Rejection, Acceptance, What's Next?

Disclaimer: I don't own Charmed nor do I own the charactors.

a/n I don't believe it!! The last chapter. It's soooo sad. *sniffle sniffle* Well thank you to everyone who's reviewed and stuck by this story even when I took way to long to update. *smiles sheepishly* I hope you enjoy. And please please please review. I know everyone asks this, but hey, it's my last chapter. So please!!!!

"Guys I need air". Chris gasped out. Everyone would not stop hugging him. Geez this was Paige's fifth time. Oh no, here comes Piper again. Oh well, she's not crying nearly as much this time. Piper runs to Chris for the seventh time and hugs him tightly. Cole catches Chris' eye and starts laughing at him. Chris sends a pleading look at Leo who seemed to understand that he needs space. Leo smiles slightly and moves over to Piper.

"I think that Chris needs some rest everyone". Leo says gently to the room. Paige and Phoebe pout before leaving the room. They want to go check on baby Wyatt and let the parents have some space. Cole however moves forward.

"Welcome back". He smiles at Chris and Chris rolls his eyes at him, but grins at the same time. Seeing how Cole was uncomfortable coming any closer, considering the proximity to Piper and Leo, Chris walks forward and pulls him into a hug. Cole looks surprised for a moment, before hugging him back.

"I missed you". Chris mutters into Cole's shoulder. Cole smiles and hugs him tighter.

"I missed you too, kid". Cole smiles and they break apart. Chris smiles up at him before flashing his smile towards his parents. Leo looks extremely uncertain as to whether or not he should reproach Chris. Chris shakes his head at his fathers nervousness. Sure Leo had been a lousy father in the future, but Chris had long since realized that if he really wanted things to change, then it was time to forgive and forget. Chris walked up to Leo and waited a second. Then he smiled at him and pulled him into a hug. Piper looks on at the scene affectionately and notices that Leo is holding back tears. Whether from relief or happiness, or even both she couldn't tell. When they finally break apart Chris moves over to Piper who takes his hand and looks up into his eye's, tears sparkling unshed in hers.

"I'm so glad that your OK". She says in a very emotional voice. Relief and happiness didn't even cover the overwhelming emotions running through her right now. Chris smiles and gives her a hug, for once comfortable with this emotional scene.

"Thanks for everything mom". He whispers to her and she hugs him even tighter. When they pull away he notices the sad look in Cole's eye's and realized immediately what had to be done. "Cole, we've got to talk". He says sadly.

Cole nods and shimmers out whispering "Follow me". Chris nods and sends a look of assurance towards his parents.

"Sorry, but I need to talk to Cole about.. some stuff. I'll be back later". With that Chris orbs out of the room and follows Cole. Piper turns towards Leo.

"What should we do now"? She asks worriedly. She didn't want to let Chris out of her sight with everything that's happened. What if he got hurt again? Or captured even? She looked towards Leo with worry and concern etched into every line in her face.

Leo took a deep breath before answering. "We trust him". He said simply. Piper nods and the leave the attic together.


Cole shimmered in on top of the Golden Gate Bridge and was closely followed by Chris. When Chris formed he took a minuet to survey his surroundings and had a small smile playing on his lips.

"The Golden Gate Bridge, huh? I thought you hated it up here"? Chris asked him just to break the silence. Neither one of them wanted to be the one to bring up what had to be said. What had to be done. Cole smiled slightly, looked over the edge and shuddered. He did hate it up here. Heights were never one of his strong points.

"Ya, well. You haven't been up here in a while so I figured that you'd like it". Cole answered truthfully. Chris had been unconscious for quiet a while now. Chris nodded and looked down. A tension filled silence took over and neither person wanted to be cruel enough to break it. Chris sighed and braced himself.

"Cole..". He started quietly, but Cole held up a hand to silence him. Normally if that happened Chris would be furious, but considering the circumstances... Chris looked up at Cole's face and saw a torrent of emotions battling for dominance. Fear seemed to be winning.

