

"They do, but we do have a party to get to," Jun said. "Come on, you two, to the car."

Zuko smiled once more at his mother before hugging her gently and then turned to follow Jun out. Toph had already disappeared as well as Danny. Bato and Iroh waved goodbye, but Zuko ignored them and found the car already running and Toph curled up in the back seat with her large green jacket on. He did notice she had some makeup on and tight jeans, but couldn't see anything else with her jacket covering most of her body.

"Where are the others?" Zuko asked Jun as she got into the car and started driving in towards town.

"They're there or on their way," Jun replied. "Relax and enjoy it. I'm sure neither of you have ever really experienced a party like this. A word of caution though, don't drink anything from a cup. Danny found that though the hosts are trying to keep the drinking restricted, most of the punch got spiked. So, drink as much soda as you like, but nothing from the punch bowls."

"Fine," Toph sighed. "Can you turn the heat up some more?"

Zuko saw Jun grin in the mirror, but then a wave of heat was coming their way and Toph relaxed a little. Toph scooted over to him and curled up against his side as they drove, and he just wrapped an arm around his girlfriend, waiting for them to arrive. When they did, he was surprised at how many cars were there already. And the house, it was as big as Toph's!

"You ok?" Toph asked as Jun pulled the car to a stop.

"Yeah, fine," Zuko muttered under his breath. Toph turned her face to him, questioning him and he forced a small smile, though he knew she couldn't see it. "There's a lot of people and the place is huge."

Toph just grinned mischievously, but instead of making him tense more, it strangely relaxed him. "You'll be fine. Might even get lost in that crowd. Then you would never have to hide again," she teased.

"Yeah, just make sure you don't get lost, I don't want to wade through bodies to find you," he teased back.

"Enough you two," Jun said, and when Zuko glanced at the agent, he saw a smirk on her face. "I'll be around, and I have a couple others watching the outside as well as a few inside. We've checked out all the people we could, and most are locals. A lot are from the major colleges in the area as well as a few high schools, but Ty Lee and her family are the only one's we've found from Gaoling. Now, enjoy the party and meet me at the door at eleven."

"Come on, Jun," Toph sighed. "It's already eight."

"Yes," Jun replied with a smirk. "And the longer you stay in the car, the less time you have in there. Get."

"I'm getting," Toph said, smirking back at her cousin before she opened her door.

Zuko sent one more glance to the agent, but Jun merely smiled at him and he hurried out, noticing how cold it had gotten since the sun had set. Quickly walking around the back of the car to join Toph, he saw her turning her head different directions, probably trying to gauge where things were.

"Be careful of the ice," Zuko said as he grabbed her hand and started making his way to the front door.

She nodded and walked confidently beside him as he skirted around a frozen puddle and they joined the small crowd moving into the house. He could tell Toph was getting more excited as the music started getting louder, but all he could feel was dread and the need to get away. Large groups of people made him nervous, and not just for the reason he had been on the run for so many years. He just didn't like them.

"Hey there, cutie," a guy said to Toph as they reached the front door. "And this is…?" he said, his brown eyes coming up to meet Zuko's.

"This is my boyfriend," Toph replied, smiling at the guy, but moving closer into Zuko's side at the same time.

The guy gave Zuko a once over and the scarred teen thought the guy about his age if maybe a year older, but then the guy smiled and waved them in. Toph beamed at him and then pulled Zuko into the door where they found another guy about the same age as the one they had just spoken to, but with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Take your coat, lovely lady?" he asked Toph, and Zuko almost growled at the way the guy was obviously flirting.

"Sure," Toph stated and when she pulled her hand out of Zuko's grasp to take her jacket off, Zuko hurriedly took his off as well and thrust it at the blonde guy.

"Keep them together," he stated, trying to make it sound intimidating, but not too much.

The guy frowned at him, but nodded, taking the hint, though Toph was starting to frown Zuko's way. Once the coats were off their hands, Zuko grabbed Toph's hand and pulled her further in.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Toph asked as they made their way further into the house and towards the set up bar.

