It dissolved like sweetest cotton candy in her mouth, her feelings, her persona, her walls. She loved, the woman loved goddammit and she would be damned if it were taken away from her.
Everything was good, marriage, courting, all that superficial bullshit that her elders had taught her to revere and look forward to. The ripe age of unknown years even to her and she was in lovelovelove, invincible and fragile, structured and ohsobroken.
Dark hair meets darker eyes and she thinks, this is not love it cannot be love it ISN'T love but the way he moves so lithely takes her thoughts away from love and onto something else entirely, a world where all walls are broken down by NOT LOVE and something sickmalformedtwistedhorriblepretty. He lures her in, beautiful spider-like beast that he is and whispered sickmalformedtwistedhorriblepretty things in her delicate ears, things that a lover would nevereverever dare to say but HE can say because HE is not her lover, not her brother, not anyone that she would evereverever look up to but Oh Hey Wait, I'm Drawn To Him Anyway.
So all of a sudden that feeling of sweetest cotton candy in her mouth disappears, replaced by something raw, rich, powerful, wine to a deprived mouth and she relishes in the taste, the feeling, the sensation of power wrapping around her, the proverbial fly in the sickmalformedtwistedhorriblepretty spider's crystalline web. Beautiful wings spread, beat, flap wildly in some subconcious attempt to escape but nonono, you're trapped now, trapped in the vestiges of NOT LOVE, IT NEVER WAS IT NEVER WAS.
And all he does is laugh.
Gena's thoughts on Verus after all is said and done. This was fun. :D