"Chris can't I wait until you've saved him. After seeing what the world could be like, after having this taste of freedom, I can't go back to the future now. Not now, knowing what I'm missing out on. What the entire world is missing out on. I just can't do it". Cole said very seriously. He didn't want to go back to the future now. It'd be to painful. It's too hard there. If he could just stay here until Chris saves Wyatt then he could go to the new future and he wouldn't have to live another second of the horrible future that he came from. Constantly having to look over your shoulder and running from probes, demons, even witches, it's just to much. And now that he's been here and experienced what true freedom feels like. It'd be worse then hell going back to the future. Chris looked down at the water and sighed. He felt horrible. To make someone go back to that future is like signing their death sentence. Or condemning them to hell on earth. Chris didn't want Cole to go back, but they couldn't be selfish. Cole is very important to the resistance and with Chris gone, he's needed there.

"I'm sorry". Was all Chris said. Cole closed his eye's tightly before opening them again. He obviously got the message. Cole bit his lower lip and nodded, hands in his pockets.

"When"? Cole asked. He didn't want to go back, but he understood why. When he had to leave however was another issue. Cole was really hoping that he could stay for just a little while longer. Just to enjoy himself for once after many years of torment. Chris sighed. He felt so horrible right now. Sure he isn't the one going back, but he is sentencing someone else to go back. Just knowing what was waiting for Cole at the other end.. Chris shivered with fear. Cole noticed this and shook his head. If you did that in the future you'd probably be killed on the spot.

"Tomorrow". Chris answered so quietly that Cole could barely hear him. Cole closed his eye's tightly against the fear and hopelessness that threatened to take over. Cole knew why he had to go back. He is, will be, whatever, one of the most powerful demons at the resistance. One of the most powerful members of the resistance in general, topped only by Melinda, Chris's sister. Cole sighed and nodded, determination burning in his eye's. He and Chris both knew that he was needed there, but it didn't make leaving the peacefulness of the past any easier.

"OK". Cole said softly. Chris looked at him with sorrow and regret in his eye's. Cole realized that no matter how bad he felt, Chris probably felt 10 times worse considering how he thought that this whole thing is/will be his fault. Cole pulled Chris into another hug and Chris tensed at first with surprised before relaxing into the hug. "Chris, this isn't your fault. When I came back I knew that I'd have to go back eventually, but I chose to come back anyways". They broke apart and Chris looked up at Cole with curious eye's.

"Why did you come back? The sisters would've fixed me eventually". He asked in confusion. Cole didn't want to crush any hope Chris had of Wyatt having changed a bit, but decided to answer anyways because Chris would get it out of him eventually.

"Wyatt came back from the past with you. Dead". Cole looked away from Chris, but noticed the look on his face that meant that he wanted more information. "He told everyone that he killed you for your betrayal. He said that anyone that continued to defy him would meet the same fate. Then he tied up the body at the stake, started the fire and..." Cole's voice trailed off. Chris didn't need to hear anymore. Chris felt a wave of pain wash over him. He thought that he'd gotten through to Wyatt. At least a little bit, but apparently not. It was just a trick. Like it always was. Chris turned his head away so that Cole wouldn't see the tears gathering in his eye's. Cole seemed to understand. He put his hands on Chris's shoulders and said "Hey, it's not your fault. You can't blame yourself for what Wyatt does. You've got to just focus on saving him. Being plagued with guilt wont help anyone; Wyatt or the future. Your strong Chris. If anyone can save him, you can". Chris nodded and Cole let go. "Now we should get back to the house before you family sends a search party after us and starts making another vanquishing potion for me". Chris smiled slightly and orbed out. Before shimmering out Cole took one last, long look around him. He knew that he would never see anything this good and beautiful again. With one last sigh he shimmered out, following Chris back to the manor.