"Nothing," Zuko muttered and when he glanced back, he saw Toph frowning. "Nothing, ok? What kind of drink would you like?" he asked, trying to make his tone softer.

She gave him an odd look, but then smiled when the college guy running the bar approached them. "Root beer," she said and Zuko nodded, turning to the bartender. "Two root beers," he said and the guy nodded, pulling out two cans.

"That's two bucks," the bartender stated and Zuko nodded, pulling out his wallet and handing over the cash. Jun had told him that the guys charged for drinks to help cover their costs, and he was okay with that. What he was not ok with was every guy in the place looking at Toph like she was a possible conquest. He handed Toph her drink, and she was still looking at him in an odd way when she suddenly tilted her head, her face starting to soften in a smile. All Zuko saw was a blur of pink before he found Ty Lee hugging Toph.

"Oh! You made it! You actually came! I'm so happy your dad let you! Come, on, you have to meet my sisters!" Ty Lee stated before she drew back and Zuko almost smiled as he saw the shocked expression on Toph's face. "Oh, that shirt is sooooo cute!" Ty Lee exclaimed and Zuko was drawn to actually look at Toph's shirt for the first time that evening. It wasn't just cute, it was…gorgeous. She was gorgeous. The shirt was a dark green, form fitting and long sleeved, but Toph's shoulders were bare and it looked like some dark green ribbon was holding the sleeves together as it wove through the sleeve from wrist to shoulder, showing patches of the creamy skin of Toph's arm as it created holes in the sleeves. Toph blushed and Ty Lee turned to Zuko. "You too," Ty Lee said with a sly smile and a wink. "Come on, you two, you have to meet my sisters!"

Toph just laughed as Ty Lee grabbed both their hands and started dragging them through the crowd to one of the corners of the house. Looking ahead, Zuko found five older versions of Ty Lee talking and giggling with a couple guys, and the older versions were just as pretty and well endowed as the girl in pink dragging them. The guys talking with Ty Lee's sisters ranged in age from high school to college, and all started turning their attention Ty Lee's way as the girl's sisters started waving at them. Zuko noticed that a lot of the guy's eyes darted to Toph and many stayed, including the two he had seen in the restaurant the day before. When their gazes landed on him, some frowned, but they quickly masked it and Zuko knew there could be trouble.

"Guys, this is Toph and her boyfriend, Zuko," Ty Lee said to the group once they had stopped and the scarred teen noticed the younger guys definitely frowning in his direction at that statement. "These are my sisters, Jenny," Ty Lee said, starting on their right at the youngest in purple, "Mary, Susie, Violet, and Ara."

"And I'm Chen," the guy who had been in the restaurant said, his eyes lingering on Toph. The guy glanced down and Zuko felt a wave of resentment and protectiveness cut in, but he held his tongue. He knew Toph could take care of herself and after the slight fight the day before, he didn't want that to happen again if he could help it. "These are my friends, Lou, Khan, Joe, Mike, Lee, and Cho. Welcome to my house."

The idiot sent another dazzling smile at Toph, who just smiled back. "Nice to meet ya," she said, but as Chen started to ask Toph something, Ty Lee pulled Toph's arm over to the youngest of the other sisters and started talking about fashion and Toph's shirt. Chen looked up into Zuko's face and smirked. He looked shocked for a second and Zuko found himself starting to scowl as he saw Chen's eyes look towards his scar, but then Chen was smirking again.

"Nice job on the beauty," Chen remarked as the other guys started talking with the sisters again. "Don't know how she puts up with that mark on your face though." Zuko scowled, but other than that, refused to remark or react. Chen's smirk grew. "Better be careful, or someone else could steal her."

"Like you?" Zuko asked, almost scoffing at the guy. The idiot reminded him of Hahn, and if he thought he could charm Toph with good looks and a smile, he was sorely mistaken.

"Yeah, like me," Chen said, smirking even more as he flipped some of his hair out of his face.

