"You know, you're not all that bad."
"And what the hell would YOU know about being bad, Mr. Moe?!"
Travis grinned, looking over at his friend/girlfriend/whatever the hell she was.
"I'm just saying that it's a little unrealistic for you to be calling yourself Bad Girl when you dress like that." He said, snaking an arm around her waist as they sat on a hill overlooking Body Slam Beach. She stiffened slightly, thinking over her words with a can of trusty alcohol in her right hand. After a few moments, she grinned over at him.
"You think you know what it's like to be bad, huh? Then show me," She challenged, meeting his shades with smoldering grey eyes. Travis simply grinned that stupid grin of his, easily maneuvering himself over the girl's petite frame.
"You want me to really show you?" He whispered, breath fanning across her pale neck. Instead of coyly blushing, she wound a gloved hand in his dark hair.
"You don't and I swear to fucking god that I'll show you myself." She said, voice a low whisper. "I'm skipping out on softball practice because of you, and if you aren't gonna do anything on this little day trip of ours I'm gonna fucking kill you."
"I swear, that's all you care about." Travis said, nipping at her exposed neck with perfect white teeth. A hand made its way to her top, squeezing what she had to offer him. Bad Girl held back an appreciative gasp, choosing to be stoic for now.
"There are more important things than sports," She mused, taking him by the collar of his T-shirt and dragging him into a kiss. He tasted of two-day old pizza and cheap energy drinks; she tasted of cheap beer and smoke.
Neither of them would have had it any other way.
This was written for the GHM Kink Meme over on LJ- give it a once over, that things NEEDS WRITERS. Come on, guys. D:
Info: This is slightly AU, if it wasn't blaringly obvious: Travis and Bad Girl in a high school relationship, cutting class and doing things that normal teenagers wouldn't do but HEY WAIT THIS IS SANTA DESTROY LOLCAKES.
Yeah. Review plz.
Disclaimer: No More Heroes does not belong me me lakhsdglkagkdhaskl;fasdklhalkgjljgragh.