Piper and Leo walked out of the attic in equal silence. They were both worried about Chris. After all he had just waken up and now he left he house. It's no wonder why they were so worried. In the past week alone he's been captured by his brother twice, lost his powers, was tortured and was stuck in a coma as a result of that torture. In fact it's a wonder that Piper isn't screaming and crying. However as she walked it became apparent that she was to exhausted to do much else then trust Chris as Leo had suggested. Speaking of Leo he wasn't doing much better then Piper. He had seen Chris tortured with his own eye's and is now scared for life. Seeing Chris like that had really done something to Leo. Considering that most of the time Chris had this whole stoic silence thing seeing him in obvious pain was pretty odd. Not to mention that he had been through all the same roller coaster of emotions as Piper had throughout this week. And having Cole around.. ya not helping. They continued waking down the stairs until they made it to Wyatt's nursery were they figured Phoebe and Paige were going to be. Looking in they noticed that no one was in there. They shrugged and kept walking until they made it to the kitchen where Phoebe and Paige are arguing about who should cook breakfast and Wyatt is gurgling happily in his high chair. Piper and Leo smiled at each other before moving in. Leo walked over and picked up Wyatt and started making faces at him, which caused him to erupt in high pitched giggles. Piper however went over to where Phoebe and Paige are arguing. Once her sisters caught sight of her they moved over to the table and left Piper to it. Soon enough Wyatt was fed and Piper had just finished breakfast. She handed out the pancakes and the family ate in silence until orb trails formed into Chris and, seconds later, Cole shimmered in.

"Hey, want some breakfast"? Piper asked them tiredly and she went over to the stove and fixed up some more pancakes without waiting for a response. Cole looked at Chris with raised eyebrows and Chris just smiled and shook his head before sitting down at the table next to Phoebe. Cole took the seat next to him and they both accepted the pancakes that Piper offered them. No one said anything for a few minuets, the only sound was the clinking of silverware.

"Are you two going to tell us what you snuck off to talk about or are we going to have to play twenty questions"? Paige asked sarcastically. Chris quickly stifled a laugh and Cole raised his eyebrows again. The rest of the tables occupants, excluding Wyatt, were looking curiously at them so Chris decided to answer for them.

"We were talking about Cole's return date". Noticing the confused looks on everyone's face, except Cole's and Wyatt's, he continued. "To the future".

"Oh". Piper said and returned to her breakfast. None of them expected that Cole would be staying. In fact they were wondering when he was leaving, but thought that that would sound incredibly rude to ask.

"Tomorrow". Cole added in between a mouthful of pancake. He was eating as though he hadn't eaten in a month. When Leo pointed this out Cole grunted "A week". Paige blinked several times in confusion and Phoebe also had a puzzled expression on her face. Leo and Piper looked pained considering that it's there son that's going to do this to the world.

"In the future food is kind of scarce". Chris told them solemnly. He looked down at his half eaten pancake guiltily. He had plenty to eat here, but there had been times back in the future where he was sure that he was going to die of starvation. Luckily that had never happened, but one time he fell into a coma from lack of eating. Piper looked at Chris sadly and Chris looked away from her. He knew that there was nothing that he could say to make her pain go away. Nothing he could do about it either, until he saves Wyatt that is.

"How are you getting back"? Piper asked him curiously, wondering if he should need their assistance.

"Well Wyatt's put some banns around time traveling so I'll probably need a power of three spell". Cole said. Before he could offer assistance in writing the spell Phoebe chimed in for the first time.

"I'll write it". She said softly and pushed away from the table. They heard her footsteps on the stairs and shrugged. Cole however had been wanting to talk to her for a while so he excused himself as well. Paige had been about to call him back, but Chris merely shook his head. Paige didn't look overly thrilled with the idea of leaving Phoebe and Cole alone, but she let it go and glared at her pancakes. Piper bit her lip in worry and Leo just shook his head in disgust. They had just gotten rid of cole. They so didn't need this now.


Phoebe walked into the attic and grabbed a notebook and a pen. She was going to write this spell, send Cole back to his time and never think about this again. After a few seconds of writing Phoebe threw the pen down and grabbed her head in her hands. For goodness sakes. It felt like every time she felt like she was starting to move on with her life and forget about Cole he just kept coming back. No matter what she did he would never leave her alone. Although it's not like she never thinks about him. Often times when she spacing out Phoebe will find herself wondering about what could've been. What if Cole hadn't become the source of all evil? Where would they be now? Would they have kids? Would they be happy? And why, WHY, couldn't she save him? Why did he become the source? Phoebe thought that her love had cured him, but apparently that just wasn't good enough? BUT WHY? Phoebe asked herself for the thousandth time. Phoebe felt the tears coming down her face and felt angry. Why did she always let Cole do this to her? She's got to move on! It's hard to move on though when your dead ex-husband keeps coming back. Phoebe sighed loudly as someone entered the attic. She didn't bother to look up and see who it was. The person grabbed a chair from the other side of the room and sat down in front of her. Startled, Phoebe realized that it was Cole. She quickly wiped away her tears and tried to glare at him, but it came out as more of a sad grimace.

