Disclaimer: IOOMOC

J.L.: I absolutely love The tragic tale of Romeo and Juliet and had an idea for a new fanfic. At first, I wanted Chris and Jill to be the main roles, but I decided otherwise at another idea. I couldn't easily have this fanfic work though without some minor changes, and roles shifted. From my version, it'll go over the story, but not from Claire and Leon's role (Juliet and Romeo respectively) but from Chris's role as Tybalt (Tybalt dies in the story of R&J, but must be alive for this one, so there's one major change.) and Jill in drag as Benvolio. This story will borrow events and visuals from Romeo + Juliet as well as Shakesphere's version with the speech to be worked on (I don't want exact play speech, but I do want key phrases intact) and slightly modernized, and from when it reaches the present point, I'll continue with my original take on events that could occur. It should be interesting to adapt the roles for the Characters, as I intend to keep their attitude from RE intact.

Prelude as told by Chris:

Star crossed lovers, that's what they had been called. I stood stiffly in pain from three gunshot wounds, listening to Father Burton recall the tale of my sister and the Montague. Near me stood the Montagues, sorrow and anger written upon their faces. I clenched my fist, wanting so much to spill their blood. Claire is dead, Claire is dead and it's their fault! The Montague stepped forward, along with my father, to speak with Prince Albert Wesker. The remaining Montagues stood still, but I noticed the blue eyed one with his fist clenched as hard as mine.

"Look at what your hatred has brought; that hell may claim your children! And for my own blind eye, I have lost as well. All are punished." Wesker proclaimed and marched off as the bodies of my dear sister Claire and Montague were hauled into ambulances, white sheets covering the bodies upon the stretchers. My mother fell into my arms as my father extended a shaky hand to Montague. I gritted my teeth as they shook hands.

"I call aside my hate, for simple peace as my Claire would have." My father spoke and Montague nodded.

"Peace is what I shall comply, for my Leon, for my lady who consumed herself at my Leon's exile..." Montague spoke as another stretcher was taken out, that of Count Steve. His white sheet was stained with his blood, as Claire's had been. I found sight of the blue eyed Montague, Leon Montague's cousin William. I had seen this blue eyed devil before, had battled against him. Why does he live when my sister's body continues to cool? Why does this hateful creature breathe as I must grieve my dear sister?! Those blue eyes locked on to mine and I knew without a doubt that the peace would not last, that the deaths would be in vain.

In the streets of Veruna as told by Jill:

I walked along side of my friends Forest and Brad, listening to them bicker and jest. I kept silent, promptly on the look out.

"I dare say, the Capulets terrify me!" Brad called, hoping to stir up trouble, and continued "Terrify me enough to lay waste to them!" while laughing.

"You're the coward to boast." Forest spoke, smirking.

"But I am not weak like a woman. I'll sooner turn them and the men to death than turn to death myself." Brad boasted. I glared back at him. He knows better than to insult my gender. I may be in drag, but I will not stand for his unsupported insults.

"The quarrel is between our masters..." I spoke prudely, hoping to cut the tough act.

"And us their men!" Brad called back as I made way through to a favorite alley to cut to the beach quickly. Capulets were waiting at the end of the alley way, guns drawn. I stopped in my track and swept my hand to my side for my .32 Baretta as i took a side step into the shadows of a side entrance to a building. Forest and Brad had not seen this, and kept walking.

"I'll prove myself after dealing with the men by taking the heads of the maids." Forest spoke.

"The heads of the maids?" Brad spoke disgusting as they passed me by.

"Ay, the heads of the maids, or the maiden heads...interpret that as you will." Forest jested and I bit my lip in frustration.

"I'll interpret that as they will." Brad spoke, laughing at Forest's lecherous statement. I leaned my head out and saw that they had stopped. They too had finally noticed the Capulets.

"Here comes the house of Capulet." Forest spoke. I flipped the safety off my Baretta. Don't do it boys.

"I'll back thee." Brad sputtered out, his cowardice showing.

"Let them start it, saving us to the side of the law." Forest spoke. It was quiet. A sharp clatter and the boys jumped. When they saw it was only a ladder falling loose off the side of the building, the Capulets laughed and passed the boys by, taking no notice of me.

"Good..." I muttered under my breath.

"The devils. I flip them off, and may they see it." Forest spat and proceeded to do so. The Capulets looked back at his words and ran forward to start the fight. Oh damn it. One of them grabbed Forest and slammed him against the wall.

"You dare flip us the bird?!" The Capulet called.

"I dare." Forest grunted.

"You dare flip us the bird?!" The Capulet cried out in rage.

"Is the law on our side should I say 'ay'?" Forest asked.

"N-no!" I heard Brad stutter.

"No sir, I do not flip you the bird, but I do flip the bird!" Forest spoke smartly.

"Do you fight?" I hear Brad ask shakily.

"No." The Capulet answered.

"But if you do, I am for you, for I serve as good a man as you." Forest provoked. Damn it...there's only two Capulet's though, I best bail them.

"No better?" The Capulet asked.

"Well..." Forest began to speak as I stepped out with my baretta aimed upwards.

"Here comes our kinsman. Say better!" Brad called upon seeing me.

"Yes sir! Better!" Forest called out.

"You lie! Draw if you be men!" The Capulet spat.

"Separate! You know not what is done!" I called. "Put away your arms!" I continued as I aimed my Baretta at them. It was then I heard a click.

