A/N: Story have been fixed and edited by , my epic new beta! Thank you so much!
Author: Nekoyasha12
Disclaimer: "Kim Possible" and all characters within © The Walt Disney Company and its related entities. Kim Possible created by Mark McCorkle & Bob Schooley. All rights reserved. No profit is being collected from the fiction contained within. You can blame the rest of this on me.
Rating: M is my rating for combat violence and intimations of a physical relationship and intimate contact between consenting adult females. This also covers harsh language but not too harsh. If this will offend you, please read something else and then seek professional help.
Summary: Shego had been gone for four years and through all that time Kim has missed her. But has she felt a deeper emotion. And why did Shego leave and where did she go all that time. And what does this clan of a pack of wolves known as SilverBlood want with Kim? What has Shego done to her? Who are the ThunderClaws'? And why are the SilverBloods' and ThunderClaws' at war. And why has the war been brought to Middleton?
*Kim's Secret*
On the Outskirts of Middleton at a Mansion
The night was full of mystery and magic. A full moon shun over the mansion. She stood naked on her back porch.
"Soon. Very soon." she whispered as a cloud started to uncover the moon. "I wonder how you're doing tonight my beloved…"
A few moments passed when the moon was visible and its mystical light shown down on her. She let out a soft cry of pain as her body contorted and stretched. She fell to her knees in pain. She was use to the pain but not 100 percent. Even though she had been cursed for four years now, the transformation was still a bit agonizing. All she did was growl as her morphing hands clawed into the wooden porch. She then fell to her side in her new form, exhausted from the pain.
She growled as she rose to look at the moon. Her eyes filled with the full moon's enchanted powers as she then let out a wild howl.
On the Opposed Side of Town
A slender woman wearing a pink T-shirt with black slacks and white socks stood looking out at the moon through one of her back windows. Her red hair stretched to her mid back.
She heard something outside, so she went to her back porch to check it out.
"I know I hear something of the sorts as to a wolf's howl" she said as she walked into her backyard to scan the area.
Unaware to her a pair of green watched her every movement.
As the woman turned to leave the creature whimpered. The woman spins around. She looked around until she saw the hidden eyes through the bushes.
The creature started to back up whimpering.
"No, no. It's alright. I won't hurt you" the red head said kneeling down. She thought it was a stray dog. But then she saw those emerald eyes the woman got lost in them. "You have beautiful eyes" she told the dog as she started inching closer.
The dog whimpered again and backed up more.
"Oh come on. I won't hurt you. I just want to be your friend."
The woman held out her hand as she kept on repeating "Come here. Come here beautiful eyes. Come here doggy. It's ok."
The coxing seemed to be working, for the women could see a nose appear. But once she saw the nose she knew this was no ordinary dog. And her thoughts were realized when the dog came out of the bushes.
The dog had grass green fur. The tip of its ears, paws, tip of its tail, and muzzle were black and its chest through the belly and under the tail was all white. Its nose and pads were light green, and its eyes, sparkling emerald green like its claws.
The red head was amazed.
"My, aren't you a beautiful dog."
The women knelt there with her hand out as the dog came up and licked it.
The women was wondering why the dog didn't smell her first or why it seemed to already know her and was not frightened. Did this dog know her? She didn't know it.
The women then reach out and went to pet the dog, when the dog saw the red head's smile it lunged at her making the women fall back as the dog licked her face.
The woman's smile grew as she laughed with delight.
"Alright! Alright!" she giggled as she pushed her way out from under the dog and to her feet.
The women then looked at the dog, whose tongue was lolling to the side of its mouth, panting, and tail wagging.
"Would you like to come in? I have some meat for you."
The dog made a bark like sound that sounded more wolf then dog and the women noticed. As well the dog was twice the size of a normal dog. It looked more wolf with a different coat color. And the women DID notice.
"Good! Come on in!" she said as she started running towards the door trying to get the dog excited. And she did. The dog ran after her and both bolted though the door.
Once the women got the dog in she closed the door and locked it then turned to the dog, who's tail was still wagging.
"Ok, let's find you some dinner shall we" the women said as she walked into the kitchen.
She opened her fridge and saw a package of a boneless steak.
"Well I was saving this for dinner tomorrow, but you need it more than me" the women said pulling out the steak and tearing off the plastic. She pick up the steak. "Here you go" she said handing the steak to the dog. The dog did another wolf bark and took the steak and started eating.
Only a few moments passed until the dog was done. Leaving no trace that there ever was a steak.
The women bent down and pet the dog's head, smiling at the dog, which made its tail wag faster.
"Now, I need to think of a name for you. But first" The women paused. "I'm Kim Possible." She paused again. "Now I need to know which sex you are. Are you a boy?"
The dog glared at her.
"Alright so girl. Ok, now for a name. How 'bout Leaf?"
The dog glared at Kim again.
