WHOA WHOA! Just what a minute! This is not what you think.

First off I still and will always love KiGo. They were my first yuri pairing I fell in love with. However due to major lack of inspiration as well as when I will explain in a moment as my second reasoning, I am TEMPORARILY canceling this story. What this mean is that I will NOT fully give up on it. In due time I desire to return to it, but for now have no sure feels. So I will no longer be trying to work on it for now until I regain my mojo for it.

Reasoning number two, I've got over this story a multitude of time when trying to work on it but in all honestly I hate how it and the others turned out. Nothing was planned. It was all spur of the moment, making it sloppy and rather rushed. Not to mention my grammar and writing back then was… DX Ugh! I feel sick just re-reading some chapters there so bad.

A lot of you may think to feel other wise, but trust me when I say I've gotten better. And in saying that brings to to my third and final reasoning. I plan on rewriting this as well as all my other KiGo's when the time comes.

To prove too you what I mean here's a random section from the story I've pulled out.


Chapter 16-

Shego looked to see Kim cuddling to her lovingly like she always did.


"You really think I'd ever leave my soul to my body behind."

Shego's eyes began to twinkle with hope and excitement.

"I love you Shego. I always have and always will. We are soul mates. We are Ying and Yang. We are lovers and very soon mates as one."

Shego was so moved that she didn't realize she was crying right in front of her Kimmie. Her Kimmie? Yes! She was hers now! Now and forever she would be her Kimmie, her Pumpkin, her Princess. Hers for life.

Kim's form then slowly began to grow bigger until she was hovering over Shego.

Shego turned over leaving her belly exposed and her back against the nest.

Kim hung over her in her werewolf form with eyes of longing and desiring love and passion.

"Well Shego, are we going to get the night started or will you leave me hanging on this full moon night?" Kim deeply growl purred.

Shego's eyes sparkled with bliss and pure passion. Tonight would be the night. Tonight would be 'there'night! There night to finally claim what was there's from the beginning.

Shego began morphing into her werewolf form, but Kim wasn't going to wait any longer. She claimed Shego's lips in the most heated and passionate kiss either had ever experienced. And both knew there would be more of that to come.


Chapter 16-

Shego glanced to her side, there, just like always was her Kimmy. Lovingly curled up to her flank like an eager pup.

Baffled Shego, at first had no words. A moment passed by until she found her voice, however all she could muster was a startled whimper. "Kimmie…?"

Shifting onto her back, exposing her stomach Kim gave the green she-wolf a wolfish grin. "Do you really think I'd leave behind the soul to my body?"

The emerald in Shego's eyes glistened as a spark of renewed hope flickered.

"I love you Shego." Kim moaned affectionately, snuggling into the warmer then normal feel of her partner's fur. A low growl of happiness vibrated from the smaller's throat. "I've always loved you. You're my soulmate. We're like ying and yang. Good and evil, rivals, friends, lovers…and very soon," Not realizing the tender words had touched so deeply Shego failed to notices tears streaking down her furry cheeks as Kim lovingly nuzzled into her love's chest. "Very soon, hopefully," Kim turned and with as much love as her eyes would allow gaze up into her lover's. "Hopefully I can call you my mate."

That did it. Shego's breath hitched. Kimmie… Her Kimmie. Her darling Princess. Her adorable Pumpkin wanted her as…

Words could not describe the sheer overflow of emotion welling up within Shego's eyes.

Smiling Kim shifted from human to anthro, rising on her honchos towards her soon-to-be-mate.

Shego, remaining in feral form turned over, exposing her underbelly as she started her back again there nest.

There nest. That had such a lovely ring to it.

Kim took advantage of the new position, straddling her she-wolf and pressing there lower body's firmly against one another. Both groaned just as the simple pressure.

"Well Shego," said woman looked up into overwhelming forest green eyes of pure love and desire. "Are you just going to leave me hanging on this full moon night?" Kim growled seductively, so deeply it come out as a gruff, throaty purr.

Shego's eyes widened at such an alluring sound. Her tongue darted out briefly to wet her parched lips.

Tonight. It was really going to happen tonight. They were finally going to be together forever. To become one. The beginning of there night.

Growing impatient Kim rocked her hips, creating some rather harsh friction. Yet the receiver sounded like she thoroughly enjoyed it if that loud throaty moan was anything to go by.

Agreeing to her Princesses silent demands Shego shifted, joining her so-to-be-mate in her anthro form.

However despite Shego quick shift Kim was throw waiting and the moment the feral wolf completed her transformation Kim attacked. Orange fur shifted and meshed together with black as the two began the oldest duel of love. Lips locked, paws wandering, claws lightly scraping and hip-a-rocking. Ranges from low to high moans and groan picked up as there nightly love song started. Both knowing that soon, very soon the best part of there duet was yet to come.


I am however getting rid of Demon and Angles, Fire and Ice, Warm Heartless, A Dragon's Wrath and Rainbow Rabbits because they're just way to god awful! x( I may choose to some day rewrite them, but that idea is currently none exciting.

I am terrible sorry too you all. I know I absolutely loath it when authors do this to stories I love and have been waiting for, but I now understand why and have a whole new range or understanding and respect for them. You will too one day when you're in this predicament. Again I'm sorry and how you stay turned to my other works.