"What is this now? A drawn gun? Turn William." I heard the chilling voice of Chris speak. I looked to see that he was smoking a cigarette and had his gun at my head.

"I was attempting peace." I explained, slightly worried.

"Peace? I hate the word as I hate hell, all Montagues and..." Chris spoke, preparing to blow my brains out. Luckily, Brad fired a shot that missed Chris but bought me enough time to roll out of his gun's path. Forest, Brad and myself ran for cover as shots rang out, piercing the former silence as they would a heart. Forest manage to shoot a Capulet in the arm as I provided cover for the chickenhearted Brad running away. I glared at Chris, my rival and enemy by blood. The son of Capulet. I turned to reload as Forest took off running, and was made aware of a familiar gun to my head.

"Look at your death, William." Chris spoke, walking around to face me, the barrel of his .19 glock pressed into my forehead. I yelled in terror.

"Drop your weapons!" The escalated voice of Prince Albert Wesker spoke, his voice magnified by megaphone and arriving from the end of the alley. I relaxed my weapon and breathed a sigh of relief, I would not die at the hands of Chris Capulet today.

Later at dawn, leaving the police station as told by Jill:

I rode in the limo across from my Aunt and Uncle, the head Montagues. Having been bailed out of jail, I kept quiet.

"Where is Leon? I am glad he was not at the fray today!" My Aunt yelled.

"Ma'am, underneath The Grove of Sycamore, early morn, walking did I see your son." I answered.

"Many morn have I seen tears in his eyes." My Uncle spat.

"He withdraws to his room as of late, locks himself within total darkness." My Aunt muttered with borderline despair.

"To the westside of the city." My uncle ordered the driver and the driver did as that. The limo stopped at the beach, and sitting on the dock railing was my cousin Leon. "What so bothers my son, may good council relieve?" Montague questioned. Feeling guilty for the prior incident, I took the chance to make amends.

"I'll discover, or may I be turned away." I offered and stepped out of the limo to comfort my cousin.

"Come along ma'am. We've much to do." My uncle spoke as the limo left. I sighed and chased after Leon. Once I caught up to him, I took in a breath.

"Good Morn, cousin..." I greeted, unsure of his state of mind. I saw that his eyes were bloodshot when he turned to me.

"Is the day so young?" He inquired, hopelessness in his breath. I took to the railing, hopping on myself.

"Just struck." I answered.

"Sad hours seem long." I heard him mutter. He then looked back to where the limo had been. "Was that my father that drove forth from here?" He asked.

"Yes." I admitted as Leon hopped off the railing and walked along the beach towards the bars and souvenoir shops. I followed after him.

"What drags the hours?" I questioned, eager to help ease his pain.

"Not having that which makes them short." Leon admitted.

"In love?" I asked, slightly hopeful that my young cousin had finally found someone.

"Out." He answered.

"Of love?" I inquired, curious now as to when he had been in said relationship.

"Out of her favor where I am in love." Leon spoke. I bit my lip and continued to follow my cousin, worried about his unrequited romance.

"Love, so gentile and comforting in poetry, yet abusive and hurtful in proof." I offered.

"Love in whose view-" Leon began, but stopped in front of a bar looking at the television broadcast of the quarrel. "What fight took place?!" He demanded, walking into the bar.

"I-" I began.

"I have heard it all. Here's much to do with hate, but more with love. Oh why must it burn!? The blinding pain that is love that keeps me still-walking in the night hours?!" Leon began to vent, then glaring at the bar's bouncer he continued, "This love I feel, not returned!" He called. The bouncer's hand went for his gun. Leon started laughing as I pulled him from the bar back out into the street.

"Such pain..." I noted to myself quietly. Leon turned back to me.

"Why do you laugh!?" He called.

"I'd rather cry." I answered, earning a smile from him.

"Farewell, coz." Leon bid, and took off running. I followed quick in pursuit of my mad cousin, eager to provide some solice for him. He ran all the way to his black Mustang, parked. I stopped him before he entered.

"Who is it that causes you this?" I bid.

"A woman." He spoke.

"I assumed as much." I spoke.

"She is fair, that I love." He spoke, lifting his shirt sleeve up to reveal a tattoo.

"Ada! She is indeed fair." I spoke, amazed that my cousin would fall for such an exotic woman. And hindering my chances of finding him a substitute.

"She'll not be hit with cupid's arrow, for she has sworn chastity." Leon bitterly spoke.

"Indeed?" I asked, unbelieving of this.

"Indeed, and in that goes to waste." Leon spoke. I bit my lip, willing to do anything to help him.

"Follow me, and forget her." I spoke, as a plan erupted in my mind.

"And how will I do that?" Leon asked, unconvinced. I smirked as I motioned towards the women walking along the sides of the street.

"By looking at others." I answered. Leon laughed at me.

"I'll not so easily be distracted. Goodbye." Leon spoke and removed his keys from his pocket to open his car door. I grabbed the keys from him.

"I'll take that bet, and live with the debt." I bid. Leon stood there for a minute, then nodded, and got into his car, opening the passenger door for me.

J.L.: So, a little too much, a little too little, what? Feedback is much needed. I do sincerely apologize to my readers of RE:high:ER too, but it would appear I have stumbled into a hard writer's block. The 37th chapter is in works, but I'm heavily conflicted with it.