Ok first off the disclaimer!
My OC (Hoshi): emorocks91 (Kat) Owns nothing but me! I repeat! NOTHING BUT ME MY INSAINITY AND WHAT IT DOSE TO THE NARUTO WORLD! Sorry a bit hyper off of the imaginary sugar Kat gave me.
Kat: Yeah if I did I would be living in a beach house some where in Kawaii (small island near Hawaii) OH! And I have to thank Tsuki of the Roselight for the inspiration of it from Medium and letting me use it! - THANKS TSUKI! Ok how 'bout we start off with her appearance! Since I don't feel like explaining what she looks like I'll give you the urls!
12 year old her- i471.\(DOT)photobucket(DOT)com/albums/rr73/babygurl2795/An_anime_stare_by_thtfgfvcbvc(DOT)jpg
Little her-i405(DOT)photobucket(DOT)com/albums/pp133/arturia14/purple(DOT)jpg
OK! Now that that's taken care of you will probably want to know her background. Otherwise you'll be utterly confused when you read this and I'll stare at you and laugh. Hoshi was just put at the Haruno door step when she was four not remembering anything but a lady that had purple hair cut up all over and covered with bruises was crying that brought her too the door step, gave her a hug and kiss promising one day she'd be back for her then rang the door bell left her there.
Pic of the lady- media(dot)photobucket(dot)com/image/ninja%20purple%20%20hair/kagome_inu_kikyo/b87c588d(dot)jpg?o=4 (sorry its the only way to submit the url just copy it and replace the (dots) with actual periods
The Haruno family took her in, giving her a mom a dad and a sister. Her and Sakura were not only sisters but best friends. But now three years later, she hangs out with Ino all the time instead, and that is where our story begins.
Hoshi's P.O.V
'It was OUR day to hang out! Then SHE had to come and take it away!' I thought sadly and a little mad at Ino for taking away my sister. I got so upset that I started running. Not knowing where I was going, but I didn't care I just kept going. Some how I ended up at the training grounds where the K.I.A. stone was. I just let my self drop in to the soft grass and cry my self in to sleep, depressed and exhausted from today's events. After what felt like just minutes, but was really hours I finally woke up, feeling at least ten times better. After the blurriness of sleep started to fade from my eyes I noticed there was a boy standing over me giving me a look of pity. He had black spiky hair really nice brown eyes pale skin, but what I found strange was he had orange goggles. Why would someone with such nice eyes need goggles? He backed away when he saw my eyes were open. I sat up rubbing my eyes still not feeling completely awake yet.
"Um who are you?" I asked looking straight at the boy.
He looked to his right then left, but apparently saw nothing because he looked back at me almost confused. He then pointed to him self and mouthed 'me?' with a look of confusion.
I just nodded. Geeze was this guy an idiot or what? Seriously! He was the only one here, who did he think I was talking to? The jolly green giant? Sheesh!
The confusion in his eyes sky-rocketed and he looked confused on the situation and what to do.
"You can see me?" He asked in astonishment.
"Uh yeah! I'm talking to you aren't I?" I said slightly annoyed. It's amazing that I haven't gone on some rampage yet! First my sister gets stolen away from me by some blond prep with an annoying voice and now some retard was watching me in my sleep and thinks they've become the freaken invisible man. Now something tells me he's not going to leave me alone to wallow in misery and self pity. God seems to hate me. Maybe I should convert to jashinism. That'll rile people up, but I'm not really one for self inflicted physical pain soooo that's outta the question. Oh well. Just one more thing for me to be upset about.
He blushed a bit from embarrassment. "Uh yeah I guess but,…"
"But what?" I asked getting more annoyed by the minute.
"You see your not actually supposed to be able to see me, cause your alive and I'm…….I'm dead." He almost whispered.
I stared a him in a moment of silence. Then I just kinda broke down I laughter. I mean seriously! He MUST be joking but after about a minute I realized I'm the only one laughing. Why am I the only one laughing?! He's the one who made the joke he should be laughing too right? So why isn't he laughing?! Crap.
"I'm not joking" he said calmly.
"But….but…. but …..but" and there I went! Out like a light. How many times am I gonna be in an unconscious state on this grass? Really!