"Phoebe we need to talk". Cole braced himself for impact from the wrath of Phoebe. He wasn't disappointed.

"No, Cole. We don't. You need to leave". She said to him in what she hoped was a strong steady voice. Cole sighed deeply and leaned back in his chair.

"OK then. I'll start". He said and without waiting for a response he continued. "Phoebe you need to move on". Phoebe looked up at him in confusion. Those were the last words out of his mouth that she was expecting. Phoebe expected Cole to tell her how sorry he was and to say that they'll could still be together in the future or say that he still loves her or something. Reading her expression Cole hurried along. "Your still holding on to me. Whether you want to deny it or not you are. You're holding on to what we used to have and what could've been. You've got to let me go. When I walk through that portal, I can almost certainly guarantee that you'll never see me again. Stop focusing on what could've been or what was and focus on what you can have. I still love you Phoebe, more then you know. And some part of you still loves me. We will always love each other, but it's not meant to be. I, finally, understand and accept that. Not it's time for you to as well". Coles words had gotten more filled with emotion and softer as he went. Despite that his words were strong and they both know that he's right. Phoebe's eye's began to water.

"Cole.." Phoebe hesitated for a minuet, not knowing if she could trust this Cole enough to open up to him. He nodded encouragingly and she decided to continue. "I'm afraid". She whispered. "I'm afraid of letting go. I'm afraid that if I let you go I'll never be able to find true love again". She whispered. Cole nodded in understanding.

"I know you're afraid Phoebe. And you have every right to be. But holding on to our love isn't going to bring you the kind of love that you want and need. It's pushing that love away. You need to let me go. You have to let me go". Cole whispered back, his words slightly stronger then Phoebe's. At Cole's words Phoebe allowed her tears to overcome her. He's right. She has been pushing love away, waiting for exactly the same kind of love as she had with Cole. She'll never find love exactly the same as the connection that she shared with Cole. Phoebe realized that she does have to let him go; and it broke her heart. Phoebe broke down and started to cry. Cole sat down next to her wearily and Phoebe leaned toward him slightly. Cole took this as the ok and wrapped his arms around him in the most comforting embrace Phoebe had experienced for a while. She cried harder and turned her head into his chest. Cole rested his head on top of hers and didn't say anything. There was nothing more that he could say. She needs to let him go; and now she's finally letting go. Phoebe continued to cry for a while and Cole hugged her tighter. Phoebe finally admitted to herself the things that she's been denying for a while now. She does love Cole. The comfort of his strong arms around her and the smell of his after shave. She finally admitted it to herself and it hurt like hell, but in a way she felt relieved. She was finally getting these feelings off of her chest and opening herself up to love again. Cole smiled as she started to quiet down.

"Thank you". She whispered to him. She never wanted this moment to end, but she knew it had to. She pulled away from him gently and looked at his tear stained shirt. Before she could even apologize Cole held his hand over the material and the moisture disappeared. Phoebe raised her eyebrows at him, but before Cole could answer they hear footsteps on the stairs. It sounds as thought the family was coming up. Phoebe eye's widened and she hurriedly tried to erase all traces of her tears. Cole held his hand over hear face and the tear tracks, and red puffiness around her eye's disappeared. She smiled at him and he got up and walked across the room. Phoebe picked up her notebook just as Piper, Leo, Chris and Paige, who's holding Wyatt, came through the door, trying to contain their curiosity. Phoebe smiled at them and Cole just glanced at them before continuing to look through the book. Paige looked between Phoebe and Cole suspiciously while the rest of them looked on with curiosity and confusion.

