A/N: This is a Twilight parody written by my friend HackerMuffin (have a look at her profile!) and me. It was inspired by the Breaking Dawn Quote of the day of 22nd July 2008, Edward: "Oops." No spoilers!
Disclaimer: We don't own Twilight's characters or Breaking Dawn. Stephenie Meyer does.
It was beautiful summer's day. Bella and Edward were on their way to their precious meadow. Of course Edward was carrying Bella in his arms, running through the forest at an amazing speed, and naturally, she had to close her eyes because of a sudden sickness. As a result, she didn't see the last sunbeams shining through the foliage above her. The woods looked beautiful that evening, but they didn't care.
Both had been silent for a while. But then Bella opened her eyes and looked him straight in the face.
"I'm ready. Do it in the meadow."
"Are you certain? This could go so wrong."
"You said it yourself: You could never harm me that way. And I trust you."
"But what if it happens anyway? Here is nobody to stop me in that case."
"Alice would know it."
Finally they had reached the meadow that, magnificently illuminated by the last rays of the setting sun, looked even more enchanted than usual. Edward sat Bella down gently. He looked at her intently to make sure she didn't doubt.
But Bella made her decision a long time ago and she would never change it. His condition had been fulfilled the day before: They had married.
Since Alice had planned the whole wedding, it had been a totally exaggerated party from the bride's point of view. In spite of her former knowledge of the plans, Bella hadn't wanted to ruin the fun for her "sister" and also for Edward. Charlie, who hadn't liked the whole marriage at all first, had given Bella a way, smiling. Even Renée had shed a few tears. And Alice and Rosalie, well, if they were able to cry, they would have been the loudest. They had been relieved to see their brother finally happy after all these years of loneliness. Jake, being dragged into the church by Billy last minute, had looked Bella firmly in the eye and had said "Don't do it." And Bella had known he hadn't meant only the wedding. She had only answered she had made her choice a long time ago. Even a pack of crazy werewolves with a way-too-young beta couldn't stop her. Jasper had arrived just in time to change Jake's building anger into an overwhelming feeling of joy. The young Quileute's face had lit up until it showed a genuine happiness. Had it been because of Jessica staring at him wide-eyed? However, later at the party, they had mysteriously disappeared…
Abruptly, Bella sat up. That had been yesterday. Today there were more important issues. Although a wedding was meant 'til death did part them, death hardly mattered anymore after what Edward was going to do in a few minutes. Plus, she had been bound to the vampire for eternity from the very moment they had first kissed. This was bounding her forever and for always, for all eternity.
She turned to him.
She took his silence as a yes. Bella laid back and pushed a few loose strands of her brown hair off her throat. Then he slowly moved towards her and bent over.
When he finally pulled away, the sun had set. Both of the couple had underestimated the delicious taste of her blood. Edward looked at her, shock and disbelief on his face. But all his suddenly very dry throat could get out was a strangled "Oops."
At the very moment, his mobile rang. Alice was calling. . .
A/N: Don't take it seriously! Please review. Thanks!
Anna Scathach & HackerMuffin