"Yeah, right," Zuko muttered, and turned towards the oldest sister and the two guys with her when he heard them talking about a martial arts tournament. Ara, the oldest with dark brown hair and in a low cut blue shirt and jeans, noticed Zuko listening in and waved him over.

"Hi, this is Cho and Lee," she said, introducing the two college guys. "Sorry about my sister, they're all like that about the things that interest them. You do any martial arts?"

"Yeah," Zuko replied, glancing at Toph to make sure she was ok. She was still talking with Ty Lee and the sister in purple and Zuko directed his attention back to Ara. "I study Northern Shaolin."

"Really?" Ara asked, her eyes lighting up like Ty Lee's did. "I study Dim Mak. Cho here says he's going to be reffing at an upcoming tournament down the hill in a few weeks."

"Yeah," the guys sighed, keeping his gaze on Ara in a lovesick manner before he became aware of the two guys watching him. "Uh…yeah, I used to participate for years and have become good friends with the owner of the club. I study Hung Gar. And Lee here does Northern Shaolin as well."

"Who taught you?" Lee asked Zuko and Zuko studied the guy as he was obviously being studied. The guy was a few years older then him, with brown hair and eyes and darker skin, but seemed to be well balanced. If it came to it, Zuko thought it might be an even match between the two of them, though it was hard to tell from just looking at the guy.

"My uncle," Zuko replied. "We move a lot, but he's really good."

Lee just nodded and turned back to Ara. The guy was unimpressed, but didn't state it, which made Zuko glad. The scarred teen stayed with them, as Toph and Ty Lee kept talking about fashion, though why Toph was interested, he had no idea, and at least the conversation with Ara and the two college guys was interesting, at least until Zuko found himself thirsty again, at least half an hour after his soda had gone dry.

"I'll be right back," he told Ara and was answered with a nod as he made his way to Toph. "I'm gonna grab another soda, you want anything?" he asked her.

"Sure, the same please," Toph replied, smiling at him. Zuko turned to Ty Lee. "Anything for you?"

"Oh, um, no thanks," she said, starting to look dejected. "I can get some water."

"Ah, come on Peppy," Toph said, starting to grin. "Sunshine asked; let him get something for you. He only offers to people he likes."

Ty Lee blushed, but nodded. "Sprite or something similar please."

Zuko merely nodded and made his way to the bar to get the sodas, thankful that Toph had handed him some extra cash earlier that night. At least the party wasn't that bad, and Toph being surrounded by other pretty girls had made it easier to blend in. And Ara and those guys were pretty nice and he and Lee were starting to talk about different moves they had worked out. It took forever to wade through the people that had seemed to multiply since they had arrived and took twice that to get to the bar and get the sodas. On his way back, Zuko saw Chen with another of the guy's friends talking to Toph with Ty Lee absent. Toph was starting to frown, though Chen was obviously getting more confident from the way he started inching closer to Toph and flipping some hair back occasionally.

"Look," he heard Toph say to Chen as he fought to get through the last tangle of people. "I really don't care what your 'style' is. I'm not interested."

"Ah, come on sweetie," Chen said, moving suddenly and grabbing Toph around her waist to pull her in. "How do you know if you've only had Scarface around?"

Zuko noticed in the back of his mind that Toph was starting to reprimand Chen, but he beat her to it and pulled the guy off his girlfriend and pushed him away from her, easily taking Chen's spot.

"Here you go," he told Toph, handing the soda out to her.

He expected her to take it, but she was frowning up at him.

"I can take care of myself, you know," she said, scowling.

"Yeah, you can, I was just faster that time."

"Why are you like this? Why won't you let me deal with my own issues?" Toph asked, obviously angry and Zuko knew a fight was brewing, and he had started it, again.

"I just beat you to the punch, look, I don't mean to be this way, I just am. And I do let you deal with your own issues, I just didn't want you to hit anyone."