"So what's going on up here"? Paige asked in a not-very-nice voice. Piper elbowed her in the ribs and took Wyatt from her. Paige put her hands on her hips as if to say 'I'm waiting'. Phoebe and Cole glanced at each other subtly before Phoebe answered.

"Actually we were talking about how to word the spell to get around Wyatt's time bans. But since we're the power of three it shouldn't be that difficult. I'm thinking of mixing up the spell that we used to send Wyatt back". Phoebe told her coolly. Paige blushed and had the decency to look embarrassed for thinking that anything different had been going on. Inside Phoebe was feeling more free then she had for a while. She couldn't help but smile while wring the spell. Chris noticed this and raised his eyebrows at Cole. Chris had a shrewd idea about what had gone on up here and was silently asking Cole. Cole looked around the room to make sure that no one's watching him and gave Chris a thumbs up. Chris smiled and shook his head. Who'd have thought that it'd be Cole, of all people, to get through Phoebe's stubborn head. Chris kept smiling and had to stop himself from laughing. He was glad that Phoebe was letting go, but the irony of Cole helping Phoebe let go of him was just too funny. Piper noticed his cheerful demeanor and shot him a questioning look.

"I'll tell you later". He whispered to her and Piper smiled. She Chris well enough to know that he was buying himself some time so that hopefully Piper would just forget about it. About 10 minuets later and the spell was ready.

"One spell to send Cole to the future all ready to go". Phoebe said proudly. Not that it was a difficult spell or anything, but she was very proud of herself that she had actually let go of Cole. There were only one or two pangs of sadness while writing this spell and Phoebe was very grateful of that. Cole looked up from where he was leaning against the wall and sighed, sadness etched into his face. He really didn't want to leave. After experiencing real freedom and seeing Chris again... he really didn't want to leave. But Cole isn't selfish and knew that it had to be done. He nodded and walked over to Cole.

"Be careful". Cole said to Chris. Chris smiled sadly and opened his arms. Cole stepped into them and they hugged for a moment. Once they broke apart Cole whispered "Good luck". Chris nodded, not trusting his voice. He and Cole are very close and he didn't want Cole to leave. However Chris knew he was needed in the future and knew that he had to let Cole leave. Cole stepped over to Paige and she watched him suspiciously for a minuet. "I know you never really liked me much Paige, and I know that at the time I deserved it, but I just want you to know that I'm out of Phoebe's life. Completely". Paige bit her lip in resentment before nodding. Cole smiled to himself apparently satisfied. He then moved over to Leo and Piper. "You've got two wonderful kids. Don't take them for granted again". The last statement was more aimed toward Leo who swallowed and shot Chris a quick glance before nodding. Cole looked toward Piper. "Thank you for your help Piper". He said sincerely. She had always tried to trust him and he was happy about that. Piper also nodded somewhat awkwardly and Cole moved over to Phoebe. He was unsure of what to say and what to do so he was surprised when Phoebe wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug. Cole hugged her back.

"Thank you". Phoebe whispered to him. Cole nodded and they let go. Piper, Leo and Paige were looking at Phoebe suspiciously, but she shook her head in the 'I'll tell you later' gesture. Cole stepped back from Phoebe and Piper handed Wyatt to Leo. Piper and Paige walked over to Phoebe and the three sisters began to chant.

"Hear these words

Hear the rhyme

Heed the hope within our minds

Send Cole forward to where he'll find

The resistance base in space and time

Unnoticed by any powers other then we

Commanded by the power of three; so mote it be!"

Once they were done chanting Cole was surrounded by blue/white lights. With one last wave to Chris and Phoebe he was gone and the attic was silent. Piper, Paige and Leo sighed in relief, but Chris and Phoebe looked at each other with sadness. Phoebe was finally moving on and she would miss him, but she wouldn't let it consume her anymore. Chris would miss him, but he had other things to focus on. Like saving Wyatt. Piper turned towards them.

"Now what were you two going to tell me"? She asked. Chris and Phoebe looked at each other. Neither of them wanted to go through that again so Chris changed the subject.

"Mom"? Chris asked.

"Ya"? She asked back.

"When can we start hunting demons again"?