I woke up a while latter blurry eyed. At least I presumed it to be a while. It didn't feel like very long when your unconscious, but what ever. I have to focus! My eye sight is still blurry and all I see is a mix of white black orange and yellow. Not the most fun to see colors when you wake up. It was all too damn bright! Damn it! It should just go away and let e slip back in to unconsciousness! I was happy there! No worries just plain peacefulness. Which I have a feeling I'm not going to get a lot of anymore. When the blurriness finally fades I see the boy from before who If I got his name at all I'm still too tired to care. But not only him! Oh no! now there is this man/guy/person wearing wayyyyyyy too much white for my tastes. Uck! It's too light. He also had insanely bright yellow hair and really pretty blue eyes. Geeze! Again with the eyes why dose everyone have nice eyes but me? Seriously! My eyes suck! Dark green? They look like a plant! I much rather have this dudes aqua blue eyes or my sisters emerald green eyes. Tch. Not fair! Oh wait. I'm ranting again aren't I? Oh well back to the story! They just stood over me watching my every move, like I'm some kind of foreign specimen that they've never seen before. Geeze! What am I? ET? Hehe E...T… phone… home! LOL my and my personal corny jokes.
"What never seen a girl sleepin' in the grass before?" I asked rudely with a scowl.
"Not one that can talk to the dead" Said the man with the overly bright blond hair and white trenchish coatish thing. Blech damn the thing still too much white. I much prefer black. Its not blinding and darkness is often misunderstood. Not bad.
"And why exactly am I actually supposed to believe that your actually dead and not two completely insane people?" I asked tired of this stupid game or prank they're pulling. Stupid older people! Think they can make me believe what ever they want just cause I'm younger then them. Well guess what? I'm not completely air headed as you might think!
"'Cause I'm the fourth Hokage" He said completely calm. Ok I didn't expect that. Now that I thought about it, he did look like the pictures I saw. So either this was the real deal or they're REALLY crazy. Ok I have to test this somehow….
"I still need some kind of proof. Do something ghostyey." I said.
"Ghostyey?" Asked the guy with black hair, that I STILL don't have the name of. Great now I'm being mocked. Stupid ghosts. GREAT NOW IM ACTUALLY BELIVEING THEM! Curse them.
"You want proof? Fine then." Said 'The fourth Hokage' He then led us to the town and just started walking THROUGH people along with the black haired boy! I was like 'HOLEY SHIT!' I may just be a kid who is still too innocent to cuss yet, but that was most definitely the appropriate term for this situation! How many people have you seen walk through other people like they're not even their?! They came back looking like nothing happened. While they're all 'calm, no big deal' I'm still stuck in 'HOLEY SHIT' mode. Then the ghost dude with black hair starts laughing at me!
"Hahahaha you should see your face!" He exclaims and continues laughing. Even the other ghost dude is smiling in amusement. Stupid ghosts! I'm getting to like these ghosts less and less! I go up to the black haired ghost and hit him over the head.
"Owwwww! What was that for?!" He exclaimed in pain.
"For laughing at me baka!" I yelled at him. I was officially OUT of patience! The older ghost just watched us in amusement.
"Hey wait!" I exclaimed. "If your ghosts and can walk through people why was I able to hit the baka over here?" I asked getting confused.
"I'm not completely sure. It could have something to do with you being able to see and hear us. So that could be why your able to feel us too." Said the fourth Hokage in a smartish thinking pose.
"Okay. So anyone wanna tell me WHY exactly I'm able to do all of these things?" I asked. Wondering why that wasn't the FIRST question I asked.
"Again I'm not sure, but I have heard of a kekeigenkai where people are able to see the dead. I didn't believe it, but I heard of it." The fourth said calmly. "What clan are you from?" he asked.
"Well I live with the Haruno clan, but I know I wasn't born their. All I remember is a really pretty lady that was really hurt, hugging me and then just left me their." I explained. It's true I don't remember much. I was five and everyone knows five year olds have the attention span of a gold fish. Not that much has changed for me. It was just at that moment I noticed the sun going down.
"CRUD! I'm late!" I exclaimed. And started to run towards my house.
"Wait! We don't even know your name. Mines Obito!" Said the black haired boy.
"ITS HOSHI!" I yelled back while running.