"Oh, so my only way is violence?" Toph asked, scowling. "And yours? Your way is just the same as mine!"

"At least I'm trying to be civil," Zuko stated, setting the drinks down on a nearby table. He noticed a couple people turning their way and Chen starting to move back in, but a glare from Zuko stopped the guy.

"Civil?" Toph scoffed. "Yeah, pulling a guy off a girl is being civil. You're so moody this weekend. What's up with you?"

"I'm moody?" Zuko asked, getting angry again. "Look who's talking?"

That seemed to push Toph over the edge and she glared at him. "I am not moody! I'm not the one who switches from one extreme to the next in a second! Why are you even here? I know you didn't want to come!"

"I came with you, but if you want to deal with this yourself and don't want me here, fine, I'm gone!"

He turned and started stalking away, right past Chen and the few people who had stopped to watch the fight. Most just went back to what they were doing, but some watched him leave, parting before him as he stormed to the closest exit he could find, the back door. Stepping outside was like hitting a wall of cold air, but it felt good, calming him down a little and he went to the wood railing of the porch. He wanted to punch it, and was about to when he saw the cast on his wrist. Sighing, he just leaned on it, taking deep breaths. He knew he should have let her handle it, but that was just how he was. He hated seeing women being taken advantage of, and he knew what kind of guy Chen was. He also knew Toph and if the guy didn't take no for an answer, which Zuko suspected would happen, Toph would hurt the guy, if Zuko didn't hurt him first. So why had he still acted on impulse and let her try to deal with it? Zuko sighed and let his head fall to his hands, wondering what he could do to make it up to Toph. Especially since he had blown it, again.

"Girl troubles?" he heard form his right and turned to find Jun smirking at him from the steps leading from the porch to the ground.

"Yeah," Zuko growled. He stood and started pacing, not caring to elaborate as he tried to work the problem out himself of how he could make it up to Toph.

"You know," Jun said, coming up the stairs slowly, "both of you are really hard headed." He turned to scowl at her and she smiled more. "And also protective of those you care about."

"Yeah and that's the problem," Zuko said as he continued to pace. "She's hard headed and I'm protective."

"No, both of you are both," Jun stated and when Zuko turned to pace towards the agent again, he found her right in front of him. He quickly stopped short and backed up, frowning at Jun.

"What do you mean both?" he asked, wondering where Jun was going with this.

Jun's smirk turned into a knowing smile and she shrugged. "Just what I was saying. I've seen the way she looks at you, or looks when she's obviously thinking about you. And also what she tries to hide when she hears people talking smack about you. Don't you think she wants to protect you as much as you want to protect her? It's different, but still the same. And you both are stubborn and act on impulse frequently."

Zuko thought about it and went to the railing again, staring out into nothing. He knew Jun spoke the truth, and though it cut him deeply, he knew he had seen Toph looking concerned when people stared after him and talked amongst themselves. He knew they wondered about his scar, him, and recently, why he was lucky enough to have Toph. And the ways she had threatened Jet and wanted to beat up Hahn came into his mind. He had just thought it was to make him more at ease, or because he had gotten to Hahn first, but now that he thought about it more, he did kind of see it as Toph wanting to protect him. And it was true, they were both stubborn and acted on impulse, especially when the other was concerned. But that didn't resolve his current situation.

Jun seemed to read his mind and came to stand next to him, staring out into the cold night. "You know," she said quietly, and when Zuko glanced at her, he found a soft smile on her face as if she was thinking about something in her past. "That shows that you guys really do care for each other, that you're made for each other." She turned that smile to him. "And somehow, you'll make it up to her. Just know the reason why you both act the way you do and tell her how you feel. You'll get through it." Jun started smirking at him again. "And put a few 'I'm sorry' lines in there and she'll forgive you. You know her better than any of those jerks in there. Prove it and let her know. Now get your but back in there or I'll throw it in."

The scarred teen felt a smile tugging at his mouth and nodded to the agent, pushing himself upright off the rail and turning back towards the door and party. He turned back with his hand on the knob and saw Jun still smirking at him, but with her back leaning against the rail.

