I opened my eyes in the dark room. I felt weird. My skin was numb, my eyes didn't strain to see in the darkness, and I felt lighter. Everything moved so fast, and I felt so slow.

"Kara!" Tyler was kneeling next to me.

"Tyler!?" with out a moment lost I sat up and hugged him," What happened? Where are we?"

"Kara you mustn't-" He paused. This was his first time turning someone else into a vampire," Kara…I had to turn you into a vampire. The Queen she took your mermaid powers. I'm sorry…"

"What?… You mean…I'm a vampire?…Right now?" I knew I felt different but I thought I had just eaten something funny. I jumped to my feet and looked at my hands and checked out my stature," What do you mean? I look the same."

"Of course you do. It's not like you're going to turn into a bat and fly away." He was happy I wasn't freaking out.

"But aren't I supposed to look…I don't know…beautiful?"

"What do you mean? You look more than beautiful." Tyler hugged me.

I blushed," Thanks…" I guess I was ok with being a vamp- "Aughhh!" I moaned and fell to the floor holding my stomach," I'm starving. I've never felt this hungry in my whole life!"

"You need to feed." He knelt by my side," I would give you myself, but unfortunately we need my strength to get us out of here." Tyler helped me up and we walked over to the bared window," Here, help me-" he breathed on the iron bars. His frosty breath curled around them and they froze solid," Breath on them," I did the same as him and soon the whole window looked like icy teeth," Ok back away."

With one punch he shattered the bars. He crawled out side first, and then helped me out.

"Now to find you some food."


"Where is the salt I ordered!" the Queen yelled. She had her golden armor on, and her tail was patterned with gold mesh," Put the salt in the barrels and put them on the top of the castle."

She still had the glass of Kara's powers in her hand. She hadn't gotten to drink it yet, what with having to help direct the vampires and Rout mermaids to get ready for the war. But the glass never left her hand no matter what she was doing.

"Queen, all of the Rout mermaids are below the island as you wish, and the vampires are above waiting in the trees." Rell explained. He had a sword as his only other weapon besides his teeth.

Rell spied the cup of powers as he bowed before the Queen. He couldn't help but be tempted. His hand was on his sword. He could do it. Her servants were under the island. He could defeat her right here and steal the powers for himself.

"Queen, you're flank is awaiting you at the center of the castle…" Helen said, who had seen Rell's glances towards the cup. She had been unnoticed for quite sometime now, since Rell had taken her place next to the Queen as superior adviser.

"Thank you Helen," the Queen got up and left, the cup still in her hand. Rell's glance fell to the ground as he was still kneeling in front of her. Anger flew through him. Helen had spoiled his chance.

Helen waddled after the Queen, who strode down the castle stairs to the center, in a safe chamber.

"Get at the ready men!" Rell yelled, standing up. Vampires up on top of the castle where he was standing strung their bows. Vampires in the trees waited silently for any prey that might unluckily lurk past them.

"We will win this…" Rell whispered to himself.


Victor at that very moment was swimming at the head of his troops. He held the triton in his hand and wore white armor with a picture of the triton on it. Him and thousands of his mermen troops swam closer and closer to the island.

Victor swung the triton in front of him and him and his troops rose up in the water. The triton had created a giant tsunami and it carried Victor and his army to the island. It flooded the shores and left all the trees in ruin. The castle was now the only thing left standing on the island.

"Damnit!" Rell yelled. Half his of his vampire squadron had just been killed. The vampire above on the castle, aimed their bows at the water as soon as they started seeing the heads of mermen pop up.

"Wait!" Rell called to the vampires. Just then one by one the heads of the mermen went down under again.

"They got away!" one vampire called. Blood began to pool around in the water. The Rout mermaids below had found Victor's troops. All the vampires on the castle sniffed the air longingly. They had never smelled the blood of mer-people before and it smelled so good.

One vampire jumped in.

"No! You fools! Stay up here!" Rell yelled furious. The vampires looked confused. They didn't know what to do, listen to their leader or go for the food. Two more jumped in.

"Damnit!" Rell ran through the vampires. He took one of the bows and shot all three of the vampires that had jumped in. They sank to the bottom where the real battle was taking place.