"Ok, ok. Then how 'bout, Night, or maybe, Midnight?"
The dog looked around when its eyes caught sight of a picture on the dining room table right next to the kitchen.
The dog barked to get Kim's attention and when she did the female canine leaped on the counter and lunged for the picture. Once she grabbed it in her mouth she did a spiraling flip in mid air, landed it, and then rushed back to Kim. The dog dropped the picture at Kim's feet but the red head was still baffled after what she just witnessed. She knew the dog seemed different, yet special, but she had no idea.
The dog did another wolf bark to pull the dazed red head out of her thoughts.
Kim looked down at what the dog had brought her. It was a picture of Shego. Kim didn't understand, but as she looked at the picture memories came pouring back.
Kim grabbed the picture, backed up against her fridge, and slid down it as she came to sit up against it on the floor. Kim's expression softens as a few tears slid down her cheek.
The dog noticed this and wonders why Kim was behaving this way to a picture of Shego. But when the female canine saw her tears she went up to Kim and nuzzled her, whimpering to comfort.
"Oh doggy, I miss her."
This peeked the dog's interest and she looked up at Kim as she again whimpered.
"Throughout my teenage life I fought villains, but the one I loved to fight the most was her." Kim looked down at the picture. "But four years ago, after I graduated from high school she disappeared. I've tried to hide it and lie but I was horrible at both, my friends and family and even Bonnie started noticing I missed her. But they thought I missed her for someone to spar with." Kim looked out her kitchen window up at the moon. "But what I didn't notice was that something inside me grew for her, every time we met and fought something inside me grew. It wasn't till a year after she vanished that I realized it…" Tears slid down her cheeks and she held the picture close to her. "I had a crush on her. But now… Now that she's gone, I've realized what I've been missing and I now grasped the reality that…" Kim buried her face into her knees squeezing the picture close to her chest as two thin rivers ran down from her eyes and she cried out. "I'm in love with Shego!"
The dog's ears shot straight up as her mouth dropped and her eyes widened.
Kim gathered herself up and wiped away her tears. "Promise me doggy that, that secret will stay between us?"
The dog closed her mouth and nodded.
"Now, you need a name." Kim looked down at the picture the dog brought her as an idea struck her. She looked at the dog. "How does Kigo sound? Cause in some weird way you remind me of Shego. And I can take care of you like my baby. And I like my name. So? How does Kigo sound girl?"
The dog thought it over for a bit then twitched its ears as to say 'what the heck' and she jumped on Kim licking her all over her face but mostly on her lips.
Kim laughed. "Alright! Alight!" she said with a giggle as she got up. She looked at her microwave clock. It read 11:30PM. "Wow it's that late already. Time for bed Kigo."
The dog looked at the time and her eyes widened. She ran to the backyards door and started clawing and wolf barking at it.
Kim looked at her puzzled. "What's wrong Kigo? We want to go out now?" Kim unlocked the door and before she could fully open it Kigo squeezed though and bolted out. Kim thought she needed to use the bathroom but when she didn't stop and leaped over the bushes Kim ran after her.
"Kigo! Kigo where you going girl!?"
Once on the other side of the bush, the dog turned to look at Kim. She could see sadness in the red head's eyes. The dog felt torn but knew she had to leave. But to not make Kim sad she ran back over and rubbed up against the red head. Kim hugged her new friend. The dog licked Kim's lips.
"Will I ever see you again?"
The dog backed up raised her head and released a wolf howl to assure Kim 'yes'. Then the dog quickly whirled around, and bolted down the street.
Kim stood there feeling like she lost Shego all over again, but did not know why she felt like that, but waved bye as tears streamed down her face.
Back On the Outskirts of Middleton at the Mansion
It was three minutes to midnight.
The dog ran up to the door and pushed with her nose on a spot just about one foot under the door bell. The spot opened and a scanner three times the size of a normal person's hand. The dog's was half the size. The dog placed its paw on the scanner as its paw was scanned.
The scanner then shined green as the door opened.
The dog back turned where she knew Kim lived, and released a long, powerful, wolf howl, then turned and ran inside the mansion.
There where giant doggy doors all over the mansion, to get in and out of rooms. There was a fire going in the large living room, while the rest of the house was dark. There was also an enormous sided cushion six feet from the fire place. About six more feet back was a giant couch, and a small table right beside it with a photo resting on top. Then all around the walls of that room were book shelves with hundreds of books.
The dog 'Kigo', as Kim called her, walked over to the small table and knocked the photo over, but caught it just in time in her mouth. Kigo then went and lied down on the cushion in front of the fire. She crossed her front paws and placed the photo against one paw then rested her head on her paw partially and on the photo partially. Kigo then whimpered as she drifted off to slumber.
In the dim light of the fire the face of the photo could be barely made out as Kim Possible.
-End of Chap. 1-