"Thanks," he muttered and she nodded, making a shooing motion and he re-entered the house. A few people talking by the door stopped and noticed that he had come in, but most went back to what they were doing, though some continued to watch him as he made his way back to the corner where Toph and Ty Lee had been. He found Toph frowning at Chen and a few of the idiot's buddies with Ty Lee standing beside her, looking worried. The guys were laughing about something, but Zuko didn't know what until he got much closer.

"Wow, no wonder she's with the dude," Chen stated for his friends, causing them to snicker. "Would have to be blind to go out with that loser…and she is!" All the friends burst out laughing at that, but some started to notice Zuko making his way towards them. He took a deep breath to calm himself and saw Toph looking like she was about to burst. Ty Lee noticed the guys starting to hush up as Chen continued to laugh at Toph and then her eyes met Zuko's. She instantly brightened and bent to whisper something in Toph's ear. Toph's jaw dropped and she turned towards Zuko, scowling at him and was about to say something to him when he reached them. He ignored Chen as the buffoon started to make a lewd comment about him and just bent down to kiss Toph soundly. She was obviously surprised, but started to resist. As Zuko drew away from her, he whispered "I'm sorry," to her before she could say a word. She stopped saying whatever it was she was going to say and closed her mouth, obviously thinking. Zuko noticed Chen was watching them shrewdly, and all his friends were watching him, wondering what he was going to do, and Zuko just smirked at they guy.

"Want to take care of him here, or out back?" Zuko asked Toph quietly, knowing she would be able to hear. Chen went pale, obviously hearing it, but his friends apparently hadn't as they either leaned forward or asked each other what he had said. Glancing at Toph, he found her frowning.

"And you would be doing what, exactly?" she asked him, tilting her head up so that he could see her eyes.

"Whatever you want me to," he replied, smiling at her. "If you need me to hold him, I can, or I can just sit back and let you enjoy it. Or…we could just ignore him and I could take you to a corner and kiss you some more."

Toph's frown disappeared and suddenly she was hugging him. Zuko just hugged her back, glad that he had found a way to make up to her.

"Really mean it?" Toph asked and Zuko barely heard it.

"Yeah, whatever you want."

She stepped back and grinned up at him before turning back to Chen. "You're an idiot," she simply told the guy before grabbing Zuko's hand and pulling him through the crowds and up the stairs. He heard the music becoming louder as they made their way up and found a large open room being used as a dance floor on the second level. Toph continued to pull Zuko until they were at the dj and then requested a song. Zuko could only smirk when he heard a fast swing song starting and pulled Toph out onto the dance floor and into a turn as it started. He spotted Ty Lee and her sisters coming up the stairs as well as a few of the guys he had seen talking to the sisters, minus Chen and his friends and they stopped and stared at them before a few of the guys started pulling some of the girls onto the dance floor as well.

As they did a turn, Toph turned her head up to him. "Look, you don't have to be so protective of me. I can handle myself."

Zuko nodded, concentrating on the turn. "I know," he said as he drew her close to him. "I just hate guys who think they can control women, whether with a look or a move, or…other ways." She started to open her mouth to say something, but Zuko just closed the distance between them and kissed her again. "I'm trying to let you handle it," he told her softly. "It's hard. I've been so…defensive, for the past couple of years."

Toph seemed to relax at that and smiled. "I know, just count to ten and then but in, ok? Promise me you'll try harder next time?"

Zuko nodded, pulling her into another turn. "Yeah, I'll try. Let's try not to fight anymore."

He was and yet wasn't surprised when she smirked at him. "Ah, have to ruin my fun?"

