The Wanderer
Hello, peoples! This is my first Shadow of the Colossus fic, so please don't kill me… anyway, please read and review! There are free virtual cookies if you do!
The Wanderer
Peace. There had always been peace in the land of the Colossi. Forests grew, temples grew, and the people of the Colossi also were in a time of great growth and harmony. Villages made their home around the many scattered temples of the land, and in a few places, great cities emerged. People of other lands came and went as they pleased, using the magnificent bridge that spanned from the High Entrance to the greatest temple of the Colossus Valley. This temple was probably the highest structure in the world, and was built by the Colossi themselves, with the help of their peoples' ancestors. Along the walls in the center of the Great Temple stood sixteen unbreakable statues that idolized the Colossi, and were worshipped by their people. Not only this, but each Colossus had their own place in the land, where they could exist in and aid part of their peoples' world.
The Western Colossi
Valus, the Minotaur Colossus, was highly protective of his home. He rarely associated with any of the other Colossi, and children knew better than to climb on him. Though nobody came to attack, Valus had carved a special club he could use, just in case. He paced his small, elevated valley almost constantly; making sure people could come to the Mountain Temple in peace. When Valus did rest, birds came to perch on his furry back, and lizards came to bask on his stone armor, undeterred by the sheer size of their colossal friend.
Quadratus, the Bull Colossus, loved children. Every day they would come to his beach to swim and to play. He would invite them to climb on his fur, use his horns and exoskeleton as a jungle gym, and play hide and seek under his hooves. If a child was sucked away by the ocean current, Quadratus was always there to calmly wade in and save them. He grieved whenever he heard that one of his old playmates had died of old age. And yet Quadratus was always happy to except the next generation of playmates to his beach.
Gaius, the Knight Colossus, was a show-off. He loved to stay on his great, raised platform in the center of the lake and tell the people of his feats of strength. Gaius really had conquered enemies with a single blow, and he really did fend off evil Colossi in the Time of New single-handedly, but the Knight was no longer a valiant Colossus. Every good deed Gaius had done had gone to his head, and though he could never be a bad colossus, he was a selfish colossus. This selfishness caused his armor to go brittle, and over the centuries most of it slowly chipped away. What was left was sure to break off if he ever fought again. So Gaius stayed on his platform, always afraid someone would uncover his shame.
Barba, the Bearded Colossus, was not very intelligent. Though his armor was strong and his spirit pure, Barba did his job without much thought at all. As there was no where for a Colossus to live outside the Southern Desert Temple, he made his home on the inside, where it was cool and there were high ceilings. Barba was a good guardian, but he often knocked things over thanks to his clumsy nature. Other Colossi thought his beard would be a problem in the future, but as Barba could not see how, he kept it and it became part of his rather unusual identity.
Hydrus, the Sea-Serpent Colossus, was very curious. Though she slept in the sea caves on the western coast, she patrolled the entire peninsula of the Land of Colossi. Her duty was to protect their land from the sea, and for this reason she had enormous electric spikes on her back that would deter any threat that came near. But Hydrus was always fascinated with people, and loved to wander up the chasm-like rivers to watch them. She also enjoyed visiting any of the Colossi she could reach, though she never came too close for fear of shocking them. This was why Hydrus stayed away from the people, only watching them from afar, as she dutifully patrolled the sea.
Basaran, the Tortoise Colossus, was secluded. He never wandered far from the geyser field that made his home, and he disliked anybody coming to visit him, Colossus and person alike. There were few trees in Basaran's domain, thanks to the gasses expelled from the geysers which blocked out the sun. But those few trees were often scorched because of Basaran, as he liked to shoot at things when he was bored. The Tortoise's duty was very simple. He was the last resort, the final great warrior, if their land was attacked by some unimaginably powerful force. This was because of Basaran's impenetrable armor and deadly electric-shooting abilities. Until then, though, the great Tortoise was content to sit in his cave, and enjoy the constant company of the earth shaking beneath his feet.
Dirge, the Sand-Serpent Colossus, was very lonely. People almost never came to see him in his vast sand-filled cave, and few Colossi ever came to visit. This was probably because the tunnels coming to his cave were far too small for most of them. Dirge no longer had any duties, as his job had been finished long ago. He had been the miner of the stones that built all the great temples and other important places of their land. Dirge had completely emptied his cavern of all stone that wasn't too hard to be carved, and left behind an underground cave filled with sand. The only light came from a large hole in the roof high above his head. But during their time of peace, Dirge had no purpose, and sulked alone in his cave.
Celobia, the Lion Colossus, was noble. He was noble because he watched over the great Mountain City with pride and kindness. From his perch on the tall temple in which he lived, Celobia could keep an eye on everything that happened in the City. He loved to take a break every once and a while and visit fellow Colossi, as he could reach almost all of them. Though he was only slightly larger than a horse, making him one of the smallest Colossi, all knew of his strength of body and armor. In fact, Celobia was famous for his armor, which was said to be as unbreakable as his idol. Celobia was noble, yes, but he was not selfish. He was a kind, almost humble Colossus, which to this day is believed to be the reason his armor was so strong.
Next I will do the Eastern Colossi! Please read and review!