He chuckled at that and just tried to enjoy the rest of the dance. They stepped off to get some drinks when the song ended, and Ty Lee and her sisters and the couple of guys who had followed them gave them appraising glances, but no one brought up the fight or Chen as they chatted some more. The dj played some more swing as the night wore on and Zuko reluctantly let Lee and Cho ask Toph to dance as he asked Ty Lee and a few of her sisters out onto the floor, but whenever he got the chance, he danced with Toph. A few of Chen's friends who had seen the fight and make up tried to step into Zuko's place during a slower song, and though he was tempted to kick them out of the way, he restrained himself as Toph easily evaded them and made her way back to Zuko. They were halfway through a dance while Ty Lee danced with Lee next to them when Zuko spotted Danny and Sue looking at them.

"It's time to go, isn't it?" Toph asked, and when Zuko glanced down at her, he found her frowning.

"Yeah," he replied, bending to kiss her once more as the song ended. "But that wasn't so bad."

Toph smirked up at him as they started to exit the dance floor. Ty Lee was suddenly in front of them and looking at them with big eyes and pouting lips.

"Are you guys leaving? So soon?"

"Yeah, dad's rules," Toph sighed, "Have to leave early."

Ty Lee nodded and then hugged them both, very tightly.

"Peppy! We need air!" Toph gasped and Ty Lee released them, smiling.

"Do you think we could…hang out sometime? Back home?" Ty Lee asked Toph, glancing at Zuko occasionally.

Zuko merely shrugged but Toph smiled.

"I'd like that," the blind girl stated. "You have my number, right?"

"Yeah," Ty Lee said, starting to grin before her eyes went to something over Toph's shoulder. "I'll call you, ok?"

"Sounds good," Toph replied and was hugged once more by the girl in pink before Ty Lee swept past the couple and Zuko found Lee waiting for her to dance. Toph sighed sadly and Zuko smiled at her before wrapping his arm around her shoulder, hugging her gently.

"We'll see her soon," he told her as he started guiding her downstairs and to the door.

"Yeah, but it's back to the real world now, isn't it," Toph said, starting to frown

"Afraid so," Zuko sighed before he thought of something. "But we're not leaving till noon tomorrow. How about we go sledding again before we go."

Toph lit up again and smiled up at him. "And my dad will be off. Maybe we can pull everyone in for a snowball fight!"

"Maybe not everyone, but I'll warn you; you're going to lose."

"Hah! I will not, not with Jun on my team."

Zuko was about to reply when he found Chen at the door, flanked by a couple of the idiot's friends. He stopped and Toph did as well, starting to frown. Zuko was about to ask if the guy could move aside when Chen suddenly smiled at him, and not in a mocking way, but what seemed a genuine smile.

"Sorry about the fuss earlier," Chen said, surprising both of them. "I guess I can see why you two are together." Toph started frowning even more, and Chen continued, moving closer to Toph. "But if you ever wanna try someone else, sweetie, come see me first. Us mountain folk are different."

He gave a dazzling smile to Toph, but she just started laughing. "Sure, but you're not from up here. You live in LA. Probably in Carson, or that area, but definitely a city boy." Chen started looking shocked, but Toph just grinned and leaned in close to him.

"Your accent gives it away," she told him and then reached out, pushing the guy away from her. "And don't call me 'sweetie'."

Toph started walking past the guy and his friends and Zuko smirked at the idiot, following his girlfriend. "Gotta love a girl like that," he told Chen as he lengthened his stride to catch up to Toph and take her hand in his.

"Meant it?' Toph asked him after they had gotten their coats and started walking to Jun's car.

"Of course," he said as he bent down to kiss her cheek. "Who couldn't love you?"

She blushed and turned her head away, trying to hide it, allowing Zuko to open her door for her and then just curled up next to Zuko as they drove back to her house. They didn't say anything else but good night and a simple kiss in front of Jun, but as Zuko started making his way up to his room and bed, he thought about the weekend. It had been good, though frustrating at times. He had become frustrated with Toph and had come to like her even more, coming to learn more about her and himself, but his last comment that night was getting him to think about his feelings for Toph. Did he love her? He wasn't sure, but he was starting to look forward to spending more time with her, and even the martial arts tournament in two more weeks.